Ghost Wolf. Michele Hauf

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Название Ghost Wolf
Автор произведения Michele Hauf
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472050922

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think it wasn’t a human?” Daisy asked. “Vampire?”

      “Huh?” He found her gaze, as if coming up from the depths, his eyes focusing on hers. “No, it wasn’t a vampire. I jumped on him that night, held him down. He was human, and though I was in wolf shape at the time, I felt his fright.”

      “That’s to be expected if a wolf attacks you.”

      “I didn’t attack him. I just...kept him away from my father’s body.”

      Daisy sucked in her lip. They were moving into intimate territory, and she felt the need for caution. It hurt Beck to retell this information, but that he trusted her to reveal a few details was immense.

      “I have to go check on something,” he said. “This is big.” He started toward the door. “I’m sorry. I had come here to spend some time with you. But this is important.”

      “I understand. I have your digits now.” She rushed to beat him to the door and pressed her shoulders to it as he arrived before the threshold. “I want to help you, Beck.”

      “I don’t need any help. And I don’t want you getting shot in your quest for a picture of a creature that could very likely kill you. Will you promise me to stay out of the forests? Please, Daisy?”

      That wasn’t something she could promise. And she was smart; she knew when she was in danger, and she hadn’t felt it yet. Not even when the ghost wolf had walked right up to her.

      She touched Beck’s cheek and traced his stubble-darkened jaw. His thoughts were miles away, back at his father’s side as he’d died in the forest. She didn’t know how to deal with grief. It hadn’t touched her life. And it had only been a few months since he’d lost his father. He seemed normal and stoic on the outside, but could he be a bundle of agony on the inside?

      “Have you spoken to anyone about this? Losing your father?”

      “Why? I’m not a weepy girl, Daisy. Something bad happened. I’m dealing. If anyone needs help, it’s my mother. She’s— Hell. I’ve got to go. I’m sorry about this.”

      “Don’t apologize. I just... Can we make another date? Tomorrow night? I’ll cook if you come over.”

      “I’d like that. You like wine?”

      “Sounds good. Bring red. I’ll make meat and potatoes.”

      He bracketed her head with his palms and bent his forehead to hers again. “You could win my heart, you know that, Daisy Blu?”

      “I’ll give it a try.”

      “You don’t need to try, you.”

      He kissed her again, this time holding still at her mouth. She thought she felt his heartbeat in that touch. And in the seconds that her heart stood still, Daisy knew she would try for that win, whether or not he wanted her to.

      Beck found his mother in the kitchen cleaning the copper-tiled backsplash behind the stove. Why she cooked was beyond him, but he was glad to see her not sulking in the big easy chair where she and Dad had always snuggled. She looked good, actually had color in her cheeks, and greeted him with a genuine hug and a kiss.

      “How you feeling?” he asked.

      “I’m well.” She patted her growing belly. “I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”

      “Do you want me to come along with you?”

      “No, you don’t have to. But you’re a sweetie to offer. Did you go to the iceworks the other night?”

      “I did.”

      “By yourself?” she asked in a tone that implied she had already deduced the answer.

      “Why do you ask?”

      “I haven’t been a complete hermit since your father’s death. I talk to Blu on the phone once in a while. She said her son Malakai was all in a huff because he saw his daughter with my son. I only have one son—at the moment—so...”

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