Название | Beyond Psychotherapy: Introduction to Psychoenergetic Healing |
Автор произведения | Linda Stein-Luthke |
Жанр | Эзотерика |
Серия | |
Издательство | Эзотерика |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781456602147 |
(2) The Universe is changing its balance of expansion and contraction in a cyclical manner (it is breathing in and out, so to speak). These cycles span long periods of time (according to some belief systems, about 26,000 years). After a long cycle of contraction, we are now at the beginning of a period of expansion.
(3) For a long time, life on planet Earth was dominated by an excess of “masculine” or yang energies. It is time for a rebalancing and the reemergence of the “feminine” or yin energies.
(4) Astrologically speaking, our solar system as a whole is moving from the Piscean age, which lasted about 2,000 years, into the age of Aquarius, which brings with it a major shift in the prevalent energies. While most of us may have heard these terms, none can truly comprehend what this process entails. In what may be called a huge cosmic experiment, planet Earth -- and with it, all of humanity -- is moving into uncharted territory, creating a new reality for all.
Let me try to summarize the changes in a nutshell: The Piscean age was characterized by (1) fear, e.g., fear of lack or loss of love, power or material possessions; (2) manipulation of relationships, one’s own personality, one’s circumstances, or the environment; (3) dominion over nature, animals, and fellow humans.
The Aquarian age is characterized by (1) trust based on one’s connection to Source; (2) equality among all living things; (3) love and acceptance of self and others instead of judgment; (4) freedom of all to live life as determined by their own nature, i.e., as a full expression of their Totality.
This brief characterization of the different ages cannot do justice to the complexity of the many levels of change that we are currently undergoing. After all, this transition leads us into uncharted territory. But from the little that has been said so far, you can see easily that moving from the old mode of operation into the new is nothing short of radical. And you can also assume that the transition will not always be smooth and easy -- neither for Mother Earth, nor the humans dwelling upon her.
It is Time for a New Paradigm
Another characteristic of the times we live in is the significant increase in higher-vibrational energies permeating this part of the universe with ever-increasing intensity. In fact, these higher-vibrational energies are the driving force behind the radical changes described above. The influx of higher vibrations accelerates the frequencies prevalent on the earth plane. Consequently, the gap between material and non-material levels of vibration is diminishing. The veil that used to separate the two domains is thinning and becoming increasingly more permeable. Thus, more and more human beings are becoming aware of the multidimensional nature of reality. Concepts such as energy fields, auras, spirit communication, intuitive perception, healing energies, etc., are gradually entering mainstream consciousness.
A new view of reality demands changes on many levels, including the way we approach physical and emotional healing. When medicine discovered the microscopic levels of reality, such as the cell, genes, microbes, and bacteria, the practice of medicine had to change drastically. We are now at a similar juncture in the practice of the healing arts. We can no longer ignore the many dimensions of our being that transcend earth-plane thinking and perception. It is time to recognize that we are more than what, for a long time, we thought we were, specifically in the Western world. It is time to remember and honor the fact that we are multidimensional beings of Light having a human experience. Hence, it is time to accommodate our mode of operation as healers to this realization and to the new realities of the Aquarian age.
In our work as energetic healers, however, we are not merely asked to adjust to the new realities in a passive fashion. We are given an opportunity to assist in bringing these new realities into full expression on the earth plane. We do not subscribe to the concept of a “mission” assigned to an individual incarnating on planet Earth. We do believe, however, that we incarnate into a certain time and place based on choices we have made on the level of our Higher Self. [The term “Higher Self” will be explained in the following chapter.] If we listen to our heart, we can know what those choices were and how to play our chosen part in the birthing process of a new age.
Chapter 2
The Multidimensional Nature of Human Beings
Very few human beings fully understand their true natures while living in a physical body. This is not completely surprising. During a physical existence we are very much caught up in the world of appearance as perceived with our five senses and interpreted by our human mind. It is as if we feel locked into one FM radio station, forgetting that our receiver could also pick up AM, short wave, CB and ham radio frequencies, if only we chose to change the dial.
From a metaphysical perspective, however, who we are in our essence is not limited to what we are perceiving with our senses or thinking in our minds. Let us briefly review some basic assumptions about the nature of human beings.
(1) We are not limited to what we appear to be. Human beings are more than the sum of their body parts, more than a biological organism made of skin and bones.
(2) The human body can be understood as a condensed cloud of “patterned” energy. The physical body is only one segment of the full spectrum of vibrations that comprise the totality of our being.
(3) In addition to the physical body, human beings are composed of interpenetrating energy fields of lesser density, often identified as emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
(4) There is no real separation or delineation between the energy fields that are “ours” and those that are “not ours.” All is interconnected. All energy fields have an effect on all others, within our material and subtle bodies as well as beyond.
(5) We are constantly “communicating” and exchanging energies with the energy fields around us and within us through our “subtle anatomy” such as the aura, the chakra system, and the meridians (see below for details). We are, in other words, like radio stations that receive and transmit constantly on many different wavelengths.
When we perceive the true nature of the human being to be a multidimensional energy field without fixed boundaries and in constant communication with surrounding energy fields, we can understand more easily how and why we are inevitably affected by changes in the prevailing frequencies. Likewise, we can also understand how our own energy fields affect all others. As we stated above, “all is connected to everything and all is affected by everything.”
More About the Human Energy Field
Although the human energy field is not visible to the physical eye, it can be perceived by all of us, to one degree or another, when we open ourselves to our inner vision. Here are some of the basic facts about the human energy field.
Human beings can be likened to radio stations that are constantly broadcasting and receiving information. There are specialized centers in the human body that function not unlike satellite dishes, each specializing in a certain frequency. These centers are most commonly called by the Sanskrit word “chakra,” which means “wheel of light.” In addition to “communicating” with the sea of energies surrounding and penetrating each human form, the chakras play an important role in orchestrating the flow of energies in the physical and the subtle bodies. Generally speaking, the chakras give life force to the organs and glands within their physical and functional proximity. For optimal health on all levels, it is important that all chakras be open and spinning at their respective frequencies in harmony and balance. If the chakras are no longer providing an entrance for life force into the physical body, the physical body ceases to function.
Auras and Subtle Bodies
In addition to possessing a physical body we are surrounded and penetrated