1 Law 4 All. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Триллеры
Издательство Триллеры
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456610494

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      "Look at the subcommittee file," remarked Eric. The subcommittee file was thick and partitioned into several sections. In the first section she noted that in subcommittee, she, her husband and a slim majority voted to utilize Amerastar’s security personnel. Their job was to explain to the workers the advantages of not forming a union.

      The Senator was not in the mood. "This Motorhead business is so yesterday. Why do I have to review it?" she asked.

      Eric sighed, "Because there are developing complications.”

      Giardina understood the urgency in Eric's voice and continued browsing through the folder. The annoyed person inside her downed the rest of her drink and asked for another. After Eric poured and handed it to her she said, “Complications will have to wait. I want to enjoy the City’s lights.” She lit another cigarette and gazed out the limo's windows.

      As the black limo continued cruising towards the City, Eric flipped open his laptop computer. Senator Giardina, a non-techno type, took her eyes off the City and watched Eric’s fingers type several commands. She began day-dreaming about his long, powerful fingers exploring her body. They were much more preferable to the small, stubby fingers of her aging husband, Simon.

      While Bonni was in law school, her teenage ideas about following in her father’s footsteps materialized. She knew from her father’s dealings that politicians need money to get elected. They also need a gift for lying with a straight face. She merged these realities with an all out assault on a fellow Harvard student named Simon Wooster.

      Bonni met Simon Edison Wooster during her senior year in law school. At that time, he attended Harvard’s School of Business.

      At 6’3” and a stocky 195, Simon was a good-looking man. No one could blame Bonni for being interested in him. Bonni made sure he noticed her after several brief encounters at the local pubs. Simon eventually made an advance in Bonni’s direction. Bonni was waiting with open arms and hot legs.

      Giardina was not going to spread her legs for anyone. She had done her research. Simon was the only son of Simon Theodore Wooster. ST, as those in the business called him, was the CEO of Amerastar Corporation. Amerastar was a member Fortune's 50 top American corporations.

      Bonni knew that Amerastar had the potential to increase its holdings. They could move into San Francisco's real estate market, aircraft manufacturing, industrial construction and all the subsidiaries that feed these companies. Amerastar was a potential sleeping giant. All Amerastar needed was a little legislative help from Washington DC. That's where she would step in.

      Simon was heir apparent to his father’s corporation. Giardina knew politicians need lots of campaign money. This marriage was perfect for her future political career. The fact that ST died, mysteriously, shortly after Bonni and Simon married, only accelerated her political career.

      When Eric began talking, Bonni lifted her focus from his fingers to his lips. Eric expressed concern for the lingering Motorhead issue, again. She snapped at him. “That’s old news.”

      “It’s old news to everyone but certain family members of the Motorhead factory,” Eric retorted. “Apparently, the board is going to reexamine the union matter.”

      “I’ll read the rest of these files later." She sat back and comforted herself with more memories, the scotch and her cigarette.

      Chapter 8 The Board Meeting

      Michael Brothers, the President of the board sat at the head of the long, shinny mahogany table. In addition to presiding over the board, Brothers monitors the company's continental U.S. operations with several VPs doing the majority of his leg work.

      The board's vice president was Sal Venuti. His role in the company's affairs seemed superficially vague to the other board members and the public. Bonni, Simon and a few insiders were fully aware of Mr. Venuti’s valuable role.

      Amerastar avoided paying a substantial ‘street tax' with Venuti on the board. Sal (The Chair) Venuti’s appointment to the board was highly recommended by Chicago's Capo di capi, Frank (Mad Frank) Credidio. Credidio was in charge of the mob’s western migration. Mad Frank worked with the East Coast’s Patriarca family moving into established corporate operations in Las Vegas, Los Angeles and now San Francisco.

      Giardina's family was connected to the mob through her father and grandfather. Her grandfather bootlegged his way through the roaring 20’s. He worked his way up to mid-management in New England’s Maranzano crime family.

      Her father had continued a long distance relationship with the crime family when they moved to Vermont. He help them move dope from Canada to the east coast markets.

      Bonni had seen him meet with ‘family’ members during her high school years. One of his last familial acts was to introduce Bonni to members of the New York’s Patriarca family. His fatherly advice to her was stay connected and your street problems will disappear. She only surmised what that meant until Mad Frank contacted her after she married.

      Senator Giardina recommended Sal’s appointment to Amerastar’s board. Her husband Simon Wooster was hesitant but swallowed his wife’s orders without argument.

      Thomas Rider, the board's secretary, manages the company's Asian-Pacific division. This division included Hawaii, South Pacific, Asia and Australia. The Motorhead factory was located in American Samoa. And it had become Thomas Rider’s main concern since the fire.

      Tina Donnacado and Bonni were friends from college. Bonni insisted that Tina be appointed to Amerastar’s board. The Senator's mixed sexual appetite craved for a myriad of possibilities.

      Tina had a crush on Bonni during college. As both girls stood in line to declare majors during the sophomore year, Bonni noticed Tina's subtle advances. They studied together for several months. Then one night Tina put her hand on Bonni’s leg. As her hand crept up her thigh, Bonni became excited and curious all at once.

      They spent one night together. Awkward but stimulated were Bonni’s memories of the night. Tina portrayed the night as invigorating. She commented to Bonni that she felt like she had been kissed for the very first time. From then on they were the flirting buds with benefits. Bonni used Tina whenever she had the itch. Tina moved on to multiple relationships. She accepted Bonni’s one nighters’ with mixed feelings.

      Others in attendance were Raphael Bauer, VP of the European division; Jefferson Wayne Wooster, Bonni’s brother-in-law; Chase Freeze, VP of Asian-Pacific division; David Fowee, Gina Romano, Frank Jackson and Neil Perkins, the head of Amerastar’s security.

      The Amerastar’s outlook, profits and stability had been uncertain until Bonni was elected to the U.S. Senate. With the combination of her favorable legislative enactments, underworld connections and swarming lobbyists support, Amerastar became a model corporate structure throughout the international corporate community.

      Senator Bonni Giardina had never taken her husband’s surname for situations just as this. Inside this board room she was the king and queen rolled into one person. Amerastar’s success lay squarely on her shoulders. Her arrogance showed but it didn’t matter, except to Simon and Sal.

      The major item on the agenda for this board meeting was the acquisition of the Praxiteles Group. The Praxiteles Group was comprised of food and beverage related subsidiaries, associated companies and joint ventures throughout the world. It has a presence on every continent and would be a major statement for Amerastar’s entry into the industries food sector.

      After reading the minutes of the last board meetings, Thomas Rider, briefly summarize Praxiteles Group’s counter offer. While Brothers looked around the table, he noticed Senator Giardina thumbing through several files. His distraction eased into asking "Tom, what are your committee's recommendations?"

      Rider responded, "Our investigation was quite revealing. Praxiteles’s management has a strong presence in the White House. Without that presence, they would not have survived this current recession.”

      Brother's asked Bonni. “What are the details?" He knew that Bonni was the chair of the