In most places, taxis are plentiful, reliable and not very expensive. The meter should be running unless there is a fixed fare (as is the case from some airports). Fare supplements may be added to the meter price for journeys at night, at weekends or for station/airport departures. Prices should be displayed on the inside window of the taxi.
I need a taxi
Necesito un taxi ne-the-see-to oon taksee
Where is the taxi stand?
¿Dónde está la parada de taxis? ¿donde esta la pa-ra-da de taksees?
enseguida en-se-gee-da
for (time)
para las… pa-ra las…
How much is the taxi fare…?
¿Cuánto cuesta ir en taxi…? ¿kwanto kwesta eer en taksee…?
into town
al centro al thentro
to the hotel
al hotel al o-tel
to the station
a la estación a la es-ta-thyon
to the airport
al aeropuerto al a-e-ro-pwair-to
to this address
a esta dirección a esta dee-rek-thyon
Please take me/us to…
¿Me/Nos lleva a … por favor? ¿me/nos lye-ba a … por fa-bor?
Keep the change
Quédese con la vueltake-de-se kon la bwelta
Sorry, I don’t have any change
Lo siento, no tengo nada de cambio lo syento, no tengo na-da de kambyo
Flights between countries belonging to the Schengen Agreement are considered as domestic. Passengers taking those flights will not be subject to immigration controls on arrival or departure. The UK is not part of this, so arrivals from the UK are subject to immigration controls.
la UE la oo eh
the EU
la aduana la a-doo-a-na
customs control
el pasaporte el pa-sa-por-te
Do I have to pay duty on this?
¿Tengo que pagar derechos de aduana por esto? ¿tengo ke pagar de-re-chos de a-doo-a-na por esto?
It is for my own personal use
Es para uso personal es pa-ra ooso pair-so-nal
We are on our way to… (if in transit through a country)
Estamos aquí de paso, vamos a… es-ta-mos a-kee de pa-so,