Who Wants To Be A Sex Goddess?. Gemma Bruce

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Название Who Wants To Be A Sex Goddess?
Автор произведения Gemma Bruce
Жанр Эротическая литература
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758282170

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that brush out of my purse.”

      Oh, shit, thought Andy. The makeover. It was so tempting. Wouldn’t she just love to see Dillon’s face when the real her appeared. But that would be a disaster. She couldn’t change until she’d found Aunt Mac.

      Jeannie was already pulling out the pins from her bun. Andy grabbed her hand. “Maybe later.”

      Jeannie pursed her lips. “I don’t know what you’re waiting for. Here’s your chance to be a new you. Life is short. I know you’re too young to think about that. But I’m telling ya. There aren’t that many good men out there, and you better make sure you get yourself one.”

      “I don’t…” But she did want to have a meaningful relationship. It wouldn’t have to last forever, but long enough to get to know each other, not jump into bed the minute they met. They could read, talk, play dominos….

      “Mr. Jenkins was a real sweetie,” Jeannie continued. “He had his head screwed on right and he took care of me. But I never had any eternal orgasms. I was lucky if I got one at all. Then one day, he up and died, just like that, and I was richer than I had any right to be. I’d been watching Dr. Bliss’s show on the TV every day, read all her books.

      “I thought, what the heck, I’m young…enough. So I signed up for Terra Bliss. Liked it so much, I came back for a second round. Now I’m on my third. I’m still waiting for that eternal orgasm, but I aim to get it before I die. Do you have a bathing suit?”

      “What?” said Andy. “Me?” Dillon had almost reached them, and Andy was having a hard time thinking. Only my string bikini. “No. I…”

      “No matter, you can borrow one of mine. I brought a few extras.”

      Dillon set the tray on the table and handed the others tall, frosty glasses of tea. Then he leaned over Andy and placed a glass of iced tea on the table by her chaise.

      She turned her head to watch him, which put her eyes right at crotch level. She took a second to enjoy the way the silk clung and shimmered over a landscape she’d like to explore. She leaned on the arm of her chaise; her elbow slipped off.

      The top of her head brushed against his thigh. She got a jolt of pure “take me now.” She lifted her head. Dillon was still leaning over the table. He seemed oblivious, but Andy was sure that something was happening inside those little shorts. Was it possible that he was getting aroused?

      Yeah. He was definitely growing. You rock, girl. Even with old-lady clothes and bad hair and makeup, she still had it, and she was more than ready to use it. She was tempted to reach for her iced tea and accidentally brush the front of his shorts to see if he was as hard as she thought. After all, she was half-blind. He’d never guess she’d done it on purpose.

      Then he moved away and she felt oddly deserted.

      Jeannie sipped her iced tea and watched Dillon as he carried the empty tray away. Then she leaned over the space between the chairs. “He’s definitely got the hots for you.”

      Andy shook her head, biting her lip not to laugh out loud. Yes. Thank you, God.

      “No, really. He does. His Mr. Peter was practically dancin’ in his pants.”

      Andy buried her face in her hands to hide her grin.

      “Jeannie,” admonished Loubelle, pursing her lips and flushing pink. “You should be ashamed of yourself.”

      Jeannie rolled her eyes. “And it’s a mighty fine one, too. I know, ’cause my hand did a little introducing itself to him last night at dinner. Sorry ’bout the water. Who knew he was so ticklish.”

      “Honestly, Jeannie,” said Evelyn. “I knew something had surprised him. But I never.”

      “Well, I never did either. But I figured, what was I waiting for?”

      “You…you…goosed him?” asked Andy, nearly choking to hold back her laughter.

      “Yeah, but don’t mind me. I’m perfectly happy with my Demetri. But you better go on and act before one of these other women starts poaching.”

      Andy shook her head and reached for her iced tea. She pulled at the straw and sucked in a burning breath. Her eyes teared up. No one had said it was Long Island iced tea.

      “No need to be embarrassed. You’re a diamond in the rough. He’s smart enough to see it. Now, if you’d just let me do something about your hair.”

      A few minutes later, they moved to the luncheon table. Demetri and another attendant, whom Evelyn introduced as Louis, wandered over. Louis was a clean-cut, well-scrubbed, all-American kind of guy. He nodded politely and began chatting with Evelyn.

      Demetri stopped at Jeannie’s chair, did some rubby, purry things, then left again. A minute later, Louis followed him.

      “Was that your sapphire ring Demetri was wearing on his pinkie?” asked Loubelle, smoothing her linen napkin across her lap.

      “Uh-huh. Doesn’t he look sweet wearing it?”

      Evelyn shook her head. “You should be a little careful with your gifts.”

      “Oh, pooh. I’ve got more little trinkets than I’ll ever be able to wear.”

      “Well, I wouldn’t advertise it if I were you. Oh, there you are, Rusty.” Loubelle smiled past Andy. Andy turned around to see a freckle-faced redhead bouncing toward them.

      “Just came by to say a quick hello. Everybody having a good time?”

      They all nodded.

      Rusty gave Loubelle a friendly smile. “See you tonight, unless you need anything?”

      “No, no, I’ll see you this evening,” said Loubelle, beaming.

      Andy began to feel a little sick. Were these women, whom she was beginning to really like, all being gouged by their appointed slaves? Would Dillon soon start hitting her up for presents? And what about sex? Better not to even imagine that.

      “Were those your attendants?” asked Andy.

      Evelyn and Loubelle nodded.

      “Rusty’s a sweet boy,” said Loubelle. “And much nicer than the one I had last time. He was a bit of a pill. I suppose I should be glad that Miranda didn’t come back for the second session. She might have wanted him back.”

      Andy swallowed the wrong way and burst out coughing.

      “Jeannie, do something, she’s choking.”

      Andy shook her head.

      “She just swallowed the wrong way. Are you all right, sugah?”

      Andy nodded and kept spluttering.

      “Well, look who’s here,” Jeannie said and smacked her on the back.

      Andy pitched forward, and when she sat up again, Dillon was standing beside her, a salad plate in each hand.

      Hmmm. Both hands occupied. It was tempting. Of course, if last night was any indication, she’d be wearing two crab salads before she was finished copping a feel.

      He set one plate down in front of her.

      “Thanks,” she said stiffly.

      “My pleasure,” he said and placed the other plate in front of Jeannie.

      “Why didn’t she come back?” asked Andy.

      “Who?” Jeannie asked around a bite of crab.

      “Mi—the woman who had Rusty last session.” God, this was too easy. She didn’t even have to make up a story to get them to talk.

      “Oh…Miranda…Nobody knows. Evelyn, you’re hogging the bread basket.”

      Evelyn handed Jeannie the basket.

      Jeannie selected a roll and began slathering it