For Joy's Sake. Tara Quinn Taylor

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Название For Joy's Sake
Автор произведения Tara Quinn Taylor
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474070263

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      Edward nodded. “Of course.” His hands were folded on the table now, his attention fully on the blonde counselor. Lila, at the head of the table, had handed the meeting over to Sara.

      For the most part, Hunter watched Julie. Was she a counselor, too? No one had ever said so. Surely Brett would’ve told him if she worked for him, when he’d asked about her on the golf course.

      What had Brett said?

      That she’d been hurt.

      He’d assumed that meant she’d gone through a painful breakup.

      She didn’t look in his direction. She watched Sara, with a glance or two at Edward as he answered basic questions about himself, including the fact that he’d taken a leave of absence from his practice.

      “You can always go through the courts to get an order for visitation with your granddaughter.”

      Hunter’s glance swung from Julie to Sara when he heard the counselor’s words.

      “I’m aware of that,” Edward said. “Ms. McDaniels and I have spoken about it.” Edward’s smile at the director held gratitude. She nodded, and then he focused on Sara.

      “In the first place, that would take time,” Edward continued with the air of one in charge, “although I understand there’s the possibility of an emergency temporary order. At this point, I’m not interested in my rights. I’m interested in the best care for my granddaughter...” His voice faded as he cleared his throat.

      Hunter felt he should jump in. Say something to lighten the moment. It was the whole reason Edward had asked him to be there.

      But Edward didn’t know Hunter well. When it came to emotional drama, he went surfing.

      “I understand that further disruption in Joy’s life wouldn’t be good. I also know for a fact that family love is a strong healer,” Edward continued, then looked Hunter’s way.

      He figured his uncle by marriage was doing just fine. So, fingers steepled at his lips as though he was completely familiar with such things, he nodded.

      “Can you plan to stay around awhile if necessary?” Sara asked, giving Edward a piercing glance.


      “He’s got a room at my place anytime he wants it and for as long as he needs it.” Hunter addressed the counselor.

      “I...didn’t realize Hunter was going to be here...”

      He turned to Julie the second he heard her voice.

      “I had no idea you were related to Joy’s grandfather,” she said.

      “By marriage,” he felt compelled to say, to be completely truthful on that score. “His sister’s married to my father.”

      Julie looked between Sara and Lila. “I’ve known Hunter awhile. He wouldn’t be here if he thought there was any reason to worry where Edward’s concerned.”

      “Hunter is the reason Joy’s here,” Lila McDaniels said. “Brett Ackerman referred him to us.”

      The glance Julie sent Hunter, as though she was seeing him in a new light, sent a jolt through him.

      Giving him a “go surfing” impulse again. And yet, keeping him in his chair. What was it about this woman?

      Why couldn’t he just move on?

      “Julie’s being at this meeting was kind of last-minute.” Lila was speaking again. “She’s been...spending time with Joy. So far, she’s the only one who’s been able to get any reaction out of her at all.”

      Hunter wasn’t surprised. He should be. But he wasn’t.

      “You’re a counselor, too?” he asked Julie, somewhat disturbed that he hadn’t been privvy to that information. He’d assumed she was one of the social elite who sat on a lot of charity boards.

      “No,” she said. “I...draw.” She looked away. Shutting him out again.

      And that left him wanting “in” more than ever.

      “Julie is doing art therapy with Joy.” Sara took over, leaving Hunter with the impression that there was more not being said at that table than was actually spoken.

      Definitely not his forte.

      “And you’ve had some success?” Leaning forward, Edward seemed about ready to take Julie’s hand across the table.

      Julie nodded.

      “Can you share it with me?”

      With a glance at Sara and Lila, who both nodded, Julie said, “She drew a crying stick figure.”

      The doctor’s lips pursed. His chin tightened. And Hunter saw a tear in the corner of his eye.

      He cared about Edward and Joy. He wanted to help.

      And, not for the first time, came up blank.


      NO ONE HAD told her Hunter Rafferty was going to be in the meeting with Joy’s grandfather from Florida.

      No one would’ve had cause to know that she’d met the man. Sara and Lila weren’t part of her life outside the Stand.

      Still, seeing him there was a shock.

      In just a few days, Joy had become an integral part of her waking moments. And she was related to Hunter Rafferty?

      By marriage.

      “Here’s what I’d like to propose,” Sara said, drawing Julie’s full attention. “Joy is currently in the cafeteria with her house mother, helping make chocolate chip cookies for tonight’s movie. We can walk through there, all of us, like any other group of adults on a tour.” The counselor turned to Julie. “Are you okay with that?”

      “Of course.” She’d been planning to spend the evening at the Stand, in spite of the fact that doing so might further stoke Lila’s fears on her behalf. Colin and Chantel were going to the theater in LA. And she wanted to be on hand in case Joy needed her. For the same reason she’d postponed her all-girl outing with Lila, Sara and Lynn.

      Sara glanced at Lila. “Let’s just walk by, say hello. Give Edward a chance to see the child.”

      Lila’s nod was immediate.

      Sara turned to Edward. “This is only going to work if you’re emotionally up to seeing her without reacting. If you’d rather wait, we can.”

      “I want to see her.”

      “He’s a doctor. He knows how to keep his own emotions in check when he’s dealing with emotional situations,” Hunter said.

      His ready defense of his step-uncle, although maybe unnecessary, impressed Julie.

      It was the charming smile that she couldn’t get past. Didn’t trust.

      “And then we can talk about an actual meeting. However, I should warn you that we might not tell her right away who you are.”

      “I, um, think we should,” Julie said. She wasn’t the professional. Or the boss. “I mean, you know best,” she told Sara. “And I don’t want you to take risks based on my opinion.”

      “We asked you to be here because you seem to have an understanding of Joy that the rest of us don’t,” Lila said. “We want your opinion, Julie.”

      “It was right after I was talking about secrets that she drew the picture,” she said. “I feel we should tell her the truth. She’s only seven. It’s not like she’s going to understand the biological significance. But I just think... Well, she’s lost her mom, her aunt and her father...”
