Название | A Comparative Vocabulary Guide: Spanish to English to Portuguese |
Автор произведения | Robert D. O'Brian |
Жанр | Иностранные языки |
Серия | |
Издательство | Иностранные языки |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781939748522 |
ABORTAR, to abort
ABORTAR, to abort
ABREVIAR, to shorten
ABSOLVER, to acquit, absolve (RELIG)
ABSORBER, to absorb
ABUNDAR, to abound
ABUSAR, to abuse sthg, take advantage, to go too far
INSULTAR, to insult
MALTRATAR, to maltreat
ABUSAR, to misuse
EXCEDER, to go too far
PRATICAR to abuse sthg/sb
APROVEITAR, to take advantage of, make most of
ACAMPAR, to camp
ACAMPAR, to encamp, camp
ACCIONAR, to activate
ATIVAR, to set off
ACELERAR, to accelerate, speed up
ACEPTAR, to accept
ACEITAR, to agree, to take, to receive; to accept sb for a job/club member, etc.
ASSENTIR, to agree, to follow
APROVAR, to accept as satisfactory
RECONHECER, to get used to
ASSUMIR, to admit, accept as one’s own
ACOLHER, to accept a person as part of a group
ACLAMAR, to acclaim
ACOMODAR, to seat sb, to install, accommodate
ACOMODAR, to provide room for, oblige
ACOMPAÑAR, to go with, accompany somebody
ACOSAR, to harass
ATORMENTAR, to pester
ACTIVAR, to activate
ACTUAR, to act, undertake
ASSUMIR, to take on, assume control
ACUMULAR, to accumulate
ACUSAR, to accuse, charge
ADAPTAR, to adjust, adapt
ADHERIR, to stick, adhere
ADJUDICAR, to award, adjudicate
ADMINISTRAR, to manage, run, administer
ADMIRAR, to admire
ADMITIR, to admit
ADMITIR, to acknowledge, confess; to allow entry
CONFESSAR, to confess
ADOCTRINAR, to instruct, indoctrinate
DOUTRINAR, to indoctrinate
INSTRUIR, to tell, to order; to teach
ADOPTAR, to adopt, pass, take
ADORAR, to worship, adore,
ADORNAR, to decorate, adorn
ADULAR, to flatter
ADULAR, to flatter
BAJULAR, to adulate
AFECTAR, to affect; to upset; to sadden
AFIRMAR, to confirm, declare, affirm
AFRONTAR, to face up to, confront
ACAREAR, to confront
AGITAR, to shake, stir, agitate, wave
AGITAR, to shake
AGRANDAR, to make bigger, enlarge
AMPLIAR, to enlarge
AGRAVAR, to aggravate, increase
AGRAVAR, to make worse
IRRITAR, to annoy, irritate
AGRAVIAR, to offend, insult
INSULTAR, to insult
OFENDER, to offend
AGRUPAR, to group together, group, gather
JUNTAR, to assemble
REUNIR, to collect; gather strength, courage; to come together
GANHAR, to gather speed, momentum
FRANZIR, to gather into folds
AJUSTAR, to adjust, tighten, fit, regulate
AJUSTAR, to adjust, alter, correct
ALARMAR, to alarm, alert; frighten
ALARMAR, to scare
ALERTAR, to alert, give the alarm
ALERTAR, to warn, make aware of
ALTERAR, to alter, agitate, disrupt
ALTERAR, to change, modify
ALTERNAR, to alternate; to mix, socialize
ALTERNAR, to alternate
ALUDIR, to allude, refer to
ALUDIR, to allude to sthg
AMERITAR, to merit, deserve
AMPLIAR, to expand, extend
AMPLIFICAR, to amplify
AMPUTAR, to amputate, cut off
ANALIZAR, to analyze
ANALISAR, to examine
ANEXAR, to attach, annex, append
PRENDER, to fasten sthg to sthg
ANEXAR, to attach sthg to a document
ATRIBUIR, to attach blame, importance to sthg/sb
ANOTAR, to note, make a note of, record
ANOTAR, to note
NOTAR, to note, indicate
OBSERVAR, to observe
APONTAR, to point out
MENCIONAR, to mention
COMENTAR, to comment on
ANTECEDER, to precede
ANTICIPAR, to anticipate, foresee
PREVER, to expect
ANTECIPAR, to preempt, bring forward, anticipate
ANULAR, to cancel, annul, repeal, rescind
ANULAR, to cancel, annul, revoke