Game On!. Dani Jace

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Название Game On!
Автор произведения Dani Jace
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Seaside Heat
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781601835987

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name, but you’d make a heck of a cornerback the way you picked off that pass.”

      Electrified by his touch, her thoughts fired in directions she’d been dodging for months. “Jordan, sister to three older brothers. I can tackle, too, if necessary.” She grinned.

      He let out a low whistle.

      * * * *

      Enthralled by her spunky comeback, Heath offered Jordan his beach chair then dropped cross-legged on the sand.

      Wavy, reddish brown hair spilled over toned shoulders to an athletic, yet shapely figure. He liked women with some curves. Her sunglasses hid the feature he sought most.

      Dugan dug in the cooler, popped tops on two cool ones and passed them to their guests. “Sorry ladies. Didn’t see y’all. Heath and I had been throwing passes on the fly. I’d just turned and fired.”

      “I’m GiGi.” She accepted the brew and winked at Dugan’s come on.

      Heath had seen Dugan raise his eyebrow after the flubbed pass. The dog―make that hound. GiGi might be totally oblivious to his farce, but Heath suspected Jordan wasn’t so easily deceived.

      Dugan complimented GiGi on her bikini and gestured for her to take his chair.

      “So are you vacationing?” Heath asked Jordan.

      “Nope, born and raised here.” She tipped back her beer “I assume you guys are?”

      Saying he played for the Tritons was a gamble. “Dugan and I just started a job in the area. There’s a probationary period, so we’re renting a house near here.”

      “You didn’t want a place on the strip along Virginia Beach?”

      “Rent is steep there.” Heath raked his fingers through the warm sand wondering if she lived nearby. “I like it here. Got a decent ocean view from the rental. I can sneak through the neighbors’ yards for a swim, or come down here if I’m feeling social.”

      “Are you normally a hermit?” She wrinkled her nose and laughed.

      “More like picky with whom I spend time.” He winked and grabbed a beer.

      Her subsequent grin sent his heart rate climbing. He liked her sarcasm and her cute, slightly upturned nose.

      She leaned forward, flipped up her shades and claimed him with a pair of wide, honey-brown eyes. “Me too.”

      Arousal snaked through his belly. Thankful for concealing trunks, he shifted. It’d been a long two months of practice with no sex.

      Beautiful Jordan. A summer fling? Or more trouble? Heath’s body demanded what his mind cautioned against. Then again, there wasn’t anything wrong with having a meal with her. “So would I meet your standards for dinner out?”

      “Possibly. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I hear a southern inflection in your voice.” Her smile reached her mesmerizing eyes.

      “I’m originally from South Carolina, darlin’.”

      The moment he said darling, Jordan sank back in the beach chair. Gooseflesh pimpled her arms.

      “I’m sorry,” he said, softly. “That was forward.”

      “Just a sudden chill from the beer.” She waved off his concern.

      He didn’t buy it.

      “Hey you two, let’s do dinner and then drinks.” GiGi’s fingers traced along Dugan’s shoulders in silent invitation.

      “Sorry, got an early morning tomorrow. I need to get my car from your place.” Jordan eyed GiGi.

      Heath had never tanked with a woman by calling her darling. How could the mere endearment piss her off more than almost nailing her with a football?

      Dugan stood. “You sure, Jordan? Thought GiGi and you could show us your favorite spots along the Virginia Beach strip.”

      “Some other time.”

      Which meant never. Heath rose and offered his hand to Jordan.

      After a second of indecision, she accepted.

      Heath wrapped her cold fingers in his heated palm. She seemed frightened. Damn. “You okay?”

      “Fine.” She loosened her hand from his. “Thanks for the beer.”

      Polite. A kiss-off none the less. He’d felt some chemistry between them. A wrong word and he’d been banished.

      Chapter 3

      Jordan latched her seat belt as GiGi started the car. A perfect beach day and she’d been having a great time. One stupid word shot her into flight mode.


      Her gut reaction to the endearment proved the Richard fiasco still controlled her life. Damn him. She gritted her teeth, hating how he’d jaded her view of men. If she hadn’t been so gullible, she wouldn’t have become news fodder as a business man’s plaything. She’d lost her self-esteem, ability to trust, and nearly her livelihood.

      “What the hell’s gotten into you, Jordan?” GiGi followed the black Jeep to the beach house. “You were into him.”

      “Just not ready to go there, G.”

      “He’s hot as fuck. They’re new in town. Ride him like a stallion and be done.” She popped the clutch and jerked the car into third gear.

      Jordan had worn down the last of GiGi’s patience. “Sorry, I’m not like you.”

      “No, you don’t give anyone a chance anymore. The first wrong word and you dismiss people like they’re not good enough.”

      Like your mother. Gigi didn’t say it, but the message rang loud and clear. Hiding her fear had turned her into a hardass.

      Heath turned into the next driveway. The sleek black four-by-four reminded Jordan of her eldest brother’s ride. She missed rides on the beach down on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Good times. She’d love to return to that simple life.

      GiGi stopped the car at the end of their driveway.

      Dugan swaggered his beefy self to the driver’s side and leaned on the door.

      Enthused with the jock, GiGi chatted him up like a teen.

      Heath grabbed the cooler from the back of his vehicle and then glanced her way. “Nice meeting you, Jordan.” Barefoot and shirtless, he waved and turned for the house.

      Without an explanation, she’d blown an opportunity with a seemingly nice guy with an amazing body. One man had ruined an endearing word that another’s sexy and southern pronunciation had her shivering with desire.

      Take a chance. She might wind up being his vacation playmate, but at least it would be her choice. As long as he wasn’t a liar and deceiver like Richard. Taking GiGi’s advice, Jordan rose from the low sports car and followed him up the driveway. She reached him as he was about to enter the outside shower. “Heath.”

      Surprised blue eyes questioned her.

      “I’m sorry. I overreacted. Someone used to call me darling.”

      His jaw tensed. “Someone who hurt you.”

      She studied her flip-flops.

      “I know where you’re coming from.” He grasped her hand.

      So strong. His closeness unnerved her, yet his magnetic gaze enticed her. Beyond his handsome features, he emanated a protective nature that encouraged her to trust.

      Her brothers were the same. They could tease her, but let someone else mess with her. She tightened her fingers around his. “Thanks for understanding.”

      Her knuckles tingled against the stroke of his thumb.

      The tender touch sent Jordan’s