The Rules of the Game. Neil Strauss

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Название The Rules of the Game
Автор произведения Neil Strauss
Жанр Биографии и Мемуары
Издательство Биографии и Мемуары
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781847673558

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Examples: I reinvent the images of Fortune 500 companies.

       I’m designing the mobile phone of the future.

7. This is your identity statement. Say it out loud until you’re comfortable with it. If you feel it’s uninteresting or inaccurate, rework it until it feels right—or repeat this exercise (starting with question 3) until you have an identity statement that is both truthful and interesting.


      Most of the guidelines of the game are based on perceived relative status, and they change depending on how she feels your status compares to hers at any given time. So if you currently have a high-status position in society, rather than playing it up, play it down. Do exactly the opposite of what’s suggested above. Keep it vague. For example, instead of telling her you’re the head of a major film studio or an award-winning screenwriter, just say that you “work in movies” and let her wring the details out of you if she so desires.


      By Thomas Scott McKenzie

       A man is but the product of his thoughts.

       What he thinks, he becomes.


       I am a star. I’m a star, I’m a star, I’m a star.

       I am a big, bright, shining star.


      It’s been proven time and time again: Confidence is attractive. Confidence earns the admiration of your coworkers, the respect of your friends, and the interest of women. In fact, it’s safe to say that without confidence, all the seduction techniques known to man will not help you attract the women you desire.

      But many men struggle with this most crucial of characteristics. Difficult childhoods, less-than-model looks, meager bank accounts, dead-end jobs, piece-of-shit cars, receding hairlines, underarm odor, and dating dry spells all reduce worthy men to nervous, timid mice. Even men with rock-hard abs and shiny red convertibles are sometimes unable to look women in the eye and speak with a strong voice, because something damaged their self-esteem and confidence. If you’re saddled with weak inner game, then openers, routines, and good stories won’t help you achieve your goals.

      However, there are a number of concepts you can harness to take control of your inner game. And by doing so, you’ll learn that we are not helpless victims vulnerable to our mind’s tyranny. Instead, we control our minds. We control our emotions. We control our perceptions, our feeling, and our outlook.


      In Mastering Your Hidden Self: A Guide to the Huna Way, Serge Kahili King details seven main principles to his belief system. These concepts are applicable to our own methods of self-improvement.

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