The Best Possible You. Michael Doiley

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Название The Best Possible You
Автор произведения Michael Doiley
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607466246

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      Albert Einstein wrote: ”The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant but has forgotten the gift.” Now where have you seen that before?

      Intuition is one of the Ten Major Principles of The Best Possible You and is one of the fundamental cornerstones of what this book is all about. I will explain why you need it now more than ever and more importantly how to harness this awesome tool of unimaginable proportions to climb to the highest of heights in your chosen vocation, and how to make masses of money or attain your hearts desires in any other area.

      On the subject of the 6th Sense, yes, I can see dead people and I see them everyday. Most of them do not even know they are dead… Don’t get me wrong, they are not physically dead; they’re not ghosts as in the Hollywood movie starring Patrick Swayze or the really scary one starring Bruce Willis. These people eat, talk, breathe, work and have no death certificate. But their existence should not be classified as living, as they are as close to the living dead as is possible without actually being deceased. For all intents and purposes, they are asleep, hibernating, until… God only knows when.

      Utilising your intuition is one of the most important steps toward ending this hibernation. It is the initial spark which may inspire your entire being toward certain success. It is a long forgotten art and potential life-saver. It is a resurrection for the dormant soul itself.

      The main reason why it’s so important is that it comes from an altogether different place to where all your other decisions are made i.e. your logic based brain or your body. Can you make decisions from the body? We make decisions based on what we think our bodies need. The body, for example sends impulse messages to the brain to tell it that it is hungry, it doesn’t happen the other way around. Or when you put your hand near a fire, your receptors and nervous system tells the brain you feel heat and programmed responses make sure you move your hand quickly away. Intuition however can bypass all of your usual bodily functions. It can see past what we commonly term as sight, it can enhance or block what we believe is sound, and the information it can convey to us is profoundly more meaningful than what our noses and fingertips by comparison ‘primitively’ show.

      Please do not take what I have written lightly for intuition is a tool that can win wars against all odds; David’s slingshot strike against the forehead of Goliath or the Allied capture of Normandy during World War II were motivated more by intuition than meticulous calculation. In 1928 when Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) noticed that a mould had formed on one of the cultures he was working on in his laboratory, he was at first tempted to simply discard it as something worthy only of the waste-paper bin. But intuition slowed his hand and guided him instead to further study this strange mould that seemed to be dissolving the bacteria surrounding it in the Petri dish. Soon it became apparent that Fleming had unearthed perhaps the most powerful medicinal tool of the 20th Century, for his intuition had led him to the discovery of Penicillin. Millions owe their lives or well-being to his miraculous find.

      The world’s second richest self-made billionaire Bill Gates actually dropped out of the world’s most prestigious university Harvard, because his intuition forcefully told him that his work on computer software could wait no longer. At the time his parents may not have been too impressed with his decision although I would imagine that by now they would have come to appreciate their son’s independent way of thinking.

      Intuition told my wife Elena, that the skin condition that our son was suffering from was not simple “…childhood eczema” as most of the doctors dutifully told us. They also said that he would grow out of it by the time he was six or at the latest nine years-old. It was then that my wife made her own pledge to find a speedier cure for our boy who was only a year-old at the time and was in such extreme discomfort that if left alone for even a very brief moment would scratch his face and head until blood ran down it. Advice from experts as far apart as China, Australia, France and the UK got us on the right track as we finally realised our son had a host of different allergies to various foodstuffs. These included: wheat, soya, eggs, milk, nuts, fish, food additives and colorants as well as allergies to grass pollen, tree pollen, dust and carpet fluff; 12 in all. Nevertheless, with a completely customised organic diet (managed by his mother) as well as lotions, face and body creams (concocted researched and mixed by his mother) I’m happy to say that just one year later, at the ripe old age of two, my son Maximillian had no signs of eczema on any part of his body! He gained weight because he was allowed to sleep at night without the constant itching of his entire being. His hair now grows as glossy and as full as any normal child because he is no longer endlessly scratching it, damaging the scalp and follicles in the process. And in every area that needs concentration he has begun to excel because he is no longer constantly distracted by the feeling close to that of a hundred bees crawling up and down his skin, stinging at random. All because of his determined mother’s intuition and her complete willingness to listen to her inner voice even when the dark clouds (doctors/experts) had blocked her view so ‘completely’. I am proud of my wife for many things, but giving quality of life to our beloved son, especially in his formative years, showed me the true depth of my own blessings and the accuracy of my own intuition for making her my wife in the first place.

      Intuition can bring down giants, win World Wars, heal the population of an entire planet, help a baby to grow happy and healthy and inspire admiration from an already doting husband. This is intuition; this is your gift, your road to riches, your escape from danger and your path to enduring love. Let me help you to develop yours and then follow it as you watch the universe bend and fold in it’s accommodation of your wishes.

      Alternatively, you can close this book right now and lead an ordinary life. The choice is yours.

      So you’ve decided against an ordinary life… Wise choice; let us then begin.


      Michael Doiley’s Qualifications

      Because you have an intelligent enquiring mind, you will by now want to know what manner of formal qualifications has the author acquired which gives him the right to spread his way of looking at the world? The answer to that question would be no formal qualifications. I have no qualification in psychology or philosophy and my keen interest in history is purely of my own volition as it has helped me to make some sense out of the phenomenon that I have personally witnessed during the past fifteen to twenty years of putting this book together. Nevertheless, even though many might view having no board certified recognised qualifications associated with my studies as a disadvantage, I personally choose to see it as a definite advantage. This is because what I disclose to you is based on what I have personally experienced and researched and not merely Other People’s Logic. It’s what I have witnessed first hand and what has been brought to me in my capacity as a coach, motivator and friend. I am not reading from centuries old passed down information that does not acknowledge electricity, the internet, ease of travel and various new forms of learning media. No nine to four schooling system has dictated what you are reading. And while I believe a good college education is great, I do not believe it is essential for your impending greatness. Amongst many high achievers, both Bill Gates and Roman Abramovich, dropped out of college and did rather well in their chosen vocations regardless. And the great Winston Churchill once said,

       “My education was interrupted only by my schooling.”

      You have your own path, it may include years of schooling and it may not, but not having a college degree is not an excuse that will be acknowledged as a reason for lack of achievement in your present or future. Forbes magazine announced in 2007 that Croydon born Supermodel Kate Moss is now the 99th richest woman in Britain with a fortune of over 45million pounds sterling. Not bad for self-made woman in her early thirties who not only never went near a university (apart from driving by one in a taxi or limousine) but she also never did particularly well in high school, achieving mainly C’s D’s and F’s in her GCSE’s. People have said, “She has a gift,”