Three Rich Men: House of Midnight Fantasies / Forced to the Altar / The Millionaire's Pregnant Mistress. Michelle Celmer

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kiss and drew her nipple into his mouth, she absorbed the sensations, savoring every pass of his tongue, every pull of his lips. Then something happened that was both unexpected and enthralling—she could see as well as feel what Adrien was doing through the mystical workings of her mind now joined with his. She could see him skim his hands down her sides at the same time she experienced the slight abrasion of his callused palms. Could see as well as feel him draw a line with his fingertips from her pelvis to her hips before drifting down to bend her knees.

      For endless moments he caressed her with delicate strokes all along her body, from her arms to her feet, leaving nothing untouched. After another stimulating kiss, he used his mouth and tongue to follow the path he’d taken with his hands. He tenderly manipulated places that at one time had seemed inconsequential to Selene when it came to lovemaking. Yet with Adrien, every spot he explored became overly sensitive, as if he had found undiscovered erogenous zones. Undiscovered to her, at least.

      And all the while, she watched from his perspective from behind closed lids, taking an erotic journey into his mind, sensing his building excitement as well as her own. By the time he sucked a small patch of skin between her thighs, she was bordering on coming totally undone. And when he clasped the elastic band below her belly, she experienced an undeniable ache and another rush of damp heat between her thighs.

      But instead of sliding her panties down, Adrien paused and said, “I want you to hold out as long as you can before you climax.”

      Selene opened her eyes and met his intense gaze. “I’m not sure I can.”

      He gave her the most patently sexy look she’d ever witnessed from a man. “Then I guess I’ll be forced to give you another orgasm.”

      This had to be a dream. Never before had Selene encountered a man so determined to give her complete pleasure with no thought of his own needs.

      Without wavering, Adrien worked the lace down her legs and tossed her panties aside. Again Selene closed her eyes and saw what he saw as he parted her legs. Now she was completely exposed to him and more vulnerable than she’d ever been before. Yet any concerns she might have entertained gave way to an unqualified rush when he divided her flesh, tested her with a fingertip, then two as he fondled her inside and out. He knew how to tease. He knew how to tempt. He knew exactly where to concentrate his attention until she lifted her hips in response.

      Holding back wasn’t going to be possible, that much Selene knew as the first contraction hit her, causing her to clasp fistfuls of the sheet. She gritted her teeth, tried to cling to her control, but that control clashed with the need for release. The climax surged through her, shaking her entire body. She tipped her head back and a steady moan threatened to leave her mouth, saved only by Adrien’s own mouth closing over hers to absorb the sound.

      When he broke the kiss, Selene opened her eyes to find him studying her. She draped an arm over her damp forehead and sighed. “I’m relaxed now.”

      He released another low, grainy laugh. “You’re almost too hot to handle. But I’m going to do it to you again.”

      “Adrien, I.”

      Can’t handle any more. She had no choice but to try as Adrien began touching her as ardently as he had before.

      “I want to use my mouth on you,” he said as he slid a finger inside her. “But I’ll save that for later, when I know you’re ready.”

      If he did use his mouth, Selene had no doubt she would dissolve into the mattress beneath her back. And she wasn’t concerned with later. She was focused only on the here and now as Adrien worked his spell, speaking to her in a low steady voice, telling her how sweet she was and describing what he was doing to her in very detailed terms. In a matter of moments, he had her back on the brink, ready to plummet again. When he whispered, “I’m going to make you scream,” that was all it took.

      Selene didn’t exactly scream when the orgasm hit, but she did groan. A long, almost mournful groan that she couldn’t believe actually came from her. She had no idea what he had done, only that she was practically panting by the time the sensations subsided. Then suddenly Adrien was next to her, enfolding her in his arms, soothing her with gentle kisses on her lips and cheeks.

      “Where did you learn to do that?” she finally managed to say.

      He brushed her hair from her forehead and kissed her there. “I studied tantric sex. Since then, I’ve done some modification and experimenting. And I’ve practiced.”

      “With several partners, I take it.” Something that didn’t set well with Selene.

      “No. Only a chosen few.”

      That relieved her somewhat. “Should I be flattered?”

      “Yes, you should. I’m very selective. And I always begin with the singular purpose of pleasing a woman. I’ve only scratched the surface with you.”

      He’d scratched a few itches she hadn’t realized she’d had until now. “I’m not sure I can take much more of that.”

      He rose up on one elbow, using his fist to support his jaw while keeping his free hand idling on her breast. “You can. But right now, you need to sleep.”

      Selene could only gape when Adrien left the bed and started toward the door. “Wait a minute. That’s it?”

      He faced her again. “That wasn’t enough?”

      “Actually, I thought we were going to …” She wasn’t quite sure how to say it.

      He leaned back against the door. “Anyone can climb on and have it over in a matter of minutes, Selene. But not everyone takes the time to get to know their partner’s body. I want to know yours before I’m inside you. And I’m only getting started.”

      Then he left the room, the sounds of his footsteps and the opening and closing door echoing in Selene’s ears.

      Adrien Morrell was a sexual savant bent on demonstrating his genius on her. And she would continue to be a willing study, as long as he eventually gave in and gave her his all.


      Selene awoke the next morning, still restless even though she’d slept remarkably well, thanks to Adrien’s undivided attention. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d been so relaxed, even if she hadn’t gotten everything from him that she’d wanted. Hopefully that would be included in the next phase. In the meantime, she had work to do.

      She went through every room on the first floor, taking inventory of the furnishings as well as jotting down ideas and making a few preliminary sketches. She wanted to retain as much of the original atmosphere as possible, which meant eventually scouring antique stores to fill in wherever necessary, unless she found more items in the attic. She made a note to explore there in the next few days.

      By the time afternoon rolled around, her head began to spin when she considered how much she needed to do with a house this size, including refurbishing the flooring and updating the kitchen. Right now, she needed to get out of the house, if only for a while. She also needed to see Adrien, the reason why she set out for his office before she drove into town.

      When she knocked, he called, “Come in,” in a gruff voice.

      She opened the door to find him standing with his back to her, one hand holding back the curtain as he stared out the window. His white shirt was rolled up at the sleeves and it appeared he might be wearing the same pair of slacks he’d worn last night. Had he slept in his clothes? Had he slept at all?

      She cleared her throat to garner his attention. “I’m about to go into town for a while, if that’s okay with you.”

      He let the curtain drop and slowly turned to face her. His rumpled unbuttoned shirt hung open, revealing his incredible chest. “You don’t need my permission to leave the house.”

      She centered her gaze on his coveted medallion resting flush against his chest. “I thought you might have something you need me to do first.”