Heart of the Jaguar. Katie Reus

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Название Heart of the Jaguar
Автор произведения Katie Reus
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472011121

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      “Your brother will be pissed if you put me as your second-in-command.” Owen’s brother was young and a hothead. “No he won’t. We’ve already talked and he seemed relieved.” Owen took another sip of his beer, his eyebrows raised. “So?”

      Elias pushed out a long breath. He wasn’t cut out to be a lone wolf, and he needed an Alpha. A pack. He might have an alpha temperament, but he needed a leader and a pack to belong to. And Owen was one of the finest men he’d ever known. “Yeah, I’m staying.”

      “About time you gave me an answer,” Owen grumbled.

      “It’s your wedding present.”

      “Whatever cheap ass, you better get us something better than that.”

      Elias chuckled. “When will you announce it?”

      Owen shrugged. “Monday. I’ll call a meeting and—”

      Elias’s entire body went on alert. “Holy shit, who is that?” He felt as if he’d been punched in the chest as he watched a dark-haired beauty squeeze out from the crowd on the dance floor. Pushing a strand of hair out of her face, she headed straight for the bar. Wearing a cream-colored dress that reminded him of something out of the Roaring ‘20s, she moved with a fluidity that told him she wasn’t quite human. The color of her dress was beautiful against her darker skin. She was definitely of Indian heritage. He didn’t think she was part of Owen’s pack, and he hadn’t noticed her at the ceremony.

      Owen tracked his line of sight and frowned. “Cindy Shahi. She’s a jaguar shifter but not part of Gabriela’s family’s pride.”

      “And she lives here?” One more reason to move here permanently. His decision sounded even better now.

      “She’s the only local shifter doctor within a hundred-mile radius, and she’s off-limits. We can’t afford to piss her off inadvertently, and if you sleep with her and never call her again, you will definitely piss her off.” There was a subtle warning note in Owen’s voice.

      Elias snorted. If this woman let him into her bed, he’d never leave it. “Is she mated or seeing anyone?” The only things that mattered.

      “No, but she’s going to shoot you down anyway—”

      “I’ll talk to you later.” Elias knew he should show more respect to his new Alpha, but hell, nothing was keeping him away from that woman.

      Owen muttered under his breath as Elias strode toward her, but there was no true anger in the Alpha’s voice. Tuning everything else out, Elias kept his stride even until he reached the bar. Smiling softly at the bartender, she picked up her glass of wine and turned.

      She froze, her dark eyes blinking in surprise as she noticed him. The desire that flared in those depths was real and so very deep. She sucked in a quick breath as she raked a quick, assessing gaze over him. The jaguar female wasn’t very tall, maybe five foot two, but she was lean, and now that he was up close he could smell her natural amber-and-vanilla scent. It was intoxicating, and the longer she watched him the more intense it grew. Oh yeah, she was attracted to him too and wasn’t trying to hide it.

      He wasn’t sure how long they stood there staring at each other, but when the shifter behind the bar cleared his throat and asked what he wanted, Elias just tugged Cindy’s free hand and pulled her away toward one of the free tables. Though he wanted to pull her into his lap, he sat next to her and feigned civility. He couldn’t act like some barbarian throwback around a woman like this. “I’m Elias.”

      “I’m Cindy.” Her voice was deeper than he’d expected, and the breathless quality instantly aroused him.

      “Owen told me.”

      “Oh.” She blinked, her cheeks flushing as she swallowed hard. She seemed nervous, and he realized he needed to come up with something intelligent to say.

      “You’re the local doctor?” He’d managed a question. Good for him.

      She nodded, her gaze fixing on his lips as she licked her own. He wondered if she was even aware of the action. “Are you a friend of Owen’s? I know you’re not part of the pack.”

      “We were in the army together, and... You are so beautiful.” He inwardly cringed at how idiotic he sounded. “I’m sorry, I’m normally not such a jackass.” He hadn’t had trouble talking to females since he was fifteen, but just being in this woman’s presence made him tongue-tied and feeling like a randy cub with his first crush. His entire body was taut and primed, as if his wolf might take over if he wasn’t sated immediately. Her scent...he could drown in it.

      She laughed lightly. “You’re not, and thank you. I’m guessing I’m not the only one who feels this intense...” She gestured between them, her delicate hands drawing his attention. He wondered how they’d feel wrapped around his cock.

      Then he wanted to kick himself for the image that evoked. “No.” That one word came out hoarse.

      Cindy smiled then, a full one, and it took his breath away. She had a larger-than-life type of beauty. Her hair was such a dark brown it looked almost black. It fell straight, thick and heavy down past her breasts. Though she was petite and compact, there was no hiding the luscious curves under that dress. He’d always had taller, more athletic sexual partners, but everything about this woman called to his most primal side. Her big, dark eyes were filled with erotic promises, and those lips... God, her full lips made him think all sorts of dirty, wicked things. As he stared and fantasized he realized she was talking.

      “...so are you in town long?”

      He wasn’t sure what the first part of the question was so he just smiled, which seemed to take her aback. Good. He didn’t want to be the only one completely unbalanced. “I’m here for the wedding.” Since Owen hadn’t announced that Elias was going to be his second-in-command, he couldn’t tell anyone. Especially not with so many shifters nearby with exceptional hearing. “Good.” There was a glint in her eyes he wasn’t sure how to define. It looked almost like relief, but that didn’t make sense.

      Her next words almost left him speechless. The key word being almost.

      “You want to get out of here?” There was no denying what she meant.

      He swallowed hard, his entire body tightening with need. Hell yeah, he wanted to get out of there and get her under him as soon as possible. This wasn’t remotely what he’d planned tonight, but he would definitely take it. And take her, over and over again. Standing, he grabbed her hand. “Yeah, I do.”

      Chapter 2

      Cindy couldn’t believe what she was doing, but she also couldn’t believe her luck. The tall, incredibly magnetic man next to her just screamed strength and oh yes, sexiness. He had a slight limp, which was odd for a shifter, but everything about him was delicious. He had broad shoulders in the way that wolf shifters tended to. Not exactly lean, but not bulky either. The man was simply built, and she couldn’t wait to strip his leather jacket and shirt off to see what he looked like underneath. She could see the ridges and outlines of his muscles, and her imagination was going wild as she fantasized what it would feel like to trace her fingers and mouth over him.

      She’d never felt something so intense before. It was like regular lust multiplied by a thousand. Her nipples beaded tightly against her bra as Elias’s earthy, masculine scent rolled over her, embracing her.

      Like the rest of the wolves, he hadn’t dressed up for the wedding. His dark worn jeans, scuffed boots and two day’s worth of facial hair growth might have looked sloppy on anyone else, but it definitely worked for him. Mr. Tall, Dark and Delicious was about to get a night of no-strings-attached sex, and she couldn’t wait. One-night stands weren’t her style, but she had to sate the need that had been building inside her. She was a doctor and needed to be on her game at all times.

      Placing her hand in his much bigger one, she practically dragged him off toward the woods. She didn’t