Magic - Book of Basics. Rothiir Magus Magus

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Название Magic - Book of Basics
Автор произведения Rothiir Magus Magus
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780956955555

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      Witches and Awakenings

      There are no witches in the arts of true magic as their magic is all smoke and mirrors and only works by accident or coincidence. Anyone can use witchcraft but only those who are born with the magic, the magicians, can use the arts of true magic. Witchcraft covers the use of herbs and other materials to make potions, medicines and ointments. It does not cover the use of spells as almost all modern cultures believe. The arts of magic and spells were not the domain of the witch but the practice of those who were magical priests and priestesses or cunning folk. A witch would be close to what we would now call a doctor making herbal remedies to help cure ills and injury.

      However, if someone is not born with the power to be a magician then they can always have an ‘Awakening’ performed on them by someone powerful enough to enact it. This will awaken the magic that is dormant in their blood. When this is completed such a person, despite their blood line and family history, will almost always turn out to be a Wizard. If an Awakening is done and they do not have the powers of a Wizard, then it can be worth testing them for other forms. But if none of them are present then the magic in their blood is simply not strong enough, even when awakened, to perform magic. If this is the case then that person will develop some form of psychic ability instead, usually extra sensory ability or regular occurring prophetic dreams.

      The Truly Un-gifted

      If a person cannot find their power, no matter how hard they try, then that person is what is referred to as “Truly Un-gifted”. This means that no manner of Awakening spells will give them power as there is no power to awaken. If they hold an item that is enchanted then the enchantment will not work as though it is not actually there. No manner of spell will affect them, be it a curse, healing or protection spell.

      Because of this the Truly Un-gifted have been the worst nightmare for magicians throughout history - as they are the only people the magician, no matter how powerful, cannot affect or control with their powers. It also means they are 100% immune to spiritual influence and access, meaning they can come face to face with an Arch Demon or Wraith and never be possessed or directly harmed.

      The Magical Tests

      If a Warlock, Wizard or Druid comes into contact with a person they think has the potential to be a magician, then they may wish to verify this by undertaking tests. The tests will determine what form of magician that person may be, if any at all. If all tests are failed then they do not have enough magic in their blood and so cannot use the powers of true magic.

      Remember: these tests are not to be enacted by those who are Novices and it is preferred they are not enacted by those of the Apprentice level. Always commence with testing for the power of the Warlock. If the person is a Warlock then they will test positively to any of the tests you start with - and you do not want to stop the test at that point, presuming they are a Wizard or Sorcerer when actually they are not. If they respond strongly to this then that is what they are. If their response to the Warlock test is weak, but they still have some measure of response to it, then it is taken into consideration that this is a mere tiring of will power and focus and not of magic. In this case, test for a couple of others and if they respond to multiple tests then they are indeed a Warlock, just not very powerful.

      In order to begin the testing period you must first access your power. This is done the same way as it is to use a spell. Meditate, focussing your attention inwards to find the power source within your body. This is usually found in the stomach area but it is also sometimes found in the head. It often appears in the mind’s eye as a small flame, likened to a candle flame, giving off a small amount of warmth within. Otherwise, it may be seen as a small orb of light that behaves like a flame.

      To find it you must be comfortable and relaxed. Begin by closing your eyes to help with concentration. Take in a couple of deep slow calming breaths. When you are ready to begin you must focus and open up your mind’s eye. You will see yourself standing, surrounded by nothing but darkness. This view of yourself will be similar to how you see yourself in the outside world, from a first person prospective. There will be nothing around, above or below you but black and you will feel no floor below your feet.

      In this darkness you will begin to feel a very faint pulse, as if you are on the beach, feeling the last dregs of waves lapping against your skin. This will not feel warm or cold but instead as a faint energy. In this void you must orientate yourself so that you feel it against your full front and then know you are facing the direction it is coming from. Surround yourself with this now glowing energy and walk towards the direction of it, leaving a glowing trail behind you as you go. The closer you get to the source of this power the stronger the pulses hitting you will become. They can become so violent they throw you off course. If this happens you must follow your trail back to where you got lost and persevere.

      Eventually you will come to see a mighty raging storm of colours and power which randomly splits into three masses of distinct power and form and then back into one. These are the Gates of Power, otherwise known as your emotions energies, and, though powerful, are not what you are looking for. But you do need to pass through. You need to focus on them and will them to separate and become three separate gates. When this is done, you will see a gate to your left that is made of darkness and all of your powerful negative emotions such as hate, rage, fear and despair. On the right you will see a gate of light, made of all your powerful and positive emotions such as love, hope, joy and ecstasy. Finally, in the middle you will see an elemental gate that is formed by the elemental energies of water, earth, fire and air. These three gates are the Dark Gate, the Light Gate and the Primal Gate and they focus your magical energies. When they are three separate gates you may pass between them and move on.

      Once more, you will begin to feel the faint energy pulse that gently touches your skin, soothing and warm. Orientate yourself to face the direction of its source. When you are ready you must continue moving towards it, leaving your trail behind you. This time, there is no danger of being thrown or harshly hit by the energy as you get closer to it. Instead, you will feel calmer and warmer as you get closer. Eventually you will come to a small glowing flame that dances and flickers and radiates power. This is your magic and is used for spells.

      Once you have located this you must then focus on this inner flame and take slow deep breaths. When you are doing this you will see in your mind’s eye that the flame grows slowly as you breathe in and shrinks back down as you exhale. Focus on this flame and will it to grow and become stronger. Picture the flame growing and entering your blood so it can freely make its way through your body. Allow this flame to grow so that it fills you from head to toe. Feel the warmth flowing through you. Feel how full of power and energy you are, so full you may be fidgeting and desperate to be energetic. Now you are ready to begin the test. Be patient however, because all of this can take a long time to enact, but once this power is found you will be able to find it again in an instant.

      Here are the different tests that outline what form of Magician a potential Novice is:


      To test yourself for a Warlock, a rare and potentially powerful form of Magician, you should take a basic beginners spell, such as "Defendum" (a beginners shielding spell). If you feel another fast incantation come to mind though, calling a different shield, then use that if you so wish.

      Start by building up your power until you are full with it. Then focus on the word Defendum in your mind and charge it with your power. Once this is done call out the word DEFENDUM in your mind with no physical action. When you do this you must then assess how this feels. This should feel draining, like you have lost some energy and have a slight weakness within you. If you do not feel this then the spell has not worked and you are not a Warlock.


      In order to test for a Wizard (which, remember, can be male or female) you should take a basic beginners spell like previously, so we can continue the use of Defendum.

      Start by building up your magic until you are full with it. Wave your hand in front of you and force the energy within