Название | Bastardos de la modernidad |
Автор произведения | Alexander Torres |
Жанр | Языкознание |
Серия | Latin America |
Издательство | Языкознание |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781433169021 |
70. “real time is that in which people live; it is qualitative, not quantitative”.
71. “memory is the bridge between the perceptions of an event or object and the recollection of it”.
72. “[i]n A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Joyce makes his first full-fledged attack on the conventional novel. His main deviations involve the narrative structure of the work, which is an assemblage of several epiphanies, and the characterization of Stephen Daedelus. Interestingly, Joyce chooses to attack the conventions of the novel from within one of its most traditional forms, the Bildungsroman … For example, no attempt is made in Portrait to provide the reader with a well-delineated, chronological account of Stephen’s growth. Instead, one is thrust into various moments of his life … Readers, immersed in the main character’s durée, see Stephen’s consciousness grow in front of them. Thus the outer world is understood only in terms of the inner one; reality becomes dependent upon understanding the inner world of self”.
73. “a subordinate and peripheral latecomer to the modernity show”.
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