Soulful Parenting. Susan Gale

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Название Soulful Parenting
Автор произведения Susan Gale
Жанр Секс и семейная психология
Издательство Секс и семейная психология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876049303

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assisting her to remember her connections to the Creator.

      While exploring these ideas, it is important to be mindful of what the Cayce readings have to say about our origins. John Van Auken and Lora Little have done a remarkable job of delineating our origins and subsequent meshing with the lower vibratory matter in their book The Lost Hall of Records: Edgar Cayce’s Forgotten Record of Human History in the Ancient Yucatan. To briefly address this here, we were all created as souls simultaneously. Thus, none of us is older or younger than any other. Or, as reading 2542-1 expresses it, “This to some would appear an old, old, soul; yet all souls are as one—they were all of the same; for soul is eternal.”

      In the beginning, we were light beings, able to be anywhere and to experience anything with just a thought. A great many of us decided to investigate the physical realm and became trapped in various slower vibratory entities. We began to be overwhelmed with physical sensations, unable to reconnect with our true light-being selves. We were provided a way out when the physical body, which was designed to help us remember who we are, was created. Two of the first to inhabit these bodies were the souls called Adam and Eve. These souls finally, after many lifetimes, incarnated into the respective bodies called Jesus and Mary, and gave the example as to how to live so as to reclaim our original selves. As souls, we choose families that will provide the lessons that will best help us remember, even when the lessons seem to be brutal.

      Each birth marks the opportunity to remember and reexperience our origins as light beings. In any event, each birth marks a new opportunity to manifest the spiritual while being in a physical form:

       For this, then, is in every birth—the possibilities, the glories, the actuating of that influence of that entrance again of god-man into the earth that man might know the way.


       For, no soul or entity enters without opportunities. And the choice is ever latent within self and the power, the ability to do things, be things, to accept things, is with the entity.


      Every entering soul has the opportunity to be one with what the readings call the Christ Consciousness and also show the Way. Jesus was one who achieved that goal. Thus, we know, through Jesus and others, it is possible for us all:

       Jesus is the man—the activity, the mind, the relationships that He bore to others. Yea, He was mindful of friends, He was sociable, He was loving, He was kind, He was gentle. He grew faint, He grew weak—and yet gained that strength that He has promised, in becoming the Christ, by fulfilling and overcoming the world! Ye are made strong—in body, in mind, in soul and purpose—by that power in Christ. The power, then, is in the Christ. The pattern is in Jesus.


      “Mind is the Builder” is a consistent theme in the Cayce readings. The universal laws mentioned in the readings are all aspects of this belief. Science, specifically quantum physics, is beginning to offer explanations for how this works. It seems that we are connected on a subatomic level.

      When we are chosen as parents, it is our implied responsibility to create an environment in which souls can use their temples to make the most of the opportunities and to become one with the First Cause. On these pages are suggestions, from conception to adolescence, as to how to do that. However, it is important to remember that each soul has its own path, which may not seem the right one to the parent. Yet the readings also tell us that all acts bear fruit, even if in future lifetimes.

      What follows on these pages is based on the experiences with children and families of the authors. Many have other experiences that also help people with the issues cited within, and we encourage you to explore many avenues to see what resonates with your heart as you raise your children.

      Also, throughout this book the readings are cited verbatim. Many include medical recommendations. The authors ask that if you are concerned about any physical condition, seek advice from a licensed physician. There is a list on the Web site of medical practitioners who are familiar with and incorporate the material from the readings into their practice, if you are interested.


       Conception and Pregnancy

      The readings tell us that the act of conception is the beginning of the invitation to a soul to join a family. Thus, the thoughts and environment surrounding the conception of a temple have great influence on the nature of the soul that chooses to inhabit it.

      What type of person would you, meaning both parents, wish to attract? What are the personality traits? You can make these desires clear—through your conscious actions, thoughts, and intents—to the soul who is choosing a body for its temple.

      The act of conception is a sacred time, a time of creating life. The circumstances and atmosphere of this act are crucial to the attraction of a soul. It is an act of oneness, physically reflecting the oneness of our minds with the Mind. It is an act resulting in a kind of bliss that physically parallels the bliss of the divine. Perhaps this explains why so many seek it out, oftentimes in desperation, only to feel shortchanged when it doesn’t occur.

      During the temple’s development within the mother, the spirit of the actions done and of the thoughts held by both parents is important. To help us keep focused during this important time, the readings give us a prayer to be said:

       … create in my mind, my body, that purpose that thou would have; that there may be the demonstration, the manifestation of thy spirit, of thy purpose with thy servant.

       Let my body, my mind be such as to keep attuned to the best that may come as a channel of blessings to others.


       Activities and Attitudes

      As a practical application of this prayer, the readings explain that should the parents want a child who is skilled in mechanical things, for example, then they need to be working with tools, building and repairing things. Should they wish to attract a child who is philosophical in nature, they should pore over philosophical writings and engage in deep discussions on the meanings of life. By these actions, they are signaling a clear intent as to the kinds of interests they will assist the child in developing.

       (Q) What mental attitude should I keep always before me during the coming months?

       (A) Depends upon what character of individual entity is desired. More beauty, music—if that is desired to be a part of the entity; art, and the like. Or is it to be purely mechanical? If purely mechanical, then think about mechanics—work with those things. And don’t think that they won’t have their effect, as the impressions give that opportunity.

       Here is something that each and every mother should know.

      The manner in which the attitude is kept has much to do with the character of the soul that would choose to enter through those channels at the particular period. This has been indicated as the attitude, “If ye love me and keep my commandments, I will love you—as ye do unto others, ye do unto me—.” Does this seem strange, or isn’t it consistent with God’s plan of creation? That attitude held, then, during these periods, presents the opportunity for the type or character of soul seeking expression.

      Ever present is the concern as to how much time the mother should spend at work or at home. Below is yet another indication as to how important intent is. It is not so much that one is working but rather what attitude is held toward the job. Is the job solely for material gain? Or is it a place where one enjoys the companionship of co-workers, the sense of accomplishment, and the desire to serve? These are the factors that will affect the nature of the incoming