Addicted. Lydia Parks

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Название Addicted
Автор произведения Lydia Parks
Жанр Эротическая литература
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758236036

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at the others. “And you, my dear,” he said to the blonde. “Join us.”

      Jake could tell without looking that the second young man was finishing his turn humping the large-breasted, dark-haired beauty, which would probably leave the two human male participants without much initiative to continue.

      The blonde crawled across the bed and kissed Skidmore, then leaned over and kissed Jake. Her mouth, hot and wide, promised wild, erotic joy, and he responded by pulling her in for another taste.

      When she straightened, she looked at Skidmore.

      “Sit here,” he said, patting the bed beside Jake.

      As she did, Skidmore stroked her bronze thighs, then slid his hand between them. “Beatrice has beautiful little breasts, don’t you think?”

      Taking the cue, the blonde leaned forward and attended to Beatrice’s breasts with her tongue, circling them, then sucking.

      Beatrice responded by flooding Jake’s cock as her excitement grew, releasing her wonderful scent again.

      Jake’s fangs dropped and his cock swelled.

      “Yes,” Skidmore said softly. “Lean forward just a little.”

      Jake watched the girl’s face as Skidmore kissed her shoulders. He could tell by the frown that furrowed her brow that Skidmore worked on entering her, easing his way into her tightest opening.

      And then Jake felt the intrusion of slow, easy strokes, and sweat popped out on Beatrice’s face.

      “Oh,” she said, her voice soft and deep, “so full, so…”

      “Yes,” Skidmore whispered. “Now move up slowly, feel Jake inside you.”

      Beatrice did as instructed, and Jake felt spasms starting in her tight cunt. As she slid back down, her body shook and her hand curled into a fist against his skin. Her mouth opened and her head went back.

      Skidmore pressed his fangs into her shoulder then, and Beatrice cried out. Her wonderful cunt clamped down hard, squeezing and releasing as her orgasm pulsed through her. And pushing against Jake’s own erection, Skidmore’s rock-hard cock pumped in slow, easy thrusts.

      Jake ached for release, needing to taste her climax, every nerve screaming for more. He reached up, pulled the girl from Skidmore’s grasp, and pierced her neck.

      Achingly exquisite joy flowed through him like molten lava as he knew the extent of the orgasm burning through her torso and down to her toes. Erotic fulfillment edged out sorrow, fear, wounded pride, years of hiding in the shadows. Pulling her closer, Jake pushed Skidmore away, rolled over on top of Beatrice and filled her with deep, hard thrusts, unable to stop, unwilling to slow. Her heartbeat thundered in his head. Fingers dug into the muscles of his back and she cried out near his ear. “Oh, God, yes!” Her climax continued drawing him deeper.

      Approaching the edge of reason, Jake withdrew his mouth from the fountain of sweet nectar, but continued to ride the waves of release with his mousy mate. She thrust up against him again and again, gasping now, cooing as she slowed.

      Jake opened his eyes to enjoy the way her face relaxed as the last of the need left her.

      He glanced over to find Skidmore between the blonde’s thighs, fucking her as he drank from her tattooed breast. The girl arched up into him as she came.

      A whimper drew his gaze to where the dark-haired woman watched them, her hand sliding ineffectively across her cunt. “What about me?”

      Skidmore raised his head, smiling as he licked the last drop from his lips. “Don’t worry, my dear,” he said. “You’re next.”

      The old vampire had stamina—Jake had to give him that. His own fires had been quenched to little more than smoking coals, and he returned his gaze to Beatrice as she caressed his face with her fingertips. He kissed her again, then rolled over to his side to watch the rest of the show. He heard a strange tinkle like pieces of glass colliding, and decided it must be his shattered Victorian morals raining down on the stone floor.

      Skidmore nipped at the blonde’s stomach as he moved off her, then he sat up, cocked his head to one side and studied Jake. “What’s wrong, dear boy?”

      “Nothing’s wrong.”

      Skidmore nodded toward the dark-haired woman. “Would you like to do the honors?”

      Jake shook his head. “No, thanks.”

      The older vampire sighed as if in sympathy. “I believe your metabolism is just too slow for this lifestyle.”

      “Probably.” Pulling Beatrice into the curve of his body, Jake lounged and watched Skidmore work on the dark-haired woman’s incredible breasts with his hand between her legs. He brought her to two rather rapid climaxes, leaving red love bites on her skin.

      Something about the moans of pleasure, the scent of female cum, and the way Beatrice began to push back against him soon had Jake aroused again, much to his surprise.

      “Take me,” she whispered, turning her head to see him over her shoulder.

      Jake lifted her hips into him and entered her quickly, nearly desperate to sheath himself in her hot cunt.

      With one hand on her abdomen, he fucked her with slow, deep thrusts, pushing against his own palm. Beatrice reached back and grabbed his ass, holding him close, and he pressed his lips to the top of her shoulder.

      She moved his hand down and he fingered her hard little clit as she writhed and groaned, and then she came, slamming back against him as she flooded his cock once again. He slid his fingers around the union of his cock and her pulsing cunt until they were drenched.

      Beatrice brought his hand up to her lips and drew his fingers into her mouth one at a time.

      Jake shuddered at the erotic motion of her hot tongue caressing and sucking his fingers. He turned her head and kissed her, circling her wondrous little mouth with his tongue.

      Turning, he drew her up under him as his need became more urgent and his cock ached for the deepest part of her.

      She raised her head beside his, panting her own need, arching against him.

      “I need to drink,” he whispered.

      “Yes,” she breathed.

      When he drank from her again, all else around him disappeared as they rose together into a cloud of bliss. He knew her now—knew her need and her joy at finding him, knowing him, fucking him. Her life of pain revealed itself slowly as it fell away from her, and he filled her and took from her until he found nothing left to take.

      Jake raised his head as he pumped the last, and he felt Beatrice collapse under him.

      The cloud cleared, and he realized he’d taken too much from the mousy little girl. Growling, he rose from her and gathered her into his arms. Her small, thin body seemed to be losing heat at an alarming rate.

      “Don’t worry,” Skidmore said. “I’d already planned to welcome her into the fold. Of all here tonight, she’s the only one.”

      Jake glanced around at the four remaining mortals who lay sprawled on the bed, recovering from their wild activities. “What about them?”

      “They weren’t made for eternity, dear boy. Our Beatrice is another matter. Why don’t you carry her to my bedchamber? I’ll take care of the rest of it.”

      Skidmore knew of Jake’s mistake early in his Dark life, and understood his reluctance to try again.

      Jake followed Skidmore down the series of hallways, deposited Beatrice in the middle of the lavish bed, then kissed her cool lips before retreating.

      He stood in the hall, listening, but heard nothing. Had he just killed his little mouse? He sincerely hoped not.

      Returning for his clothes, he found the group asleep on the bed. He knew Skidmore was right—they weren’t