The Clumsies Make a Mess of the Zoo. Sorrel Anderson

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Название The Clumsies Make a Mess of the Zoo
Автор произведения Sorrel Anderson
Жанр Природа и животные
Издательство Природа и животные
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007440955

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Thompson, as Ortrud smashed into a cupboard, and the cupboard landed on Howard.

      ‘Harrumph,’ said Howard, extricating himself. ‘What this elephant needs is fresh air and exercise.’

      ‘Shall I open the window?’ offered Purvis.

      ‘That won’t be nearly airy enough for this situation,’ said Howard, taking a gulp of tea. ‘I think we’d better take the day off and go out somewhere.’

      ‘HURRAY!’ cheered Mickey Thompson, bouncing.

      ‘Where shall we go?’ said Purvis, hopping. ‘Where? Where?’

      ‘Where do you fancy?’ said Howard.

      ‘Seaside?’ suggested Purvis.

      ‘Too salty,’ said Howard.

      ‘Countryside?’ suggested Purvis.

      ‘Too muddy,’ said Howard.

      ‘A woodland walk?’ suggested Purvis.

      ‘Too woody,’ said Howard.

      ‘Ooh. Ooh,’ said Mickey Thompson, waving his hand in the air.

      ‘Yes, Mickey Thompson?’ said Howard.

      ‘CRISP FACTORY,’ shouted Mickey Thompson.

      ‘Too… What do you mean, crisp factory?’ said Howard.

      ‘They conduct guided tours, and provide free samples. It says so, here,’ said Mickey Thompson, j a b b i n g the back of his crisp packet.

      ‘No,’ said Howard.

      ‘But, Howard,’ said Mickey Thompson.

      ‘No crisp factories,’ said Howard.

      Mickey Thompson sighed, and ate another crisp, dejectedly.

      ‘I wonder what Ortrud would like to do,’ said Purvis. Everyone looked at Ortrud, as she started on another circuit of the room.

      ‘It’s difficult to tell,’ said Howard.

      ‘If only we could speak elephant,’ said Mickey Thompson.

      ‘THAT’S IT!’shouted Purvis, leaping up. ‘I’VE GOT IT!’

      He shot under the desk and shot back out again clutching a green leaflet, decorated all over with pictures of happy-looking animals. ‘This is where we should go,’ he said, flapping it.

      ‘The !’

      ‘T O O T !’

      trumpeted Ortrud.

      ‘HURRAY!’ cheered Mickey Thompson.

      ‘Too many animals,’ said Howard.

      The mice gasped, and Ortrud skidded to a halt.

      ‘But you like animals, Howard,’ said Purvis.

      ‘Yes, Howard,’ said Mickey Thompson. ‘Animals are lovely.’ He batted his eyelashes at Howard, energetically.

      ‘One can go off a thing, you know,’ said Howard.

      ‘But, Howard,’ said Purvis, looking a little upset.

      ‘Oh, go on then,’ said Howard. ‘The it is.’


      trumpeted Ortrud,

      ‘HURRAY!’ cheered Mickey Thompson.

      ‘There’ll be other elephants there, you see,’ explained Purvis. ‘I was thinking it might be good for Ortrud to meet them.’

      ‘It certainly can’t do any harm,’ agreed Howard.

      ‘Off we go, then,’ said Mickey Thompson, rushing towards the door.

      ‘Wait!’ said Purvis.

      ‘What?’ said Mickey Thompson.

      ‘We need to prepare,’ said Purvis.

      ‘Eh?’ said Mickey Thompson.

      ‘For the outing,’ said Purvis.

      ‘He’s right,’ said Howard, putting

      ‘There’s no sense in rushing these things. How long do we need?’

      ‘Around fifteen minutes should do it,’ said Purvis. ‘Certainly no more than twenty.’

      ‘Perfect,’ said Howard. ‘We’ll set off in twenty minutes.’

      So everyone BUSTLED about preparing for the outing.

      to keep him going, he said. Mickey Thompson put on a pith helmet and ate some more crisps. Purvis found a rucksack and zipped the leaflet into it. And Ortrud completed seven circuits of the room, C R A S H E D into a chair and flomped down in the middle of the floor, panting heavily.

      ‘Oh dear,’ said Purvis.

      ‘Nervous Exhaustion’ said Mickey Thompson, sounding knowledgeable.

      ‘I wouldn’t be at all surprised,’ said Howard.

      ‘Ortrud, hup!’ coaxed Mickey Thompson. ‘Hup!’

      ‘She won’t budge,’ said Purvis.

      ‘Can you carry her, Howard?’

      ‘If I must,’ sighed Howard, hoisting her up. Ortud trumpeted, complainingly, and went floppy.

      ‘She’s heavy,’ puffed Howard.

      ‘We’ll stop from time to time, for rests,’ said Purvis.

      ‘And conspicuous,’ grumbled Howard.

      ‘I don’t want to attract attention.’

      ‘Why’s that then?’ asked Mickey Thompson.

      ‘Because strictly speaking I should be working hard at my desk,’ said Howard, ‘not visiting s.’

      ‘I see,’ said Purvis.

      Mickey Thompson pointed at Howard’s mac, t a n g l e d in the coat-stand.

      ‘That old mac,’ he said. ‘We can use it.’

      ‘My smart mac,’ corrected Howard.