Название | Stealing Kathryn |
Автор произведения | Jacquelyn Frank |
Жанр | Короткие любовные романы |
Серия | Gatherers |
Издательство | Короткие любовные романы |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781420119312 |
His thoughts seemed to dim around her. He was weakening.
“I am coming.”
She sped to his side as fast as her feet would take her, uncaring of the energy she was burning or the aches that still remained in her body because he had been cruel and abusive to her. It didn’t matter. Adrian could not help what he had become for the sake of so many. Part of it was her fault for not handling the situation better. He needed more and more careful handling and understanding as the nights wore on into years of toil and darkness. She was there to watch over him, to help keep him sane and grounded, and now she feared she had failed him.
She ran into the atrium and found him lying on the floor, the fluorescent pink of his blood pooled around his head. She knelt beside him, gently touching his misshapen head. He lifted it to her, his whole body shaking in pain and outright fear.
“What’s happening to me?” he asked hoarsely.
Aerlyn gasped in utter shock, a hand flying to her mouth as she stared into her brother’s changing face. The sharper points that had twisted his features over time were smoother now, and as she looked she could swear she could see the pieces of the face she had once loved on her brother. But years of endless poison had turned him into this rough beast and she had faced the loss of his looks long ago, just as he had done. But she didn’t understand any more than he did why he was so contorted and changed. Even the hands he held out to her seemed less rough, with the somewhat less vicious claws he used when in a fit of raging temper.
Whatever was happening to him, it was a painful thing. She could read it all over his expression and in the tension of his body language. She reached to press a hand to his head, where blood was still seeping from a deep gash, and she used her free hand to check him for any other obvious injuries.
“Adrian, you have to tell me what is going on. I know you’ve done something. Tell me what it is so I can help to fix it.”
“No!” he wrenched out stubbornly.
“You don’t have a choice!” she shouted at him, her voice bouncing up off the glass ceiling.
He snarled at her, showing the tip of a fang in the process. Aerlyn was unimpressed and the direct glare of her eyes let him know that. She refused to give him quarter. Something was very wrong, and whatever it was needed to be dealt with. It was bad enough he had to live his life in a perpetual state of wrongness. She didn’t want him in physical agony along with it.
“The treasure,” he growled through his teeth, his reluctance clear. “You’ll know when you see it.”
Aerlyn looked up the winding staircase to the huge doors that housed Adrian’s precious treasure room. It was his and his alone. She was never allowed beyond the doors without his strict escort. She had always abided by that because she had always felt he deserved something all his own, something no one could touch but him. Something beautiful to help balance out the dreadfulness of what he had to do every night. She had seen the exquisite collection on and off over the past two years since he had started collecting, when Adrian had been feeling magnanimous or especially proud of an acquisition. It was hard for him to share, though. The darkness inside him was so covetous of his bright and beautiful things that even letting someone look at them was sometimes too much to ask.
Aerlyn wanted to help her brother, but she wanted to know what could possibly be in that room that could hurt him so badly. What kind of creature was it? And she knew it was a living thing because she could feel it even stronger now that she was closer. She slowly rose to her full height, leaving Adrian at her feet, where he huffed angrily because he didn’t have the strength to stop her or go with her or do whatever it was his instincts were crying out for him to do in order to protect what he felt was his. She made no mistake that this was what motivated him. He was not thinking of her safety in the least. Or perhaps he didn’t think she would be in any danger.
She took to the stairs rapidly, her feet flying up with incredible speed. She reached the landing and ran to the hulking doors that protected the room beyond. She threw the bolt, wondering why he would bother to lock the doors from the outside. She used both hands and pushed with all her strength.
The doors opened and there, right on the floor beside the opening, was Adrian’s treasure.
Oh no! What has he done?
Aerlyn rushed to kneel by the poor girl’s side, shock numbing her hands and face as she dared to touch her. The other woman was wounded in several ways, including her fists being bruised from what had no doubt been a most violent banging on her prison door.
Aerlyn sat back on her heels and dashed away tears of anger and frustration. How was she going to fix this? Why would Adrian do such a thing? Maybe he was much further gone than she had thought. Maybe the insanity of his work had really and truly driven him over the edge of all reason. She could bear losing pieces of her brother bit by bit for the sake of the greater good, but was he now irretrievable? Was this why he was suffering so much agony? Because he had crossed a line and now would never come back?
No. She had to pray that wasn’t the case. She had to consult with the Ampliphi about what to do. This girl was human, and she had been exposed to who knew what. Most likely to Adrian himself. Surely she could deduce what he had brought her there for. Or perhaps she was thinking he had more nefarious purposes. Regardless, if she had seen Adrian, she knew she wasn’t being held by a deranged human. The deformity of her brother’s body and features made him look anything but human.
Yet his heart and soul were still there, somewhere, trying to stay intact. Aerlyn knew this as she looked down onto the beautiful face of the treasure he’d chosen above all others. Why, she wondered, had he picked this particular woman? She was very pretty, and she had lovely skin, but Aerlyn had seen far more exquisite creatures among the humans. So why had Adrian chosen her?
It was one of many questions Adrian needed to answer. But first Aerlyn had to make sure the other woman would be safe and comfortable. She took her back to the bed in the treasure room for now, just a place to keep her safe while she tried to figure this all out. Then she walked across the room and lightly smacked Cronos’s face until he was conscious. When he saw Aerlyn in the treasure room, it was clear by his meek and cowering expression that he realized the jig was up.
“Yes, you’d best be afraid of me,” she breathed on a hiss of air. “You are his Companion. It is your duty to see to his care and his needs. I depend on you to tell me when he steps over the line of what is permissible. And then when he does, you help him?”
“He would hurt me if I told!”
“Not half as much as I will if I catch you in my sight again! The Ampliphi will hear of this, and once and for all I’ll have your useless carcass removed from duty!”
The sniveling Cronos suddenly disappeared and a sly, wicked little thing came out to play. “If you tell about me, then you will tell about Adrian. They will punish him for stealing the girl. They will see how far gone he truly is and they will destroy him.”
Aerlyn felt her stomach fill with lead, the weight of it slamming down hard inside her. Cronos was right. If the Ampliphi found out about what Adrian had done, they might very well have him executed. It didn’t matter to them that it was unfair to ask such a harsh, corrupting duty of him; they would say he should have retired before it had gone too far.
But when Adrian had accepted his post those many years ago, he had told Aerlyn that he would take it for as long as he could and then take it some more. Anything to keep another from suffering the way he was now suffering. He had been strong in such amazing ways then. Now he was strong in frightening ones.
They had to fix this problem without the Ampliphi knowing about it. They somehow had to give the girl back to the Earth plane and not risk exposure at the same time. Then, once the girl had been safely returned to her life, Aerlyn would force Adrian to retire from his post. He had done enough. More than enough. As it was, she knew she would never know her brother as the man he had once been. His corruption was too deep.