Home to Wyoming. Rebecca Winters

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Название Home to Wyoming
Автор произведения Rebecca Winters
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472013590

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off the games room on the other side of the dining room. Ping-Pong, cards, television—it’s all at your disposal. We plan pack trips to the lake for overnight campouts and there are hot-air-balloon rides you can enjoy over Jackson Hole. You can also attend the Jackson Rodeo if that appeals to you. If you need a car, we’ll provide you with one so you can go into town to shop, see a movie or try out one of the restaurants.

      “Housekeeping makes up your cabins and supplies you with laundry service. Just put what needs washing or cleaning in the laundry bag under the sink and leave it on the peg of the door. It’ll be returned to you later in the day.

      “As the brochure explained, this is also a cattle ranch with a foreman and stockmen. They work up on the mountain with the cattle. If Jenny wants to see the herd, that can be arranged, too.”

      Alex smiled at him. “I’m still trying to take it all in.”

      “What do you think you want to do first?”

      Jenny glanced at Alex. “Can we go buy me a cap gun like Johnny’s?”

      Buck chuckled. “Sure we can. I’ll drive us into Jackson and we’ll get you some other stuff, too.”

      “Can I go?” Johnny eyed his mother for permission.

      “If it’s all right with Buck.”

      “We couldn’t get along without him.”

      “Be sure to mind Buck and be helpful.” Tracy gave her son a kiss and excused herself. “I’m overseeing some heavy-duty cleaning. I’ll see all of you later.”

      She left and Buck finished off a second trout and hash browns with another cup of coffee. Alex was already full from her fish and biscuits. “That was delicious.”

      “That’s good,” Buck said, smiling at her. “Johnny? Are you about ready to go?”


      “Why don’t you come and help me unload some supplies from the truck? Then we’ll pick you ladies up at your cabin in, say, half an hour.”

      Alex nodded. “That sounds perfect.” She needed to phone Frank before they went into town.

      Johnny slid off his chair. “See you guys soon.”

      “Okay.” Jenny ate her last spoonful of cereal. “We’ll be ready.”

      “Hey—you’ve got blue teeth.”

      They both giggled.

      Alex hadn’t heard such a happy sound come out of her granddaughter in a long time. She herself felt lighter as the four of them parted company outside and they made their way back to the cabin.

      “Why didn’t Johnny’s dad tell us what Teton means?”

      She remembered the way Buck’s eyes lit up and the way it made her feel—as if little sunbursts had exploded inside her. “Well, it’s only a guess, but I imagine the range got its name from the Indians and early trappers who thought those peaks reminded them of a woman. You know what I mean?”

      Alex had learned early that the unvarnished truth was the only way to get her granddaughter off a subject. Euphemisms didn’t work with her.

      “Oh.” Jenny’s eyes twinkled as she looked at Alex. Sometimes, she seemed older than seven. “Do you think Johnny knows?” They’d reached the cabin and went inside.

      “No, or he wouldn’t have asked his father in front of everyone. One day his dad will tell him.”

      In the midst of their illuminating conversation, her phone rang, interrupting a special moment. Frank. He had to be wondering why she hadn’t phoned him yet. It was because Johnny had wakened them out of a sound sleep and they’d rushed to make breakfast on time.

      “Jenny? Be sure to brush your teeth.”

      “I will. Nana? Will you tell Frank what we talked about last night?”

      Oh, Jenny. Nothing got past her granddaughter.

      * * *

      JOHNNY HELPED BUCK unload some supplies at the new house Carson was having built on the property for his family down near the Snake River. So far everyone was living in the ranch house with Buck and Ross upstairs, and Carson and his family on the main floor.

      Buck had been overseeing the construction. After the foundation had been poured, he’d spent the next three days on a brief vacation in Colorado Springs with his family while he waited for it to settle. He hadn’t seen his parents since March. Now it was back to work.

      He talked with the construction workers who’d already started the framing. When everything appeared under control, he shoved his cowboy hat back on his head and turned to Johnny. “Come on. Let’s go get the girls.” They walked back to the truck and climbed in.

      “Jenny’s nana isn’t a girl.”

      “You’re right, but she doesn’t look like any grandma I ever met.”

      “I know. My Grandma Baretta looks a lot, lot older.”

      Buck was having a devil of a time coming to grips with that fact. He started the engine and they took off.

      “Hey—can we go to town in the Jeep? It’s more fun.”


      “Will you take the top off?”

      “Why not.” According to the weather forecast, they wouldn’t have to worry about rain for at least three or four days. Buck drove them to the parking area at the side of the ranch house and they got in the Jeep. But before they went anywhere, he had to remove the soft top at the garage south of the house.

      Once that was accomplished, they set out for the Forrester cabin. The second they pulled up in front, Johnny threw open the door. “I’ll get them.”

      “You do that.” The less involvement he had with Alex Forrester, the better. After they got back from town, he’d turn them over to Carson for the horseback-riding lesson while he helped with the framing. Ross could take them fishing in the morning. A good rotational plan was called for if he wanted to survive this week with his emotions intact.

      He didn’t have to wait long for their guests. The ladies came right out. Correction, Jenny practically flew down the steps, her blond ponytail swaying back and forth. “I’ve never ridden in a Jeep before!”

      “It’s cool!” Johnny raced after her. “Can we sit in back, Uncle Buck?”


      “He’s not really my uncle. Neither is Ross. But Daddy told me I could call them that if I wanted.”

      “You must love them a lot.”

      “I love them as much as my uncles in Cleveland, but don’t tell my mom I told you that.”

      The things Johnny said got to Buck’s heart. More and more, he found himself wanting to be a father. “Ross and I love you, too. Now, make sure your seat belts are fastened.”

      “We will,” they said in unison.

      Buck stepped down and walked around to help Alex in the front passenger seat. She was wearing a crewneck sweater in a sage-green color with khaki pleated trousers. Although her legs were covered today, the length of them combined with her womanly hips and generous curves made nonsense of his intentions to remain indifferent.

      Her fragrance put him in mind of a vale of spring wildflowers, adding to the assault on his senses. Damn. Frank had more than one reason to wish the two of them hadn’t come on this trip. Buck knew he wouldn’t have been able to handle it.

      “Thank you,” she said as he shut the door.

      He nodded and took his place behind the wheel. “Before we leave, did anyone forget anything? Now is the time to speak up.”

      Alex glanced at him