Sexy Beast VI. Lydia Parks

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Название Sexy Beast VI
Автор произведения Lydia Parks
Жанр Эротическая литература
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758240965

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scraping his shaft over her clit with each upward and downward thrust.

      “She’s making it too easy, Mik. Got any ideas?”

      Mik laughed. “You kidding? I’ve always got ideas.”

      Before Tala could even protest, he’d flipped her over and slipped just inside her sex with his huge cock. Her face pressed against his collarbone and she kissed the soft skin beneath his ear. Mik groaned and withdrew. Then he arched his hips again and pressed upward, deeper this time. She felt his slick glans catch at her entrance, felt the stretching that always hurt as much as it pleasured when he filled her, slowly forcing his entire length all the way inside.

      Her legs stretched wide around his thick thighs, her inner muscles rippled, adjusted, welcomed his full length. Feminine juices flowed when he lifted her with each slow but steady roll of his hips, and he filled her deeper on each forward thrust. When Mik was totally engulfed in her rippling heat, he paused and grinned over her shoulder at AJ. “That the right angle, bro?”

      “Oh, yeah.”

      She felt her ass pucker, felt the taut muscle twitch in expectation. Usually the guys did each other. It had been a long time since she’d taken both of them at once.

      AJ’s fingers lightly stroked her tight little hole. When Mik moaned, she knew his balls were getting the same attention. His penis jerked deep inside her.

      A moment later, something cool and wet dripped down the crease between her buttocks and she picked up the subtle scent of cocoa butter and vanilla. AJ’s fingertips helped the lube along, creaming her narrow cleft from her tailbone to the thick base of Mik’s cock stuffed in her sex.

      The cream warmed with each slow stroke of his fingers and Tala gave up all pretense of struggle. She wriggled her hips, but Mik refused to move. She felt the hot length of AJ’s cock pressing into the cleft between her cheeks. He slid, hot and wet from the cream, riding up and down in the warm valley.

      Tala opened her thoughts and caught the laughter in Mik’s mind, the sense of AJ’s big cock sliding against Mik’s balls on every downward stroke. She sensed AJ’s preoccupation with every sensation, the way the cream, now heated with the friction of their bodies, left a tingle on the surface of his cock. The slick, smooth skin on the inside of her buttocks, now all warm and wet, the visual of her, stretched out over the chest of the man he loved, her body impaled on Mik’s perfect erection.

      He could do this for hours, keeping the three of them on the edge of orgasm. They didn’t have hours. They had a few stolen moments while six anxious almost-Chanku prowled around just outside their door.

      Tala spread her legs a fraction wider and wiggled her butt—enough, she hoped, that AJ would feel the puckered little muscle between her cheeks and remember what he was supposed to be doing. She knew from long experience that until AJ was deep inside, Mik wouldn’t move another inch, no matter how much she begged.

      Her clit throbbed and the cream from her pussy was spilling out around the thick base of Mik’s deeply planted shaft. The mingled scents of sex and vanilla and cocoa butter made her nose tickle. She sent a mental plea to AJ to get a move on, now!

      “Bossy little thing, isn’t she, Mik?”

      Tala groaned. “Are you two bozos going to fuck me now, or do I have to show you how this is supposed to work? Now get moving!”

      AJ snorted, and it was Mik who moved, spinning around on the bed until he had his feet on the edge and his knees in the air with Tala planted firmly on his cock, her legs ingloriously sprawled over his thighs. Mik gave AJ a perfect target when he finally stopped laughing long enough to crawl off the bed, slip on a condom, and stand between his lover’s feet. Mik lifted his hips and Tala with them, AJ pressed forward, and with all the cream and relaxed muscles, breached Tala’s tight sphincter and slid deep inside her rear on the first thrust.

      They all sighed when his balls hit the underside of Mik’s shaft and rested on his sac, when the head of his cock rode the full length of Mik’s while deep inside Tala, separated by nothing more than a moist, feminine sheath.

      He held perfectly still. Tala tapped into AJ’s thoughts and found a powerful blend of emotion and sensation, a maelstrom of visceral responses and feelings blended with all the emotions of a man who loved deeply, eternally.

      She closed her eyes and held back the silly quip she’d intended to make. Now was not the time. Now was one of those perfect moments the three of them so often shared, their bodies linked, their hearts already beating in sync, breaths flawlessly matched as each inhaled and exhaled at the same time.

      AJ was the first to move. Gently, at first, taking care not to hurt her, he withdrew and slowly thrust forward. Mik caught AJ’s rhythm and Tala became the vessel through which the two men made love, the link that held them together, the one who cemented the commitment they’d made to one another so long ago.

      She felt her climax building, knew she was catching both Mik and AJ’s growing arousal, but something new floated in the space about them, something she’d not seriously considered until now.

      She could give them a child, one borne of each man should they mate in the deep woods as wolves. Releasing an egg was a simple thing. Raising a child wasn’t, but she had two fathers, men who loved equally. There was no reason to choose. She’d merely make love to both, and when her body was filled with their mingled seed, the egg would choose.

      Thinking of carrying either AJ or Mik’s child under her heart took her higher than she’d ever flown. A feral scream ripped from deep in Tala’s throat. She arched her back and sailed over the edge of orgasm.

      Her body spasmed with the hot rush of Mik’s release and the deep thrust when AJ climaxed. Behind it all, she felt the gentle laughter of two men, each of them imagining their woman swollen with child.

      Oops. Tala bit back a giggle. She’d let her thoughts fly free at the moment of climax. Shared a moment she probably should have kept private, at least for now, but the cat was out of the bag. Now she wasn’t the only one who would be thinking about babies.

      Maybe, when they shifted, when her body was in heat and it was capable of producing a viable egg, she might be willing to take a chance. In spite of the danger, despite those in the world who would do them harm…maybe now truly was the time.

      Smiling, imagining these two perfect men as fathers, Tala collapsed against Mik’s broad chest. AJ gently lowered himself over her back.

      They lay there, the three of them sandwiched together, hearts pounding, minds spinning.

      Filled with possibilities.

      Dreaming of a future of their own creation.

      Jazzy sat on the railing out front. Late afternoon sunlight bathed this one little corner of the porch, and she’d claimed it for her own. Beth and Nick hadn’t come out of the bedroom for at least a couple of hours, and Matt was sleeping in one of the other rooms. She wasn’t sure exactly where Deacon had gone, but he’d wandered into the woods to check out the huge trees.

      Logan was the only one out here, but he wasn’t exactly with her. He’d gone down to the other end of the porch where he’d commandeered a deck chair. He sat there silently, staring at the dark forest.

      She might as well have been all alone, out here waiting on AJ, Mik, and Tala. From the muffled laughter and the soft scream she’d just heard from the master bedroom, there was no doubt in Jazzy’s mind what was going on behind their closed door.

      She felt that same ripple of sensation, the clenching of muscles, the presence of her clit rubbing against the thick seam of her jeans. Hell, she never thought of her clit. It was just there, a part of her body that usually stayed hidden until it was time to come out and play, but for some reason, lately the damn thing wanted to play all the time.

      She was so not going to be ruled by her sex drive.

      Like that was an issue.

      Desire’d pretty much been fucked out of her after a lifetime on the