Angel Wings: True-life stories of the Angels that watch over us. Jacky Newcomb

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Название Angel Wings: True-life stories of the Angels that watch over us
Автор произведения Jacky Newcomb
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008144449

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after saying this he fell asleep. He awoke to no pain whatsoever! He is certainly a believer now!


      Carol told me that her husband relayed the story to her afterwards, but she and her mother were not surprised. They’d already experienced strange paranormal experiences at the house (although she didn’t elaborate). Someone had already been trying to make their presence known, it seems!

      Have you ever felt a loving presence around you or in your home? Remember that if you are poorly or in pain, it’s okay to ask the angels to assist you, although you may feel more comfortable asking a deceased loved one to help. No doubt they will bring healing angels with them!

      Many believe that their angels have appeared to them in photographs. I have seen unexpected balls of light in my own photographs from time to time, sometimes after I have asked for proof that there is ‘something else’ out there. These balls of light, or ‘orbs’ as many call them, are a regular feature in ghost hunters’ photographs. After examining my own photographs, I know that some of these orbs are caused by moisture in the air and others will be dust, which picks up the light, creating a speck of light on the image. Some are probably light flares (a reflection from a nearby lamp, or the sun itself, for example). Others have no earthly explanation that I can think of. Are they angels? Who knows? What do you think of this story?

      I’ve been meaning to write to you. I think about it whenever I finish one of your books. After what happened on Thursday I decided that this time I had to contact you, so to start my story, I am a strong believer in the spirit world. My son got himself into a lot of trouble, and on the day of court all his family were waiting outside when he was called in for the verdict. Terrified, I just ran out to the nearest church. I found a little side altar and I found myself crying a lot. But then I was no longer alone; I felt a hand on my shoulder and as I looked up I saw a very old lady. She leant forward and spoke into my ear. She told me that everything would be okay for me, and then said, ‘God bless’ before she left my side.

      As I looked up again there was no sign of her. The church was now empty. Almost immediately, the door opened and my son came in with my husband. Just as the lady had said, everything was okay.

      Then another time I felt their presence again, and even though it was a very simple thing it really helped me. I was sitting up at the table, feeling very sorry for myself, when I noticed a feather float down from the ceiling. A few days later it happened again. I was sitting on a bus and I stood up and let a lady go in front of me. I thought I saw something drift down before me, but thought it was nothing. Then, when I went to open my handbag, I noticed a tiny white feather on top of my bag!

      Yesterday my granddaughter was dressed up for World Book Day at school. I was taking a picture of her with her baby sister, and I could not believe what I could see – well, to be honest I did think my camera might be broken – there was an orb at the side of her in the shot. I was shocked, but my daughter took the same picture on her phone and it was on hers, too. We took other pictures around the room and nothing appeared, then when we moved back to the children again we spotted two orbs (one was smaller and fainter). They stayed around for a while!

      As well as these, I’ve had a few things happen to me since my mum and dad died. It was a while ago, and the experiences were close together. I once saw my grandma after she passed over and know that she is around me a lot, too. I have been asking my angels and deceased loved ones to let me know they are around us more.

      That’s pretty good advice actually. If you ask for signs you are more likely to receive them. Both your angels and deceased loved ones don’t want to frighten you in any way. Seeing a full-blown outline of an angel or a loved one who has died would be pretty terrifying in normal circumstances. They do try to be subtle! Here is another photograph experience.

      On the afternoon of 9 February 2007 I went to St Mary the Virgin C of E Church in Banham, Norfolk, to lay down some flowers at the grave site of a good friend that had died a couple of years ago. His death was very tragic. Whilst visiting the grave site my mum and I decided to go into the church to see the interior and take some photos. I took several photos of the church from the inside; two of the windowpanes, one at an angle of the pews and, last but not least, one from the altar pointing towards the church organ. At the time of taking the photos from the altar facing the organ, I was telling my mum about my friend’s funeral and what had taken place that day. After spending several minutes in the church, nothing unusual appeared through the lens.

      Then, after leaving the church, we headed down to one of the local pubs to have a drink and some lunch. Minutes after getting into the pub and having a drink I decided to go through all the pictures I had taken. Much to my surprise I came across something strange in one photo; it took me a moment to acknowledge what I could see. A mist-like fog had appeared to the right of the photo! I remember as I took it I explained to Mum that this had been where the coffin had been placed throughout the funeral. I thought straight away, Could this be a connection to him?

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