Royal Seductions: Secrets: The Duke's Boardroom Affair. Michelle Celmer

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Название Royal Seductions: Secrets: The Duke's Boardroom Affair
Автор произведения Michelle Celmer
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472044921

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And it certainly wouldn’t be the first time he’d taken advantage of a situation to seduce a woman—although she seemed to be doing most of the seducing now. Not to mention that he had a strong suspicion she was slightly intoxicated. Again, that had never stopped him before. Yet, something about this just didn’t feel right.

      He actually felt…guilty.

      She tugged again and he felt his feet moving.

      “Hey, don’t get me wrong,” he said, as he let her lead him down the hall. “I’m not one to pass up revenge sex, but are you sure this is a good idea?”

      “I think it’s an excellent idea.” She dragged him into the bedroom and switched on the lamp beside her bed. Only then did she let go of his hand.

      Like the rest of the flat, there were boxes everywhere, but in the dim light the bed looked especially inviting. And oh, so tempting.

      But he knew he really shouldn’t.

      She turned to him and started unbuttoning her blouse.

      Christ, she was making it really hard to do the right thing. “Maybe we should step back a second, so you can think about what you’re doing.”

      She gazed up at him though thick, dark lashes. “I know exactly what I’m doing.” The blouse slipped from her shoulders and fluttered silently to the carpet.

      Ah, hell.

      Underneath she wore a lacy black bra. Sexier than he would have imagined for her. But he’d always suspected, or maybe fantasized, there was more to Victoria. That deep down there was a temptress just waiting to break free.

      It looked like he was right.

      She reached behind her to unzip her skirt, and desire curled low and deep in his gut. “Are you just going to stand there?” she asked.

      “I just don’t want you to do something you’ll regret.” Where was he getting this crap? When did he ever care if a woman had regrets? Was he, God forbid, growing a conscience?

      “I’m a big girl. I can handle it.” She eased the skirt down her legs, hips swaying seductively, and let it fall in a puddle at her feet. She wore a matching black lace thong and thigh-high stockings. And her body? It was damn near perfect. In fact, he was pretty sure it was perfect. And he was so mesmerized that for a minute, he forgot to breathe.

      “You’ve been after me for days,” she said. “Don’t chicken out now.”

      Calling him a chicken was a little harsh, considering two days ago she’d accused him of disrespect toward the opposite sex. The woman was a walking contradiction. But an extremely sexy and desirable one.

      His favorite kind.

      She walked toward him—stalked him was more like it—and reached up to unfasten the buttons of his shirt. She did look as though she knew what she was doing.

      One button, two buttons. He really should stop her. It wouldn’t take much. Although he suspected that if he turned her down now, he wouldn’t get another chance.

      Damn it. It shouldn’t be this complicated. Maybe that was what was really bothering him. This had complex and messy written all over it.

      One more button, then another. Then she pushed his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms. She gazed up at him, sighing with satisfaction, her eyes sleepy and soft. She flattened her hands on his chest, dragging her nails lightly across his skin all the way to his waistband. She toyed with the clasp on his slacks…

      Oh, what the hell.

      He circled an arm around her waist and dragged her against him. Her surprised gasp was the last thing he heard before he crushed his mouth down on hers. Hard.

      She groaned and looped her arms around his neck, fingers sinking through his hair. Feeding off his mouth.

      He scooped her up off her feet and they tumbled onto the mattress together. She was so small he worried he might crush her, but she managed to wriggle out from under him, push him onto his back so she could get at the zipper of his slacks. Then she shoved them, along with his boxers, down his hips, and he kicked them away.

      “My goodness,” she said, gazing down at him with a marginally stunned expression. “We’ve certainly been blessed, haven’t we?”

      Though he hadn’t considered it until just then, she was awfully petite. What if she was that small everywhere?

      “Too much for you?” he asked.

      “Let’s hope not.” She took a deep breath and blew it out. “Condom?”

      “In my wallet, in my jacket.” Which was in the other room.

      “Right back,” she said, hopping up from the bed and darting from the room. A bundle of sexual energy. She was back in seconds, long before he had time to talk any sense into himself.

      Who was he kidding? They were already well past the point of no return. Besides, she didn’t appear to be having any second thoughts.

      He sat up and she tossed him his wallet. He fished a condom out, then, realizing one probably wasn’t going to cut it—he hoped—he grabbed one more.

      “You’re sure those will fit?” she asked, but he could see that she was teasing.

      “They’re extra large,” he assured her, setting his wallet and both condoms on the bedside table.

      Victoria stood beside the bed, gazing at him with hungry eyes. She unhooked the front clasp on her bra and peeled it off, revealing breasts that couldn’t have been more amazing. Not very big, but in perfect proportion to the rest of her. High and firm. The perfect mouthful. And he couldn’t wait to get a taste.

      She walked to the bed, easing her thong down and kicking it into the pile with the rest of her clothes. He decided, now that he’d seen the whole package, she really was perfect.

      And just for tonight, she was all his.

      Though he usually liked to be the one in charge, he didn’t protest when she pushed him down onto his back and climbed on him, straddling his thighs, her stockings soft and slippery against his skin. What he really wanted was to feel them wrapped around his shoulders, but she had something entirely different in mind. She grabbed one of the condoms and had it out of the package and rolled into place in the span of one raspy breath.

      It was a surreal feeling, lying there beneath her, and the fact that she had seduced him and not the other way around. She was unlike any woman he had been with before. Most tried too hard to impress him, to be what they thought he wanted. For Victoria, it just seemed to come naturally. She leaned down and kissed him, teasing at first. Just a brush of her lips, and a brief sweep of her tongue. She tasted like wine and desire. And when she touched him, raked her nails lightly down his chest, he shivered. She seemed to know instinctively what to do to drive him nuts.

      They kissed and touched, teased each other until he did not think he could take much more. Victoria must have been thinking the same thing.

      She locked her eyes on his, lowered herself over him and took him inside her. Tentatively at first. She was so slick and hot, so small and tight, he almost lost it on that first slow, downward slide. Then she stopped, and for an instant he was afraid he really might be too much for her, too big. But her expression said he was anything but. It said that she could handle anything he could dish out, and then some. It said that she wanted this just as much as he did.

      She rose up, slowly, until only the very tip remained inside of her. She hovered there for several seconds, torturing him, then, with her eyes still trained on his, sank back down, her body closing like a fist around him. He groaned, teetering on the edge of an explosion. In his life he’d never seen or felt anything more erotic. And if she did that one more time, he was going to lose it.

      He rolled her over onto her back and plunged into her. She arched up against him, gasping, her eyes widening with shock because he was so deep.
