Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager. Michelle Celmer

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Название Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager
Автор произведения Michelle Celmer
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408915950

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easing his stubborn lust. But sexy images of Cara stayed with him throughout. It wasn’t easy to wash Cara from his system.

      He wanted to make her pay for abandoning him. He wanted to charm her and bend her to his will. He’d succeeded somewhat, but Cara had always been bright. She was correct to be suspicious of him. The only trouble was that he, too, paid a price for his little plan.

      He wanted her.

      After he toweled off, he headed for his bar and poured himself two fingers of bourbon. Leaning against the black-granite counter, he lifted his glass in midair. “Here’s to you, Cara. My wife for just a few more days.”

      After her lake encounter with Kevin, Cara warned herself she was playing with fire and vowed to keep her distance from her husband until Lance and Kate’s reception. It was much safer that way. She needed to keep her perspective and remember why she’d come to Houston.

      She’d maintained that resolve for exactly twelve hours, until Kevin knocked at her door midmorning, wearing a full Astros baseball getup. She glanced at him, puzzled, noting his red jersey and baseball cap with the Astros’ official star logo. He waved box-seat tickets for the afternoon game in front of her and shot her a delicious grin.

      When it dawned on her what he had in mind, she could hardly refuse his enticing offer. She was a huge Houston fan, going back to her high-school days. Going to a day game felt sinful and luxurious, and she felt that doubly with Kevin by her side.

      Now, she sat in a box seat at Minute Maid Park, just behind home plate, eating a hot dog and slurping down a Diet Coke.

      “Want another?” he asked, after inhaling two hot dogs in record time.

      “Nope, but toss me that bag of peanuts and I’m good to go.”

      Kevin smiled and set the bag on her lap. “Have at it, babe.”

      They munched on peanuts, booed the bad calls, cheered the good ones and jumped from their seats when an Astro player made it on base. Kevin excused himself for a minute and when he returned, he plopped a red cap with a big white star on her head and handed her a jersey that matched his.

      “Thank you!” After she put the jersey on over her blouse, she reached over and planted a big kiss on his cheek.

      Kevin turned his head toward her and her kiss slid to his lips. He tasted of mustard and soda and sunshine and their kiss lasted far longer than expected. Kevin took her into his arms and, much like two teenagers in love, they lost themselves.

      “Hey, get a room!”

      The shout came from a few rows back and Kevin smiled as he broke off the kiss. “Not a bad idea.”

      “Oh!” Cara straightened in her seat, a full flush of heat rising up her neck. She refused to look Kevin’s way for a few minutes but she did hear him chuckle several times.

      The Astros won the game and, with their spirits buoyed, they strolled the ballpark hand-in-hand until the crowds diminished. Cara stood in the Grand Union lobby, the famous entrance to the ballpark that went back to the early beginnings of Houston. “Remember when they built the stadium?”

      “Yeah, traffic was stopped up for months.”

      Cara glanced at him. “But you thought it was cool that they’d use Union Station as the entrance.”

      “Still do. It brings a lot of people to the downtown area. From a business standpoint, it was a great idea.”

      “Speaking of business, how did you manage to get away from the office today?”

      When they were living as man and wife, Kevin would have rather cut off his right arm than take a day off from work.

      “I’ll make up for it tonight. Got a load of paperwork to sift through.”

      Cara figured as much. He’d never let his work go, not even for a day. There were times he wouldn’t come to bed until two, the computer more of an enticement than she was. In the morning, she’d wake up to find him gone.

      She remembered those lonely days and nights. Those memories stayed with her and marred the pleasant day she’d just had.

      She remained quiet as Kevin took her back to the hotel, deciding it was a good idea not to invite him in. “I had fun today. Thank you for the invitation.” Her voice stiff and formal, Cara made up for her lack of grace with a little smile.

      Kevin didn’t seem to notice the change in her. “Me, too. It’s been ages since I went to a game.”

      “Because you’re too busy?”

      Kevin weighed her question, studying her. “I know how to delegate work now, Cara,” he said, his tone none too gracious. “I haven’t gone to a game because…hell, you’re gonna make me say it?”

      Stunned, Cara blinked. “Say what?”

      Kevin shook his head and cursed. “Because it’s what we did. Me and you.”

      “Oh.” She wasn’t sure she understood.

      “I went a few times with the guys,” he admitted. Then Kevin’s voice went deep, and he tapped her baseball cap twice, planting it farther down on her forehead. “But they don’t look as cute as you in a baseball cap.”

      Before she could react, Kevin leaned down and kissed her soundly on the lips, putting to shame the kiss they’d shared at the ballpark. After five minutes of making out hot and heavy at her door, Kevin backed away and caught his breath, his eyes devastatingly blue. “I’d better go. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

      Cara slumped by the door, not knowing if she was glad he’d left or angry that, once again, his work took precedence over her.

      What difference did it make, anyway?

      Soon she’d be the ex Mrs. Kevin Novak, and what he did or didn’t do with his time wouldn’t matter.

      She clung to that thought and took it to bed with her, trying not to wonder when Kevin would call her again.

      Cara fumed for the next two days. Kevin didn’t call. She knew she should be glad that she’d been given a reprieve from the relentless attention he paid her, yet she thought it all a waste of time. He’d forced her to stay in Houston for two weeks to obtain his signature. She’d put her life on hold for him. She’d made umpteen calls to her dance studio, dealing with problems and making important decisions from her hotel room instead of being where she was most needed.

      Cara looked in the mirror and fidgeted with her unruly mop of hair, finger-combing strands back in place while she debated about going out for dinner or calling room service. Anger bubbled inside and she decided to take a brisk walk to cool off. She picked up her purse just as the hotel phone rang.

      She stared at it for a long while, debating whether to pick up. Finally, she relented. “Hello?” she said, tapping her foot.

      “Hi, Cara.”

      Cara winced when she heard Kevin on the other end. She wished she’d listened to her first instinct and not answered the phone. His voice sounded odd and distant, as if he were calling from a cave. “Where are you?”

      “Home. Do you still make that killer chicken soup?”

      “My grandma’s recipe? Yes, why do you—” Then it dawned on her. Kevin didn’t sound like himself. In fact, she’d never heard him sound so off. She put two and two together. “Are you sick?”

      “You could say that,” he whispered.

      “How sick?”

      “I’ve been in bed for two days and nights, going crazy.”

      Guilt washed over her and Cara was ashamed of how many unpleasant thoughts had entered her mind about Kevin. She had been certain that he’d been playing games and toying with her emotions, telling her he’d call and then deliberately avoiding her.
