Unexpected Destinies. Constance Ruth Clark

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Название Unexpected Destinies
Автор произведения Constance Ruth Clark
Жанр Эротическая литература
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781616504106

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Caroline moved away from the door and Jayne gave her a weak smile. “I’ll leave you to see your father. He’s past the worst now but the doctor wants to keep him for observation for a few days.”

      “Thank you,” Jayne said, moving toward the door and wishing Caroline would leave.

      “No problem,” Caroline apparently finally realized that Jayne wanted to be alone to see her father. “I’ll be at the nurses’ station if you need anything. Feel free to give me a buzz.”

      Finally. Jayne watched Caroline walk back down the hall and heaved a sigh of relief at her departure. God, she was way too perky. It was bad enough she was seeing her father for the first time in over a year in a hospital. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she pushed open the door and stepped inside.


      “Princess.” His voice floated over from the direction of the bed, sounding stronger than she’d expected.

      Jayne somehow found herself beside his bed, grasping his hand and fighting back the tears she didn’t want him to see. He looked so small in that bed. Her father had always seemed larger than life to her and now she was facing his mortality. She barely noticed her mother sitting on the other side of his bed, her hand clasping his other hand.

      “If I’d known this would get you to come see me, I would have had a heart attack a long time ago,” he joked.

      “Daddy.” Jayne choked back a laugh at his irreverent tone. “I should have come sooner.”

      “You’re here now and that’s all that matters,” he said, surprising her with his strength as he let go of her mother’s hand and pulled her toward him for a close hug.

       Chapter 5

      The day after Jayne visited her father in the hospital she was on set almost before the sun had a chance to make an appearance. She might be worried about her father, but she knew she would only worry more if she wasn’t working and that wouldn’t help anyone. Besides, she had a full schedule and needed to stick to it as closely as possible.

      Jayne stepped off the bedroom set where she’d been modeling a particularly naughty set of lingerie and grabbed the matching robe as she met her assistant at the door.

      “One more wardrobe change and I’m done here,” Jayne said, shrugging into the robe as she walked. She was ready to go home and the day had barely begun. A long soak in the hot tub would be welcome and after all the running around she’d be doing later today, she deserved it.

      “Faye wants to see you right away,” Shelley said as she trotted along beside Jayne’s long stride. “She said it’s important. I’ve already told the creative director and photographer to take an hour.”

      “Terrific.” Jayne sighed.

      She’d hoped to be finished in another hour so she could have a few minutes to herself before reporting for hair and makeup for the second shoot. Now she had to go see what her agent wanted. Apparently it was important enough for Michael David Adams to agree to such a long break. A top photographer in New York had more to do than sit around waiting for his model to have a meeting with her agent in the middle of a photo shoot.

      “Do I have time to change first?”

      Jayne had no idea what her agent could want, but she didn’t want to keep Michael waiting after the meeting, and she had a runway show to get ready for tomorrow. She needed to manage her time to make sure she met all her obligations, something Jayne had never been very good at.

      “If you hurry.” Shelley knew all about her time management issues.

      “Great.” Jayne marched through the door of her dressing room, Shelley close on her heels, and pushed the door shut.

      The next set of lingerie was hanging on the rack next to her makeup table, and she stripped off the blue and white set and pulled on the fire-engine red thong and bustier. Kicking off the white pumps, she slipped into a pair of matching, lacy red shoes and topped it all off with a see through peignoir that she didn’t bother tying.

      “Ready?” Shelley asked, poised to open the door.


      Jayne followed her out and down the hall toward the elevator that would take them up to the business offices on the top floor.

      People were used to seeing models walking around the building in all manner of undress, so no one blinked when Jayne stepped off the elevator.

      “Ms. Stapleton.” Ms. Rogers, her agent’s secretary greeted her when she stopped in front of her desk. “Faye is expecting you.”

      “Thank you,” Jayne said, moving toward the door into her agent’s office.

      “I should warn you,” Ms. Rogers said, eying Jayne’s attire, “she isn’t alone.”

      “Oh?” Jayne paused to look at her curiously. “Is it a client?”

      “Um, not exactly.” Ms. Rogers looked uncomfortable for a moment but then her expression cleared. “I’m sure your attire will be fine,” she mumbled as if to herself.

      Jayne shrugged, not really caring who was on the other side of the door if they weren’t a client. As long as it wasn’t the President of the United States she was about to meet in her underwear, she didn’t care. She was doing a runway show tomorrow night modeling these same garments in front of hundreds of people, so what was one more?

      Pushing the door open, she waltzed inside and turned to close it.

      There, now whoever it is will have had a great view of both my back and my front. Jayne turned to greet the room’s occupants and her amusement fled as she her mouth opened in surprise.

       Not him.

      “Jayne.” Faye greeted her, motioning to a chair opposite the man seated beside her. “Do come in and sit down.”

      Jayne moved forward and groped for the flimsy string ties to close the peignoir. It wasn’t much cover, but it was better than nothing and she needed all the armor she could find in dealing with the man she never thought she’d see again.

      “This is Detective Nick Graham.”

      She knew who he was. Well, not the detective part, but she certainly knew his name. Her gaze met his and she noticed the amusement on his face. Once she would have worn less in front of him, but those days were long gone.

       What the hell was he doing here?

      “He’s here on a serious matter.” Faye continued, her voice subdued. “I know you’ve been in Europe for most of the past year, so you probably don’t know what’s been happening around here lately.”

      Nick cleared his throat. Jayne sat down and braced herself for the sound of his voice, crossing her arms and legs.

      “We have a serial killer in the city,” he said. “There have been three deaths so far and all three have been models who work in or around the city.”

      Jayne gasped.

      “Detective Graham wants to figure out why the killer might be targeting models specifically and is speaking to you and some of the others , it could help the investigation.”

      “How can I help?” Jayne wasn’t going to hold their past against him. He was trying to find a killer and no matter what she thought of him personally, she’d help as best she could.

      “Would you be prepared to answer some questions for me?” Nick leaned forward, his shirt tightening across his chest and Jayne cursed herself for noticing the play of muscles beneath. “About the people you come into contact with while doing your job.”

      “Sure,” Jayne said, trying to ignore the racing of her heart at the nearness of the man she thought she’d love forever. How young and innocent she had been then. “But before