Regency Christmas Vows: The Blanchland Secret / The Mistress of Hanover Square. Anne Herries

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Название Regency Christmas Vows: The Blanchland Secret / The Mistress of Hanover Square
Автор произведения Anne Herries
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Издательство Исторические любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474006439

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all means.’ Guy fell into step beside her as they turned back up the hill. ‘What are your impressions of Woodallan after all these years, Miss Sheridan? Does it bring back happy memories for you?’

      Sarah paused. They were skirting a huge oak that stood alone in the middle of the meadow. In the summers long ago she had scrambled up into its spreading branches and sat feeling the sway of the tree in the breeze. Clara and Emma had been too scared to climb so high and Lady Sheridan had scolded her daughter for being a tomboy.

      ‘Sometimes it is a mistake to go back, my lord.’

      Guy’s hand was on her arm. ‘But if the past could also be the future, Miss Sheridan…?’

      Sarah felt terribly tempted. To regain so much, to return to a place that held such happy memories…But the one thing that she really wanted—Guy’s love—was not part of the bargain. His charm and kindness to her were dangerous, drawing her in again, stirring up feelings she wanted to forget, making her vulnerable. Many, more practical than she, would settle for such an advantageous marriage of convenience. Perhaps, Sarah thought, she might have done so herself were her feelings not engaged. But the thought of Guy with another woman in his arms made her feel quite sick. If she bore his name, she could not bear to lose him.

      Sarah turned away abruptly and walked on.

      ‘There is something I need to tell you, Miss Sheridan,’ Guy said, after a moment. ‘It concerns your trip to Blanchland. Would you care to discuss it here, or wait until we are back in the house?’

      ‘Perhaps it would be better to talk as we walk back, my lord.’

      ‘To avoid another uncomfortable tête-à-tête?’ Guy gave her an ironic smile. ‘Have no fear, Miss Sheridan! Even I am not so lost to all sense of propriety as to try to seduce you in my parents’ house! However, if you wish, we shall talk of it now. The cold air is death to strong passion, after all!’

      Sarah blushed angrily. ‘Did you have some material point to make, my lord?’

      ‘Indeed!’ Guy stretched lazily, then drove his hands into his coat pockets. Sarah hastily averted her eyes. Such blatant masculinity at such close quarters was decidedly unsettling.

      ‘I have to tell you that I am to accompany you to Blanchland,’ Guy continued. He smiled at Sarah’s evident annoyance. ‘I am sorry, Miss Sheridan, but my father wills it so and I am sure you would not wish to disappoint him!’

      ‘I thought that you said you would not tell your parents of my destination,’ Sarah said crossly. She regarded him with suspicion. ‘There is something very strange about this, my lord! Do you care to explain?’

      ‘Very well,’ Guy said obligingly. ‘I believe that you received a letter from your late brother asking you to offer your aid to a certain young lady. The request necessitated you travelling to Blanchland. My father received a similar letter asking that he offer you all support in your search. Unfortunately he is too ill to undertake the obligation, so he has asked me to do so in his place. So I will be journeying to Blanchland with you, Miss Sheridan!’ He held the gate open for her to walk through into the gardens. ‘I am sure you cannot be pleased—’

      ‘No, indeed! It is most unfortunate!’

      Guy’s ironic smile deepened. ‘Thank you, Miss Sheridan!’

      ‘Oh!’ Sarah caught herself. ‘Indeed, I am very grateful to Lord Woodallan for offering me assistance, but truly there is no need—’

      ‘You waste your breath if you seek to dissuade me, Miss Sheridan,’ Guy said drily. ‘My father is adamant and I must do as he wishes.’

      They walked on a little in silence. The winter wind was chill with an edge of sleet to it now.

      ‘If you were to consult your own inclination rather than your duty—’ Sarah began.

      ‘Then the answer would still be the same. I am at your disposal!’

      Sarah gave an angry sigh. ‘Frank should not have burdened Lord Woodallan with such a commission!’

      ‘I agree with you,’ Guy said readily. ‘I also believe that your brother must have felt he had placed you in an invidious position, not to say an irregular one! He was appealing to Lord Woodallan as your godfather and the person who could offer you protection. Had he known that Blanchland had become a house of ill fame I am persuaded he would never have laid such a charge on you!’ He shrugged. ‘As it is, I am astonished you accepted the obligation!’

      Sarah pulled the brim of her bonnet closer about her face to protect her from the sting of the wind. ‘I know it must seem most singular,’ she admitted, ‘and, to own the truth, I did not wish to do so! But Frank has asked it and the girl is my niece whether I like it or not, so…’ Her voice trailed away. She was not sure whether she was glad or otherwise of Guy’s support in the matter. Had it been Lord Woodallan, as Frank had intended, she would have accepted his help unequivocally. But Guy was a different matter and now Frank’s actions had made it impossible for her to keep him at a distance.

      ‘How do you intend to present your case to Sir Ralph?’ Guy asked, watching lazily as doubt and worry chased each other swiftly across Sarah’s expressive face. They were approaching the door of the house now. ‘Do you intend to reveal the whole to him?’

      Sarah bit her lip. Guy seemed to have a talent for hitting on precisely the matters that concerned her. She still had not decided how to tackle that problem, uncertain whether to take Sir Ralph into her confidence or not. Sarah’s heart sank as she realised how ill prepared she was for the whole venture. What thoughts she had had since leaving Bath had been all to do with Guy himself and nothing to do with Olivia Meredith at all!

      ‘I have not really decided…’ She knew she sounded vague. ‘I confess I need more time to fashion a tale…Oh, dear,’ she finished, despairing, ‘was there ever such an ill-thought-out enterprise!’

      Guy’s lips twitched. ‘My dear Miss Sheridan, can I not persuade you to change your mind, even at this eleventh hour? Despite my reluctance, I am willing to stand your friend and go to Blanchland on your behalf!’

      For a moment, Sarah was tempted. To wash her hands of the whole matter was very appealing, but she had not persisted this far in order to turn back now.

      ‘Thank you, sir. It is a generous offer, but I feel I must go myself.’

      ‘You are very obstinate, Miss Sheridan!’ Without warning, Guy stopped and took her hands in his. ‘Obstinate, difficult, determined to cause a scandal—’

      ‘I will thank you to be quiet, my lord!’ Sarah was pink with indignation. She dropped the muff and could not free herself to pick it up again. ‘Let me go! Someone will see us!’

      Guy shrugged. ‘Very probably! I cannot say that the thought disturbs me!’

      ‘Oh!’ Sarah tried disengage herself again. Guy refused to let go.

      ‘You yourself,’ Sarah said furiously, ‘are arrogant and high-handed—’

      ‘I believe you have already told me, Miss Sheridan!’ Guy was smiling down at her with the wicked amusement that always made Sarah’s pulse race.

      ‘If you are to accompany me to Blanchland, I trust that you will behave with decorum, my lord!’

      ‘I think that that is very unlikely. You had best be prepared for the worst!’ Guy turned her hand over and pressed a kiss on the palm. ‘Do not forget,’ he said caressingly, ‘that I still have to persuade you to accept my hand in marriage. I shall be doing my utmost to convince you!’

      Sarah wrenched her hands away, knowing she was trembling violently. It was intolerable that he should have such an effect on her!

      ‘Pray do not persist in this ridiculous jest, my lord! We both know you cannot mean it!’

      ‘Never more serious, I assure you, Miss Sheridan! As I said yesterday, you will have