Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. II. Linda Stein-Luthke

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Название Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. II
Автор произведения Linda Stein-Luthke
Жанр Личностный рост
Издательство Личностный рост
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456602222

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      Ascended Masters


      Volume II

      Linda Stein-Luthke (Channel)

      Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D. (Editor)

      Copyright © 2011 by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke

      Published in eBook format by Expansion Publishing

      Converted by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0222-2

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the authors, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.



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      Dear Reader,

      The Ascended Masters, a group of Beings of Light who have once walked the Earth and are currently not embodied, have been collaborating with humanity for many eons. They share their timeless wisdom in many ways, one of which is through a process called “channeling.” A “channel” is a person who has developed the skills to tune into information that is “broadcast” from the higher planes. Linda Stein-Luthke is such a “channel” who has made much written information available over the years, either in the form of books or through the Ascended Masters Newsletter.

      Many of our readers have asked for past issues or an archive of our newsletters. In response, Martin Luthke has edited and compiled all previously published newsletters – which number over 120 at this time – into volumes to make them instantly available to all. Rereading the material has convinced us that the newsletters are a treasure trove of profound information that is crucial at this time of accelerated and all-encompassing change.

      We hope that you will enjoy these readings and benefit from them, regardless whether they are completely “new” to you or not; we believe that the information and guidance provided by the loving Beings of Light is timeless, valuable, and useful.

      One last note: When the Masters “speak” to us they refer to us by our spirit names Leia (Linda) and Manalus (Martin). Just so that you don’t stumble when you read those names in the following texts…

      Peace and Blessings,

      Linda & Martin

      Ascended Masters Newsletter # 19

      All Paradigms are Dissolving: The Example of Money

      Dear friends, many of you are experiencing great shifts in consciousness at this time. You are looking at your world as if you had never actually seen it as you do in this moment. This is rather surprising to you. As time has passed and you have matured you expected things to become more predictable for you. Why should that not be so? You have lived longer and so you should know more about reality. However, as time has passed, you actually sense that you know less, not more, and it appears that life has become less predictable, not more.

      So, how can this be? The generation of your beloved parents was and is fond of saying that you can expect certain results from certain sets of circumstances. Some of the common beliefs are:

      •If you study hard and get a good education, then you will have a good life filled with rewards that will make you happy.

      •If you work hard, then you will be rewarded and this will make you happy.

      •If you save your money, then you can expect to retire comfortably and be happy.

      •If you believe what you hear and see around you and strive to attain all the symbols of success that money can buy, then you will be happy.

      •If you fall in love and marry the object of your love then you will be happy.

      •If you have children then you will be happy.

      •If you elect the right government then this will make you happy.

      •If you endeavor to alleviate all the suffering in the world, or at least a good portion of it, then this will make you happy.

      And the list goes on.

      So, we ask you, beloved children, are you happy? If your answer is “yes” then you are truly blessed and need read no further. This treatise is not for you. But if you say “no” then we humbly offer you a few words that may aid you greatly at this time of confusion for you and your beloved planet.

      What you see around you, beloved children, is a planet that is shifting very dramatically. This is leading to much confusion for the inhabitants who have counted on certain conditions to continue as they seemingly always have in the past.

      If you understand the concept of paradigms, then this will become quite clear to you. At this time, all paradigms are shifting rapidly and dramatically. All of them. For those who do not understand this term, allow us to explain.

      Let us look at money as an example: It is a firmly held belief in your world that if you possess great sums of money in one form or another, then life will be a good experience for you and you will never have a reason to fear.

      Many, many humans ascribe to this belief system that you may call a paradigm. They are willing to do anything to bring great sums of money into their possession in order to ensure happiness and security for themselves.

      It would be fair to say that human beings are capable of any conceivable, unkind act in order to accomplish this goal. Much of the suffering you see upon this plane is a direct result of this particular paradigm.

      May we ask you now, beloved children, how are your sums of money at this time? If you have been fortunate enough to have great sums, is your wealth feeling as secure as it once did? How are you responding to what you are observing? Is this awareness bringing unhappiness rather than happiness to your life? Perhaps you still possess great sums, but they appear to be less than what they once were. Even though on this day your needs are met, it may still cause unhappiness for you to see that you have less than you did yesterday.

      The paradigm tells you that you should still be happy because even though you have less, you still have more than most people. Yet you find that you are not happy because you can remember yesterday when you had more money and worry about tomorrow when there may be less. In fact, the whole time you have had this money and your many possessions, you have worried about whether this is enough, and wondered what you could do to have more. If truth be known, you have never had enough. You have always wanted more. This money has never brought you true happiness, contentment, or a sense of security. Never.

      Curiously, what we have just described would apply equally to someone who is struggling with money and has very little to call one’s own. So, in truth, whether you possess great sums or very little, you all experience the same unhappiness around the paradigm of money.

      Yet this paradigm has told you differently. It has claimed that money would bring you happiness. However, whether you have great sums or very little, you are not happy about money. Interesting, isn’t it? A pauper and a rich person have the same worries and the same fears. Money has not changed any of this for either.

      Why do human beings pursue money in such a rabid fashion? Because the paradigm tells them that they must have it in order to feel happy and secure.