The Oscar for Life. Declan MiscellaneousLabor Loy

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Название The Oscar for Life
Автор произведения Declan MiscellaneousLabor Loy
Жанр Поиск работы, карьера
Издательство Поиск работы, карьера
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456626303

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deserted him because he had ignored it? Certainly, it had seemed over the last few months that the more he resisted the vision asking him to search for the secret treasure the worse he felt. Was his inner voice trying to get his attention by inflicting such pain on him?

      Ethan remembered a saying he’d once heard: “Pain pushes until vision pulls”. Was Ethan resisting this vision coming through him? He felt like Jesus during his final moments, calling out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

      His connection with his self was gone and, even up here in this cabin, he couldn’t get connected again. He sat back in the chair, exhausted and with tears in his eyes.

      “Please God, show me the way,” he cried out. “I have done everything you have asked of me. Why have you left me alone?”

      At that moment a feeling pulsated through his body, and knocked him sideways on the floor. “I have never left you,” said the voice with feeling. “It was you that left me.”

      “What do you want me to do?” Ethan asked.

      “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Trust this. I am the Light and the Way; ask for me to come through you. Ask me to guide your human existence. It’s okay to love, be Love and ask of me. Each thing you ask, when asked and requested of me, is a true piece of God and as such is a piece of you, because you are God. Whatever materialistic things you ask for, be open to receiving for you can relax and know that they are a true piece of God. I want to experience the best of life in you.

      “It’s okay to dress well because you are respecting yourself and yourself is God. Call these clothes God clothes and know that you are working within God. You are wearing the best of God. Tell Ireland and the world to ask of me, but ask from your True Self and then you can receive a holy gift. So ask for the car, it’s OK, but know you’re driving a Godly car.

      “Ask and it is given. Come into line with receiving. People suffer because they don’t ask and don’t allow themselves to receive because of their conditioning, which tells them they are not worthy enough to receive God’s gifts. Teach them to ask, but from the Spirit which is me. Live your life as an example and be the change I am seeking in the world through you. The message is clear: there is no lack, only lack of Self and Love of Self which is God, Me.

      “Teach them to Love the Self, which is God, and abundance will follow. There is a time to sow and a time to reap. “Remember, your job is to teach the world to trust in me, for I am the only Way. People are suffering because they are working from the mind, a pre-programme conditional pattern on earth. Teach that there is no lack in themselves, that they must be at peace with themselves, and tell them to ask for abundance of Life and every aspect in Life. It’s okay to ask but do not ask from the conditioning of earth, but from Life. I am the centre of the person. They need to think from me. Humans, through free will, have lost themselves in conditioning which says there is a lack. There is no lack, only lack in me, only lack in self, only lack in Love of the Self. Teach them to control their mind with the Spirit.

      “Do not be mean to the Spirit because you and they cut themselves off from full Self Expression. Teach abundance in Self and teach love of the Self. Teach them to seek themselves and they will have the abundance that Life has to provide. You and the world are so fixated on creating the mind-made things, but you are missing the Ace of Diamonds in your garden in your Soul. Oh, if you and the world knew the riches that Life has to offer.

      “You have been cutting yourself off from receiving gifts from me which you have asked for in times of your deep Spiritual Connections. Receive these now, but remember to teach the world how to receive. Your experience has taught you how to align yourself with receiving the Gift of Life. You have had glimpses, but now you will experience all I have to offer. Then you will point the Way to the world.

      “Teach acceptance of Self and Abundance of Life, Love, Wealth, Joy, Creation and Peace.

      “Ask first to receive the Spirit and then the Spirit will ask God for guidance.

      “The Spirit and God will provide. Share with the World. Look with clear glasses, Spirit-filled glasses.

      “The world does not know the gifts I will create, so you must lead the Way. I am sending a series of Spirit gifts to the world which will transform it and bring about the evolution of mankind. You are to lead the Way. The way for people to ask is to ask with this statement: ‘Spirit come through me, I am ready to receive the Gifts of the next evolution of mankind. I am worthy to receive and I promise to share these gifts to raise the evolution of mankind’.

      “Teach them to stop limiting God, that they must ask for more life and that, from this, the entire world will be transformed. I tell you the world has cut itself off from the ability to create the wonders of the world! Your ancestors knew how to use the power and, in doing so, they created the pyramids. There are Pyramids coming to the New World and the mind cannot contemplate them nor their creation. They will be created from Spirit, and the world will be a Spirit-driven World.

      “Remember that nature has the answers, so you must observe nature and how nature communicates and how the trees communicate. The next phase of communication is telepathy and the method needs to be taught. Trees communicate telepathically, and so can you. This communication will be a healthy communication, one look which will transform all the necessary knowledge a person needs to have abundance in life.

      “Children will learn more by this method as words are not as important in this New Society. Looks and feelings and touch will be the new solutions in how to communicate so you must look through eyes of faith, faith in me, God and Life.

      “Time travel is coming and is already here though not in the way humans perceive it. Teach to look without thought, look from the Spirit; ask to receive the gift of time travel or telepathy and it will be given to you and the world. Share this message of ‘the impossible does not exist’. Stop trying to create with the mind, because it has limitations. Ask for the most precious gifts, to see the unseen, to create from God and be a beacon which the world will listen to.

      “Ask. Now.

      “I want you to travel to a far-off land, and there you will find a gift of secret treasure. I want you to experience this gift and write about it. And then share it with the world. Go to Thailand for three weeks, discover the secret treasure here which will be much more than you have discovered already. I will guide you along your path and I will provide for you. Trust in me.”

      Ethan was dumbfounded but the voice came back with a vengeance. It told him that he shouldn’t have been surprised, because he had asked and any time he asked a question he always got the answer.

      So Ethan didn’t ask any more questions. He simply lay there on the floor and made the decision to go on the adventure.

      And so the journey began…

      Chapter 2 Levels of Consciousness

      “Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

      Martin Luther King, Jr.

      As Ethan meditated, he began to relax very deeply. He stopped thinking and felt the fog beginning to lift from his mind. He could see clearly and feel deeply. When Ethan relaxed this deeply he always came upon his real deep, inner self. He found it hard to describe what happened as he meditated so deeply but he sensed a powerful force behind the feeling. The sense was of an inner knowingness that there was something keeping him alive, something which brought him into the world.

      Now that this same force was communicating with him, he would often hear others speak of feeling inspired. He’d hear tales of how people experienced moments when they get a feeling, like a rush of endorphins, that seemed to indicate a deep inner knowingness that something was about to happen or that you were