Dying to Sin. Stephen Booth

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Название Dying to Sin
Автор произведения Stephen Booth
Жанр Приключения: прочее
Издательство Приключения: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007283552

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ways. Cooper was starting to feel sorry for the teachers at Amy’s new school. She could be merciless if you were boring her.

      ‘A what, Amy?’

      ‘A recipe.’

      ‘Like Delia Smith? That sort of recipe?’

      ‘I suppose. “The recipe for the preparation of a hand of glory is simple,” it says.’

      Cooper looked down at his niece, surprised by the sudden change in her tone. Now she was interested. It was yucky just to stand and look at a preserved hand, but learning how to preserve one yourself – now that was cool. He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised.

      ‘“Squeeze the blood out of the hand. Embalm it in a shroud and steep it in a solution of saltpetre, salt and pepper for two weeks. Then dry in the sun.” What’s saltpetre, Uncle Ben?’

      ‘Erm … I’m not sure.’

      Amy snorted gently. ‘“The other essential item is a candle made from hanged man’s fat, wax and Lapland sesame.” What’s Lapland sesame?’

      ‘Erm …’

      ‘Sesame seeds from Lapland, obviously.’ She frowned. ‘Do sesame plants grow in Lapland?’

      ‘I, er …’

      ‘Never mind.’

      ‘I know how the hand of glory was used,’ said Cooper desperately. ‘You fixed candles between the fingers of the hand, and then you lit them when you broke into a house.’

      ‘When you did what?’

      ‘Well, it was used by burglars. According to the legends, it made them invisible. It was also supposed to prevent the owners of the house from waking up.’

      There was a final bit on the little interpretative panel that he didn’t bother reading out. Wicks for the candles were made from locks of hair dipped in grease from the murderer’s body and the fat of an old tom cat, then consecrated by saying the Lord’s Prayer backwards. Ah, the old Lord’s Prayer backwards – that always worked, didn’t it?

      They moved on through the museum. Cooper glanced out of the window, and saw that it was still raining. He didn’t mind Edendale in the rain, but Amy objected to getting wet. And since it was the start of her Christmas holidays, and only his rest day, she got to say what they did and where they went. And that didn’t involve going out in the rain, thanks.

      In the centre of town, Victoria Park had been taken over for a Victorian Christmas Market. These things seemed to be very popular, judging by the crowds coming into town. There was a smell of roasting chestnuts in the air, and the sound of a fairground organ. And there was an innovation for Edendale this year – a Continental market, where stalls sold French bread and German sausages. Some of the stallholders spoke with foreign accents and might even be French or German. You never knew these days.

      In the evenings, mime artists, stilt walkers and clowns would mingle with the crowds, and Santa would turn up on his sleigh at exactly the same time every night. A couple of weeks earlier, a local TV presenter had been brought in to switch on the lights, but the headline act on the main stage tomorrow would be an Abba tribute band.

      They stopped by a costume display. The rough trousers and leather knee-pads of a lead miner, the gowns and bonnets of an elegant lady.

      ‘So how are you liking school, Amy?’ he said, aware of an unfamiliar silence developing.

      ‘It’s so cliquey. They’re all goths or emos. Or chavs.’

      ‘Chavs, eh?’

      ‘They’re so stupid. There aren’t any real people, Uncle Ben.’

      ‘Would you rather be at home, or at school?’

      ‘Well, home is all right. I like being around the farm and the animals. But Mum and Dad are so immature sometimes.’

      ‘Oh, are they?’

      ‘They only think about money and possessions – they’re very materialistic. I can’t believe they never stop and think about serious subjects now and then.’

      Cooper found himself trailing after his niece, as if he was the child demanding attention. It was supposed to be the other way round, but it never seemed to work like that in reality.

      ‘Well, they’re very busy looking after you and Josie,’ he said. ‘And they have to try to make sure the farm makes enough money to support the whole family. It’s very hard work, you know.’

      Amy didn’t seem to hear. He could see that she was thinking about something again. It was very unnerving the way she did that, switched to auto pilot while her brain concentrated on some totally different subject. Perhaps she was already learning to multi-task, practising that skill all women claimed to have.

      ‘It’s just like Draco Malfoy, in that shop in Knockturn Alley,’ she said.

      Cooper frowned, stumped again by the turn of the conversation. ‘Is it?’

      His brain turned over, trying to pin down the reference. It was humiliating to find that his brain worked so much more slowly than Amy’s but he was finding it more and more difficult to keep up with his nieces’ interests these days. Their lives seemed to change so quickly, the pop stars they liked being different from one week to the next. Even the language they used evolved so rapidly that it left him behind.

      ‘Wait a minute – Draco Malfoy, did you say? That’s Harry Potter.’

      ‘Of course it’s Harry Potter.’ Amy could barely conceal the contempt in her voice. ‘It’s in The Chamber of Secrets. Draco Malfoy finds a hand of glory when he’s in the shop with his father. “Best friend of thieves and plunderers,” that’s what the shopkeeper says.’

      ‘“Best friend of thieves and plunderers.” OK, that would make sense.’

      ‘So it’s magic,’ said Amy.

      ‘Yes, of course. What did you think it was?’

      ‘I thought it was for real. Well, it’s in the museum, isn’t it? All this other stuff is for real – the costumes and the tools, and the old furniture.’


      ‘But the hand of glory isn’t real – it’s magic.’

      ‘It’s a genuine hand,’ said Cooper defensively. ‘A hand that belonged to a real person once.’

      ‘But it’s still magic. Magic is make-believe. Harry Potter is made up. It’s fiction, Uncle Ben.’

      ‘The fact is,’ said Cooper, treading cautiously, ‘people in the past believed those things were for real. They didn’t know that magic was just something out of stories like Harry Potter. They actually thought it worked, in real life. The hand of glory, all kinds of stuff.’

      They got to the door of the museum and looked out on to the street. There were fewer umbrellas being carried by the pedestrians now, so the rain must be easing.

      ‘People can be really weird, can’t they?’ said Amy. ‘They believe in such stupid things.’

      The old man’s dreams were worse during the day. He drifted in and out of consciousness, hardly aware of his surroundings, pressed down into the darkness of sleep by a great weight. At times, he wasn’t even sure he was still alive, it felt so impossible to wake up. It was so difficult, so far beyond his strength.

      Our dawns and dusks are numbered. They’ll steal our land next, and our hills. I always thought the place would last for ever, but now I don’t care. I wouldn’t pass on the curse. It’ll die with me, and none too soon. It will an’ all.

      Dark filth, cruel brutes. Coming to my home for their