Fighting Dirty. Lori Foster

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Название Fighting Dirty
Автор произведения Lori Foster
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474049337

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he wouldn’t be drunk now and that meant her odds of swaying him to her way of thinking were greatly diminished.

      When the sound of his slammed truck door echoed over the street, she urgently wanted Steve to take off.

      “I’m sorry,” she said, racking up her third lie, because she wasn’t sorry at all, “but I’m not interested.”

      “Not even in a drink?” Steve cajoled. “Just for old times’ sake? Friend to friend?”

      “Hey,” Armie said, looking so awesome in a snug-fitting long-sleeved T-shirt that, for once, didn’t have any provoking writing on it. Had he made that concession for her?

      She’d have to tell him that she liked the raunchy sayings on his T-shirts.

      But maybe later. Right now, his gaze was only on her. He didn’t even acknowledge Steve.

      “What are you doing here, Armie?” She glanced at Steve and found him studying Armie, his expression hostile. “I was just heading to your place.”

      Armie seemed to fight some internal battle before saying, “I wanted to follow you.”

      “Why?” She didn’t want Steve to know how upset she’d been. “I’m okay.”

      Pulling her in, Armie brushed a warm kiss over her mouth, rendering her mute. “’Course you are. But it’ll make me feel better. Okay?”

      Spellbound by that spontaneous, casual kiss, she nodded.

      And Steve suddenly exploded. “You.”

      Armie smirked. “Didn’t recognize me at first? Yeah, I always figured you to be obtuse. Now beat it.”

      Wait a minute. Merissa looked from one man to the other. What was she missing? “You two know each other?”

      “In a way,” Armie told her.

      “He,” Steve said, “attacked me!”

      Merissa looked at Armie, and sighed. “Why?”

      He laughed. “That’s it, Stretch? You don’t even ask if I did it?”

      “No need. I can see it on your face.”

      Armie tweaked her chin. “Well, you’re wrong. What I did was defend myself after his boyfriends jumped me.” Armie shrugged. “And yeah, after I finished with them I kicked his ass a little, too.”

      “A little?” Steve demanded. He turned to Merissa. “You saw me! You know how bad it was.”

      “When you were bedridden? Yes, I remember.” She huffed. “If you had your boyfriends—” Shoot, now she sounded like Armie. “Your friends jump him, then you all got what you deserved.”

      “Why thank you, honey.”

      “He was following me,” Steve insisted.

      “Not exactly how it happened,” Armie told her, sounding bored. “And if you want all the deets I’ll give them to you. But if I stay next to this bozo one second more, I’m going to have to deck him. And then you’ll have blood all over your porch. You don’t want that, do you, honey?”

      “No.” Merissa hiked her purse strap over her shoulder, lifted the tote bag and took Armie’s hand. “Later, Steve.”

      “It might not be so easy this time, you bastard!” Steve followed them off the porch. “I’ve been working out!”

      “Yeah?” Armie glanced back, his expression hopeful.

      “No,” Merissa said firmly. “Keep walking.”

      He didn’t.

      Turning to look over her ex, Armie said, “You got some pretty muscles now, Steve-o? You wanna see how we match up?”

      “Armie Jacobson, don’t you dare!” Merissa put both hands flat to his chest and pushed.

      She might as well have been pushing on a brick wall.

      A little panicked, she whirled around on Steve. “You’ve always been an idiot, but for God’s sake, use what little sense you have and leave!”

      “Hey.” Armie’s hands settled on her shoulders. “Calm down, honey. It’s okay.”

      She pivoted back to blast Armie. “I do not want you demolishing him where my neighbors might hear.”

      He cocked a brow. “So that’s your only concern?”

      “I live in a nice, quiet neighborhood of elderly people,” she growled. Did he actually think she still cared for Steve? “Take him apart on your own time, but not in my front yard!”

      “Okay, okay. Take it easy.”

      Knowing she’d overreacted and now feeling like a fool, Merissa tried to step around him.

      Armie pulled her against his chest. Near her ear, he said, “I’m sorry. I would never deliberately do anything to embarrass you.”

      That he would be so considerate, that he could pull his anger together so easily, amazed her. She dropped her forehead to his shoulder. “You won’t kill him?”

      His rough laugh teased along her nape. “Naw. I’ll leave him intact—for now.” He set her away from him, studied her face and asked, “Okay now?”

      They both ignored Steve.

      “Yes, thank you.”

      Steve wasn’t ready to let it go. “I looked for you. Did you know that?”

      “No, I didn’t. But I wish I had.”

      “Now I know who you are!”

      Dark eyes glittering, Armie smiled at him. “I’ve always known who you are. Keep that in mind.”

      Okay, wow. That made Merissa shiver. And when she glanced at Steve, he looked far from unaffected.

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