Название | Perpetual Intercession to the Agonizing Heart of Jesus |
Автор произведения | Jean Lyonnard |
Жанр | Словари |
Серия | |
Издательство | Словари |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781647982423 |
Essential practices of the confraternity of the agonizing heart of Jesus.
1. — Duties of the Associates.
In virtue of their engagement, the Associ- ates are hound: first, to say the prayer, "O most merciful Jesus" at least, once every day, on behalf of the eighty thousand who die on that day. It would, be well to say it three times a day, at morning prayer, at half past two in the afternoon, in honour of our Saviour's agony, and, in the evening, for those who are to die during the night. Associates who are unable to read or to learn the prayer, will say a Pater and Ave for the same intention.
Secondly, to make half an hour's inter- cession, at least once a month, for all who are to die within twenty-four hours, from the time when it is begun. This interces- sion should be made in the chapel of the Confraternity, from half past two to three o'clock in the afternoon, in honour of our Saviour's agony in the Garden of Olives and on the cross. We beg those who make it,
also to pray for all who are to die before their half hour of intercession in the follow- ing month comes round.
Thirdly, to assist at the monthly and yearly meetings of the Association, in the chapel of the Confraternity,, when the Asso- ciates offer their united intercessions for all who are to die during the coming month or year. We shall speak more fully hereafter of these meetings, and also of those held on the Feasts of the Association,, which its- members are bound to attend.
Such are the essential practices of the As- sociates should any one be found negligent in their performance, it is the duty of the director and council to admonish her. If two or three admonitions fail, the unworthy member must be dismissed from the Associa- tion, and her name struck off its books. It is the duty of the Zelatrix to see that the Associates are faithful to their engagements, and to inform the director and council of negligence or omissions.
II. — Duties of the Companions.
The Companions are bound to say the prayer, O most merciful Jesus, at least once a day for the dying of the day; but we hope
that they will adopt the practice of saying it three times a day, which we have suggested to the Associates. Those who cannot read nor learn the prayer should say a Pater and Ave for the same intention. The monthly half-hour of intercession is not binding on them, but we beg them to make it, and they ought to pray from time to time for the other Companions, as well as for the Asso- ciates, who in their turn pray for them at their meetings. They should pray most especially for any members of the Confrater- nity who are ill or dying, and, if possible, visit them and help them to die well.
Of other practices in use in some Confrater- nities of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus.
The preceding chapter treats of funda- mental and essential practices of the Con- fraternity, which must never be omitted; we are now about to speak of other practices in use in certain Confraternities, which, al- though neither fundamental nor essential,
are very profitable, and well calculated to promote the objects in view. We hope that where it is possible, the Directors will en- courage their observance.
The first is visiting the sick and dying. We need not enlarge on the excellence of this holy work of mercy, which is not only corporal but spiritual, since it directly pro- motes the eternal salvation of the dying.
This indeed should always be the chief ob- ject, and every means for its attainment should be used. The visitors should be un- wearied in good counsels, and generous and devoted services; they should also inform the priest of the state of the sick and dying, and endeavor to ensure their reception of the Sacraments, overcoming all difficulties which the negligence of relations and neigh- bours, or any other circumstances, may put in their way. They should mutually sus- tain and assist one another, so that where one has failed another may attempt the good work, and by God's blessing they will often have the consolation of seeing their efforts crowned with success. Let them constantly have recourse to the guardian angels of the Bick and dying, to their patron saints, to the Compassionate Heart of our Lady, to St.
Joseph, the patron of a good death, to St. Michael the Archangel, guardian of souls, to the Angel who consoled Jesus in His agony in the Garden, and, above all, to Jesus Himself, and to His Agonizing Heart; and let them recommend the dying to the prayers of the Association, and especially of the members who are making the half-hour's intercession. We doubt not that the Direc- tors will duly appreciate the advantages of this holy work, and we trust that their zeal will organize a system of visiting which shall include rich as well as poor. The subject should often be brought before the notice of the assembled associates, the most fervent of whom will gladly undertake such an employ- ment. We beg them to do it for the love of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, which has suffered so much, and has loved us so much; and for the sake of the countless multitude of the dying, of whom so many are in danger of eternal perdition. In a little book of ours, called "The Agonizing Heart of Jesus,"* the Directors will find statutes for the organized visiting of the sick and dying.
*Le Cœur Agonisant de Jesus Cher. Régis. Rufet, Libraire à Paris, Rue Saint Sulpice.
The second practice which we recom- mend most strongly on account of its great efficacy, is, that each Associate should make a small annual offering, in order to have as many Masses as possible said for the dying throughout the world. One Confraternity, by means of these subscriptions, has a Mass said every day for this intention. The value of a single Mass is infinite, and who can tell how many may owe their eternal salva- tion to the graces thus obtained for them? Where it is found possible to establish the practice, the Zelatrix should collect the offerings in the month of January, and put them into the hands of the Treasurer.
The third practice is, that each Associate should go to Holy Communion once a month, on a different day, offering it for the dying, so that every day one or more Communions may be offered to God to gain the grace of a good. Death for those who are leaving this world.
It would be well to assign the same day for the Communion and the half-hour's in- tercession of each Associate. At the end of each month the Zelatrix should distribute tickets marking the day for intercession and Communion. Thirty-one Associates form a
complete circle; the same Zelatrix may be at the head of several circles, and when a member is removed by death or any other cause, her place should be filled up as soon as possible.
Mode of establishing the Confraternity of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus.
Application must be made to the Bishop of the Diocese for the canonical erection of the Confraternity in any parish church or public chapel; he will the more readily grant such a request if the many advantages accruing to the faithful in general, to the dying,