Caught in the Act. Samantha Hunter

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Название Caught in the Act
Автор произведения Samantha Hunter
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408922255

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not being able to believe for himself what they’d done. It comforted her a bit, his gentle laugh.

      “I think it’s better if we keep it that way,” she told him truthfully.

      “That’s hardly fair. You know all about me.” He pulled away for a moment, and she reluctantly let go.

      “I only know that you are a successful lawyer, a local celebrity of sorts. On the arm of a different, gorgeous woman every week.” She knew it was true, more or less. “Speaking of which, is there a date waiting for you somewhere out there?”

      He frowned. “I wouldn’t be here with you if there was.”

      “That’s good to know.”

      “In fact, I was having an awful time until you showed up.”

      “Really? It looks like such a fun party,” she said, though it was not her kind of thing at all. Gina much preferred a quiet dinner with friends.

      “Yeah, I hate these things, but it’s part of the deal. Professional obligation. I hardly know half of those people out there,” he confessed, nuzzling her neck greedily. Her spine tingled, and though she’d just had—from what she could tell—the first really mind-blowing orgasm of her life, she wanted more. He could take her again, and that would be okay with her, she thought.

      Just then, footsteps outside of the door, and voices with them, reminded her where they were. Had anyone been able to hear them? She laughed nervously when Mason’s chin hit the brim of her hat.

      “Are you okay?” he asked, detecting something changed in her.

      “Just realizing how late it is, and that it’s chilly. I really have to get going.”

      “Why? You aren’t Cinderella, are you? Have to be home at midnight?”

      He looked at her, his vampire makeup smudged off, probably all over her skin, his hair mussed from her hands, his sea-green eyes still warm.

      “If you stay, we can go upstairs,” he offered with a smile, invitations and promises unspoken. His words were sincere, and didn’t make her feel uncomfortable. In truth, she’d love to spend the night with this incredible man. He was not what she expected. No ruthless arrogance or dominating attitude, he was more down-to-earth and still completely mind-blowing all at once.

      “I’d really like you to stay,” he repeated.

      The way he said it turned her nipples hard. Sorely tempted, because what she would miss by leaving would haunt her to her grave, she nonetheless shook her head, trying to sound casual.

      “I can’t. I shouldn’t,” she responded, not sounding very convincing, even to her own ears.

      His eyes darkened in a way that enthralled her. It was hard to look away, and she felt her resolve slipping. Maybe he was a bit of a vampire after all.

      “You’re sure you won’t change your mind?” he asked in a husky tone. “I could make it worth your while.”

      She was pretty sure all of her internal organs had just spontaneously combusted. Though she’d just had a great orgasm, she was achingly empty inside and craved only for him to fill her again. No man had ever said things like that to her, and it was so tempting … until she remembered why she was here. That would be somewhat difficult to explain if he found out who she really was.

      “I’m sure you could, believe me. I’d love to stay, but I really can’t. I have to go. I have … other obligations.”

      He frowned. “Such as?”

      “Um, you know, family stuff.”

      He froze. “You’re married? Children?” His eyes dropped to her left hand as he pulled on his pants and she struggled to get the bodysuit on over her damp skin.

      “No! Would I do this with you if I were married?”

      He looked at her directly and she saw a degree of weariness in his gaze. “People do this, and worse, with families.”

      She thought of the pictures she’d found and admitted, sadly, that he was right. Being married was no guarantee of fidelity, though it should be.

      Shame washed over her. Had she been any better? She might not be cheating on another lover, but she was certainly guilty of subterfuge. Stealing and lying, and having sex with him to throw him off the scent.

      “I guess you’re right,” she said dispiritedly. She certainly had no room to be proud of herself, and she was still furious with Tracy.

      “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, stepping close and peering at her with genuine concern in his eyes, which made her feel even worse.

      “I’m fine, really.” She wanted to mean it, because he was a good guy, and if it weren’t for the circumstances that brought her here, this would be one of the best nights of her life. “Just tired.”

      “Please, if you can’t stay now, come back. Spend an evening with me,” he pleaded, his voice lowering, his eyes holding hers. “No promises, no strings, I just want to get to know you. Do you want that?”

      She started to say no, but then reconsidered. Gina wanted that so much she wasn’t sure what to say. If he knew who she really was, would he still ask?

      But he didn’t know. Did she dare?

      What if he found her out?

      “I’d like that,” she heard herself say. “But only on one condition.”

      “Name it,” he said, his eyes warm as they looked over her flushed features, landing hungrily on her mouth. She weighed her words carefully.

      “We have one fantasy night. I can be anyone you want, but only for that one night,” she explained, hardly believing the words were coming from her. “But we can’t get to know each other. I want to be with you. To … sleep with you. But that’s all.”

      Had she really just said that?

      Never in her life had she propositioned a man for sheerly casual, anonymous sex, but this was perfect. She could let her wild side out, indulge herself and experience more of what she had tonight. She could take one night that was for her. She could be with a man she wanted, and who wanted her.

      His jaw tightened. “I don’t know. As much as women think men dream of anonymous sex, why the mystery?”

      She shrugged. “I have my reasons. If you want me, that’s the deal. We don’t share each other’s real lives. Just the fantasy.”

      He watched her closely for several minutes, and then nodded. “Okay then. Just the fantasy. Tomorrow night? Meet me here at midnight?”

      She smiled, happy beyond measure that he was willing to play along.

      “Midnight is perfect,” she said, closing the door softly behind her and heading for her car, wondering if she’d really have the nerve to keep the date she promised.


      MASON RAN LONGER AND HARDER along the gulf coastline than he normally did on his morning run, even though he’d hardly slept at all. The party had gone late, but the only person who interested him left early, after they’d had sex on his desk.

      He’d tossed and turned, dozed off, awakened hard and frustrated. He had to wait another eighteen hours before he could work off the sexual energy his cabaret singer had ignited. Images of silky brown hair framing cocoa-colored eyes hazy with passion and cherry-red lips haunted him. She was everything he’d ever fantasized about … lush, sensual, uninhibited.

      When he got her in his bed, he didn’t plan to let her up for air until he was done. He didn’t think she’d mind, remembering how hot she was under his hands and mouth. He could run from here to Georgia and not dim the need to have her.

      Tonight, he promised to the morning sky.
