Avant Desire: A Nicole Brossard Reader. Nicole Brossard

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Название Avant Desire: A Nicole Brossard Reader
Автор произведения Nicole Brossard
Жанр Зарубежные стихи
Издательство Зарубежные стихи
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781770566279

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hand passes too much

      then departure for

      belly thus all is there

      as sprout as latency

      oversteps the mark and never restricts itself

      curved line never gels in the past

      what the belly espouses up front

      in my saying naked

      the colour though fictive so true

      cuts in the delirious black


      mutual attractions

      when intimate renewal

      appropriates from

      us locks in together

      displace the shadow so slowly

      around us

      that the bonds move very initiatory


      between the lines the liquid slides

      and imposes itself novel

      thus from the body pleasure gushes

      delicious humidity the mauve rests

      and inscribes itself radiant fixity


      afterward it’s so little

      once time’s slid out of reach

      afterward it’s however

      to retrace one’s steps

      when the figures put forward rip


      it’s only initial and doesn’t stop being so

      the movement

      displacing distorting

      the horizon the horizon broken

      always too imponderable


      to act and tend

      in the risen night

      toward the hidden places

      to act swaying between

      the world rhythm the authentic

      doubly silence pours forth carnal


      again and without cease

      entrancing contrast

      that reworks the outlines

      draws them away from the goal

      forces our orientation


      and time shakes from not being eternal


      there is the palpable night shifts feverish

      that is to say disconcerting verbal variant

      oh how the invariable ‘elsewhere’ tames the pronoun

      in this imprecise zone of the present

      never was the ephemeral so close to the trap

      yet it is a matter of the same saying

      between charm and trap, it oscillates


      suspension of the act

      to understand is a sojourn

      excluding any definition

      to breathe to show nothing

      though everything rushes in

      perpetual face

      no matter the mask

      in these opaque times heaven hauled that many frenzies

      with a single signifying stroke when the saying leaks

      the word massacre(s)

      intensity first of all

      by probing further ahead further


      farther away

      the formula is born

      from where does one know it by what by a point

      thus vibrant for it nourishes and weighs fully

      on the meaning and the counter

      in gender agrees with unruly in number

      and moves


      the more it precedes the ink

      pushes precisely (before) outside and inside



      droll these signs empty and blue despite

      even if (that is to say although)




      vague it is

      because too much space between the words

      vague and beautiful to consume the liaison

      as soon as it enunciates itself

      paradoxically future and past engender

      at the same time

      that moment when it goes without saying that crossing

      it happens that black/black badly cross-rules

      the white spaces

      limit of contrast

      thus sparkles the artifice and exposes itself

      eventual accomplishment

      all on the surface

      from riot to fabulous sonorous suites

      the said connection erasure

      double exasperation

      the code struts the code analyses the code dictates

      and at the exact opposite the tender code appears

      between code and code space is illusory

      no place conducive to denunciation

      terminology modifies

      the code infiltrates

      the least attempt at resistance

      henceforth meaning will be double

      one too many

      the artifice is inevitable

      here’s how.

       Suite logique

      1970, tr. 2010


      from Nicole Brossard: Selections

      tr. Jennifer Moxley

      my lacerating strategist who leads me to fiction
