The Secretary And The Millionaire. Leanne Banks

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Название The Secretary And The Millionaire
Автор произведения Leanne Banks
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408991985

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“Have you ever thought about stripping off your clothes and sitting on his desk?”

      “Yes,” Amanda said without batting an eye. She’d envisioned such a scenario countless times. “But I’m not sure what I would do next. I think I might need remedial education in the feminine wiles department. Besides, I like my job, and my salary is helping put my sisters through college.”

      Carol finished her wine and shook her head. “It must be a burden to be such a responsible person. Were you ever impulsive? Even when you were a kid?”

      Amanda thought of her father’s death when she was very young. When Amanda had been just twenty years old, her mother’s death had taken her family by surprise and she’d needed to hold everything together. “I didn’t have much of a chance to be impulsive. The most impulsive thing I’ve done was accept the promotion with Fortune Corporation and move to Minneapolis from North Carolina.” She smiled. “A nineties Mary Tyler Moore.”

      “You’re going to have to do something,” Carol told her. “You can’t spend the rest of your life staying home by yourself on Saturday nights and pining for Jack Fortune.”

      “I know,” Amanda said, putting the waiter’s tip on the table as she prepared to return to work. “I’ve got to find a way to stop being invisible.”

      As soon as she got back to the office, Amanda poured a mug of hot black coffee and slid it onto Jack Fortune’s desk ten seconds before he reached for it and automatically nodded his thanks. Listening to his smooth, baritone voice as he spoke with a potential client on the phone, she placed the faxes for his reference directly in front of him. He silently mouthed “Thank you” to her, another acknowledgment of her services.

      Amanda wondered if he would choke on his coffee if she told him she would prefer a kiss, a nice long one. Turning her head, she rolled her eyes at herself. Better keep herself in check or her boss would learn she had a mile-high crush on him.

      Jack always saw what she did and expressed appreciation in a dozen different ways. Yet he never ever seemed to see her. In a world filled with beautiful women, Amanda knew her appearance wouldn’t stop traffic in Minneapolis or anywhere else. Her brown hair, brown eyes and average body made her the perfect unobtrusive assistant, or...invisible woman, she thought wryly.

      “The demand for Fortune clothing has taken off,” Jack Fortune said into the phone, glancing at the top fax. “Our profits are up thirty-eight percent, Bob. We have a new athletic wear line going head-to-head with the top designers. The retail market has had its shares of ups and down in the last few years. We’d like to give the customer a reason to come to your stores.”

      Crossing her arms over her chest, Amanda leaned against the doorjamb and stole a moment to listen to the sexy enthusiasm in his oh-so-persuasive tone. Jack’s easy voice gave only a hint of the energy the man emanated.

      His blond hair, startling green eyes and lean, muscular physique turned heads.

      Amanda had never touched his hair. It wouldn’t have been appropriate. That hadn’t stopped her from wondering if his hair would feel crisp or soft against her fingers, She’d also wondered how his mouth would feel on hers. Hard, supple or both.

      His personal sense of power, however, fit him better than his tailored suits. That dynamic power drew men’s respect and caused women to make fools of themselves.

      He was a conqueror, the corporate modern-day equivalent of Marco Polo. He was also a closer.

      Yet he had a secret, tender side for his three-year-old daughter, Lilly. Amanda’s heart softened at Jack’s struggle to make Lilly feel at home. She wondered if he knew how seductive his tough and tender combination was.

      He was a perceptive man, a demanding boss who inspired achievement and loyalty. Did he have any idea how many times his loyal assistant had fantasized about him making love to her on his big, cherry desk? Amanda knew Jack would never compromise his professional integrity with an office affair, but the familiar visual teased her all too often. Amanda pictured it happening after hours, during one of the many evening sessions she’d remained at work to help with a special project. The scene unfolded like a movie:

      “Would you like coffee or a soda before you go home?” she asked Jack. They’d been so focused on preparing the presentation they’d worked through dinner. His charcoal jacket hung on the back of his chair, his shirtsleeves were rolled up to reveal strong forearms, highlighted with the same blond hair that crowned his head.

      “A soda would work. Thanks,” he said, then leaned back in his leather chair and stretched

      Averting her gaze from his, she left the room and grabbed his soda. On the way back, she pressed the icy can against her forehead, then pulled it away just before she entered his office.

      She felt his gaze on her and knew she must be mistaken. Jack never really looked at her. He looked through her.

      “There you go,” she said and made herself smile. “I’ll see you in the morning for the Hartford presentation. Drive safely,” she added and turned to leave.

      “Amanda,” Jack said, stopping her. “Do you have plans tonight?”

      Her heart leaped, then she mentally smacked herself. He was just being polite. She turned back around and shook her head. “Nothing major.” I just need to go home, she thought. I’ve been around you too long today, and I’m starting to have delusions that you might actually be seeing me as a woman instead of just your assistant. “Have dinner with me,” he said and stood. “You and I, we should talk.”

      “Thank you, but I don’t want to keep you out late with the presentation early in the morning. I know you’ve got that commute home.”

      “I’ll be okay,” he said with a slight grin that contrasted with his intent gaze. “We should talk.”

      As he walked toward her, she took a careful breath. “I—uh—”

      He pressed his finger to her lips. “Just let me do the talking. You’ve been my secretary for four years now. I don’t know why I’ve been so slow about this.” He tilted his head thoughtfully. “Maybe my rotten marriage. But that’s over,” he said. “I want you doing more than my paperwork. I want to take you to dinner. I want to see you after quitting time. I want to kiss you,” he said, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. “But I can’t take advantage of our business relationship. I want you to consider a transfer so I can see you personally. I need you,” he said in a low, rough voice as he lowered his head. “I need you in my life.”

      I need you. Amanda’s head was spinning. She’d dreamed of hearing those words from Jack.

      “Amanda, I need...”

      The sound of Jack’s voice jerked her out of her reverie, and she blinked at him.

      “...the most recent sales projections for the Wyndham Retail Group.” He glanced up at her and raised his eyebrows. “Problem?”

      Amanda quickly shook her head. “No problem. I’ll get them for you right away.”

      I need you. His words echoed inside her as she left the room and took a mind-clearing breath. She could make a wish on every falling star that Jack would say those magic words to her about something other than office work. She could wish that he would need her the way a man needs a woman, but that would require him to see her. And as Amanda had learned, when it came to Jack Fortune, she might as well be the invisible woman.


      “Amanda, I need you now.” Jack said two days later.

      Jack’s words on Amanda’s intercom kicked her heart into overdrive. Wincing at her overreaction, she put a calming hand to her throat. She’d rarely heard that tone from him, and never coupled with those exact words. “I’ll be right there,” she managed, and swiveled out of her chair.

      She opened his office door to find him pacing, his long stride covering the generous width of his