20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two. Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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Название 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two
Автор произведения Perry Ph.D Ritthaler
Жанр Социальная психология
Издательство Социальная психология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456606442

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and not the television stations air time.

      Canadian Economic Empowerment Strategies

      As North America fights to grow jobs, tax credits are very beneficial to encourage corporations to grow our employment market. As the tax base capital created by corporation’s declines and the government tries to subsidize the corporation with a tax credits the economy job growth numbers improve slightly.

      This appears to work however if you look at Texas in the USA you will see how this type of tax planning actually reduces the amount of lifestyle and money of the citizen, and naturally lowers the wage of the people living within Texas. Leaving the state with the highest per capita of people working for minimum wage and the least social programs created for government in the 52 states. In Texas they make less and spend less and are responsible for the latest 40% job growth statistics in the USA. Unfortunately they have the lowest scholastic score in education in all of the USA.

      So in my opinion deregulation on corporations and lower taxes create a financial human slavery process. That eventually leads to a version of corporate communism created by offshore corporate manipulation. (China governments farming our nation) Forcing people to eat at food banks while they try to make ends meet working.

      This type of offshore government influenced corporate strategy also makes getting a university education not worthwhile. The student ends up with huge debts to pay down after the education and ends up with a minimum wage job created by offshore corporations.

      In my opinion, if the government is going to stay ahead of the global corporate jobs market game they need to be more creative with tax cut spending.

      For example have one reduced tax rate for companies that manufacture onshore and sell their products in Canada and have another tax rate/small tariff on products for corporations that manufacture overseas and sell their products in Canada.

      Countries like China will need to spend more in corporation tax incentive to keep the manufacturing in China, if they want to compete in the box stores like Wal-Mart that sell products in Canada or the USA or Europe.

      Work like the Chinese business men and take one slice of profit at a time in multiple areas as you place pressure on the global markets to help rebalance the job growth markets in Canada the USA or Europe.

      As a Canadian economy example every year slightly increase the tax base deduction for corporations manufacturing in Canada and to find the money to pay for the tax incentive slightly increase the tax deductions/product tariffs for corporations manufacturing overseas. As you add a small product tariff on the products imported into Canada you will influence job growth markets in Canada. If the government adopts this idea, after 5 years of shifting the tax base every year more and more jobs in manufacturing will naturally appear in Canada. Countries like China will need to create the tax cuts for corporations manufacturing in China to compete.

      This approach will help both the Canadian government to look like the hero working with manufacturing and help to raise the minimum wage and increase the standard of living for Canadians while maintaining our social programs available to Canadian citizens.

      This type of strategy will shift the economics in the corporate Chinese equation and create a way for the Chinese government to contribute to the manufacturing growth crisis crippling Canada and the USA or Europe.

      Why should the Canadian government subsidize GDP creation for China?

      Thank you for your important time to read my article on Canadian Empowerment Strategies.


      Email Letter Forty Nine

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      As the protests grow stronger globally and in Canada, this weekend it is only the beginning. You may need to look like your team is working 24/7 to help the protestors win their fight for a better lifestyle.

      In order to accomplish this you may need to release a report on what Canada and Conservative Party is doing to empower the protestor’s desire. Be the government leader of the country that helps the 99% of the poor people unemployed or living on the street.

      I have created some economic humanitarian influenced seed ideas for your team to look over and polish.

      Some of the ideas are good and others may be not suitable, however sometimes a fresh set of eyes can see things your team may not so close to the fire.

      Solving the protest ideas can happen, provided your team is in contact with the protestors through television and You Tube.

      Taking charge of the lost souls with fresh ideas that can empower civilians on the street may allow you to take over the momentum of the protest and covertly lead the protest issues in Canada.

      With special idea tools that create some creative policy changes that do not cost money however raise the standard of the 99% civilian on the street.

      In the USA the politicians were to slow to address this issue and are getting into a quagmire, you and your teams need to stay out of and ahead of, if you can.

      This is why I created the economic empowerment reports one and two.

      I hope you and your team have a nice weekend.

      Canadian Economic Empowerment Ideas Part Two

      The High Cost of Sugar Diabetes and Cancer to Healthcare in Canada

      Cutting healthcare costs in Canada can revolve around preventing the over use of sugars in food and the use of poison’s in products we place on our skin or in our mouth or in the air we breathe. So many USA corporations that influence our healthcare in Canada make a profit off of the cancer industry or diabetes industry. The same corporations also own stocks in companies selling consumers products that contain ingredients that cause sugar diabetes or cancer to name a few.

      In the USA healthcare is private and the corporations need to make huge profits on sick people. However in Canada the government pays for healthcare of sick people. So if you help fix this issue overabundance of sugar and poisons in our food or skin products in Canada, by adjusting the FDA approval limits you will have much more money in 1-4 years as a result of curbing sickness and naturally cutting healthcare costs. Limiting poisons and overuse of sugars in our consumer products is part of the solution that very little capital cost to the government. Recommending daily exercise and fruits and vegetables with limited amounts of salt and meat plus 8 glasses of water daily is all part of your healthcare government leadership.

      I recently watched a documentary on healthcare that I think you will find very interesting and the name of the documentary is “Forbidden Cancer Cures”. I found the document free in the internet through a bitorent program named Demonoid.me. This is one of many peer to peer networks that allow people like me to research global documentaries that affect human health potentials. In this particular documentary the cures mentioned were banned in the USA however the doctors set up clinics in Mexico that are operational today and cure people of cancer for very little money.

      The reason I have shared this material with you is for three reasons:

      1) If North American becomes one continent that trades with one dollar like the euro does in Europe, these cures mentioned in this documentary available in Mexico will be made available in North America. Think about the future of healthcare costs cuts and you could at this time be ahead of what will happen in Canada. Start to write political policy to benefit the homeopathic industry to prepare for the changes in North America and creative healthcare cuts financially.

      2) People that have been told to go home and die due to cancer is untreatable could be saved and cured working with the many methods described in the documentary “Forbidden Cancer Cures”.

      3) The cost of cancer drugs is enormous