A Call to Spiritual Awakening. Wilfred Chukwuemeka Mezue MD

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Название A Call to Spiritual Awakening
Автор произведения Wilfred Chukwuemeka Mezue MD
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456628017

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is the promise that God will not only bring us help in the word of instruction, but will, in this final manifestation, also judge and purify the World of Matter, incorporating it into the Eternal Spiritual Kingdom and thereafter remaining with us forever 3. This is also the theme of the revelation to John, sent to us to prepare us for this last cosmic turning point – the coming and work of the Son of Man 9. With the fulfilment of this, the Truth is now assessable to all who strive.

      The definition of Truth cannot be given in any better form than in the words of the Bringer of the Grail Message: “Truth is the Eternal-Unchangeable! Which never changes in Its form, but is as It has been from eternity and ever will remain, as It is now. Which therefore can never be subjected to any development either, because It has been perfect from the beginning. Truth is real, It is ‘being’! Only being is true Life. The entire Universe is ‘supported’ by this Truth!”1.

      We exist by and only in the Truth. Our conscious recognition of the Truth and voluntary subjection to It as embodied in the Will of God manifest in Creation is thus the purpose of our existence. We are surrounded, indeed immersed in the Truth and we could not fail to recognize It and thus fulfil our life, unless we deliberately blind ourselves to this recognition. Look around you, at the activity in Nature and you will not fail to recognize that the Eternal Truth is the cornerstone on which everything is structured. Everything in Creation speaks to us of the Eternal Unchanging Truth that permeates Nature in the Laws of the Almighty Creator.

      Therefore, we do not need to seek far to receive the fulfilment of our need for the Truth. No special education is necessary. Neither is it necessary to be rich, poor nor of any particular religious or philosophical leaning. All that is required is a constant volition by an awakened human spirit to seek the Will of the Lord; and surely such a spirit will find! The ever-present and living voice of the Creator speaks to us every minute in every experience. We require only the necessary spiritual alertness to understand the language that is so clearly spoken in the adamantine Laws that order Creation.

      The same alertness in our experiencing of Nature was emphasized by the Lord Jesus when He pointed to the flowers of the field and the birds of the air, and when He used imageries of sheep and shepherd to illustrate sublime Truth to a people who were predominantly pastoral. We are to understand from these that the Truth as expression of the Will of God is embodied in the experiences that Life affords us and that we must learn His Will from these experiences.

      Even more poignantly the Grail Message informs us that the whole of Creation is the Language of God, which we should earnestly strive to understand. The Living Word rings with immense authority in this extract “And to understand this Language, to learn it, and to sense inwardly the Will of God in it, that is your goal during your journey through Creation. In Creation itself, to which you belong, lies the explanation of the purpose of your existence, and at the same time also the recognition of your goal! In no other way can you find either.”1

      It is so simple and so lovingly structured as to permit every human spirit, even the weakest the same level of opportunity to succeed. In this we see the Wisdom and Love of our God. The only limitation to our achieving the purpose of our existence lies in our use of the ability to decide. It is entirely within our free will to accept our origin in God and the ordinance of Creation and to willingly subject ourselves to the Will of God in Creation. It is also within our free will to reject God and to interpret these experiences in Creation in any manner we choose.

      Fundamentally therefore our search for the Truth should now begin with the recognition of our failure as human spirits in Creation. We must then come to terms with our need for the Truth and follow this with a firm but constant volition for good. As a first step, we must completely shed our previous conceptions and prejudices and approach the Truth with a clear, unencumbered and unhampered perception. This may not be such an easy proposition for contemporary man but it is an essential one.

      Certainly, it is a natural state for the spirit that has been set free from intellectual dominance and conceit. Such an awakening spirit becomes better able to observe Creation around him. He begins to recognize the orderliness in Creation and thus the perfect and unvarying Laws that govern everything. He matures to perceiving the Nature beings that work with these Laws and he may then gradually begin to perceive a place, a role for himself in the scheme of things. A purpose for his existence starts emerging and the fledgling spirit grows in recognition. He now begins to recognize the Creator in His Laws and as his recognition grows he feels smaller and less significant as the Perfection and Sublime Majesty of the Almighty One becomes faintly perceptible.

      Because we failed in the right path of maturation and closed ourselves to the simplicity in Nature, the inestimable Love of God provided guidance at various levels of maturity throughout the history of humanity. In spite of this help, humanity hardly paused in its headlong and heedless rush towards destruction. The Truth was often only recognized with hindsight after inflicting untold persecution and suffering on the Truth bringer and even then, only after the intellect has reduced the Message to a level that accords with our wishes and desires.1

      The Truth was thus often fragmented and encased in dogma and religion, before being offered to the indolent human spirits; with the irresistible promise that all they have to do to be rewarded with Paradise is believe. Yet as James the apostle pointed out, “even the demons believe and tremble.”3

      People find the wrong path irresistible because of the tendency of humanity to avoid all serious exertion in spiritual affairs. In spite of a vague unease, most people prefer to hear that they need not do anything other than believe, to be saved. However, this lacks mobility and contains within it stagnation and death. To achieve salvation, we must live in the Will of the Almighty Creator. Our activity must swing in this Will.

      What is required of us is a free volition in conviction that accepts and lives according to the Will of God manifest within and around us. In this lies the only true celebration of our humanity and within this blessed fold of true humanity the path of each individual remains as varied as each individual’s free will.

      Only when one begins to exert self to do the Will of the Eternal One does the sham begin to fall off the pristine Truth and the treasures begin to unfold. Then belief gives way to conviction in the experiencing and knowledge, and a clear path is marked for the ascent of the spirit. He recognizes that indeed living in the Will of God does not subjugate his own will or take anything away from him, but on the contrary, abundantly fills him with the joy of living, brings fulfilment and above all firmly places him as an entity in Creation. He is freed from the oppression of social inequities, financial standing, gender and race discrimination and from all fears including particularly the fear of death that seems to be a modern epidemic.

      We stand in a great epoch in the history of humanity! Our search for the Truth has been helped in a unique way quite beyond what we deserve. Even though we are surrounded by the manifestation of Truth in the Laws that govern our existence and the whole of Creation, we have in addition received the Truth in a contemporary, easily accessible yet incorruptible format.

      We may choose to relate to It in any way that we like but we can no longer distort It for our own ends. In the Grail Message of Abd-ru-shin the human spirit has all the Truth; more than he will ever be capable of recognizing. In this context, it is worth noting that we carry within us the capability to recognize the Truth only within the limits of our species, which is spiritual. To attempt to reach beyond self is folly. The ill-concealed ambition of those who claim divinity is based on conceit or a lack of knowledge of Creation.

      Even today the Truth may have touched you. You may have heard the knock on your own particular door. Any obstacles in your path to recognition now are entirely of your own making. All the help you need is available but, ultimately, you stand completely on your own since you yourself have to take the decision and make the necessary effort. You must strive to overcome the tendency to lean on others for spiritual maturity or to depend on them to interpret the Will of the Creator for you.

      Always remember that for achieving life’s goals, each spirit stands alone even if we do not realize it. Even if we are born as one of a quintuplet we come into earth life alone as we take our first breath. Similarly,