Visits to Heaven. Josie Varga

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Название Visits to Heaven
Автор произведения Josie Varga
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046357

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seen, and he said that we would have to be away from Gaia to see and appreciate it. Humans are the ones who can manipulate Gaia’s energy through their choices. If humans choose to live in harmony with the energy on Gaia, it is good for Gaia. If humans abuse Gaia, they hurt Gaia by altering her energy structure. I was given an example of how humans have deforested the planet and reduced the energy available faster than it could be replenished. He said Gaia was very strong but has been weakened considerably since humans have chosen to use the resources in a manner inconsistent with the laws of the universe.

      I asked him if we could go into space and see Gaia’s energy, and he said, “Yes.” There were no limits on where we could go. I concentrated my thought, trusted, and we then went into what is known as space.

      Away from this planet I could see Gaia all at once. It was so beautiful. I could see the aura around her. The aura affected me greatly. I felt a deep love for this beautiful place. I could hear the lady move and was told that the sound was the energy flowing in and out of Gaia. My special being told me that Gaia is a unique planet because it is designed for humans to live on forever. It was created as a place for a spirit to play, learn, and grow. The balance of nature on Gaia allows a spirit to be in human form when a spirit lives in harmony with nature.

      Nature exists to compensate for the decreased vibration and was created for spirits to adapt enough to adjust and be in the physical human body while still having access to energy that will help them advance. He explained that humans were designed by God to live eternally on Gaia and are not supposed to “die.” He said that “dying” is a human-created Earth term that means little in the world of spirit. The reason that humans supposedly die is that they have fallen away from the balance of nature and allow themselves to be affected by what they create that violates the natural laws of the universe. Humans have fallen away from living in balance with nature. They must relearn about the harmonic balance if they want to survive as a race and live on Gaia forever. It is still possible for humans to learn about this harmony, and it is the next overall goal of humans on Gaia. I was told that humans would eventually realize they must restore the harmony, but great damage will be inflicted before humans will fully realize what they have been doing to Gaia and work to reverse what they have done.


      We traveled past all of the planets in our solar system. Near each planet I could hear the energy just like on Gaia. I saw the auras around each one of them, too. I saw spirits on all of them, as well. My friend told me that all planets are places for spirits to live, learn, and thus evolve. I saw great cities on each and every one of those planets. It was explained that other life in the universe is not readily seen because the beings are all of a higher vibration and that most spirits in human form have yet to attain the higher vibration required to see them.

      The being told me that each planet has a theme for learning and that any of them can be chosen by our soul when it is between physical lives. We practice on the other planets so that we might be ready to live on Gaia. Gaia is the ultimate experience for a soul because our souls evolve faster here than anywhere else. He also explained that the lessons we need are difficult to learn without having a physical form.

      He continued by describing how we select a physical life on Gaia. He said that I picked the parents I was born to so that I could learn what I needed to know to advance enough to come back and do spirit work on Gaia. I was being told all of these things so that I could help souls come together and return Gaia to harmony.

      He explained some things to me about God that I do not remember. They had to do with the universe: it’s the size and structure. I do remember he said that God is not to be seen for He is everywhere. God loves Gaia deeply, much as a man loves his wife.

      He talked about Jesus, too. Jesus was a master that God sent to earth to teach humans how to act toward each other and find their way back to the path of harmony with each other as well as with Gaia.

      I was told that Jesus is one being who is entrusted by God to ensure that souls evolve. Jesus is one of the master souls who is highest in vibration and a good example for any soul. God holds Jesus in high favor because He was one of the best and most successful examples of what humans need to do. I then got to view Jesus. I saw His Light which is the purest I have ever seen. There was no need for words. There were only love feelings that I cannot even begin to describe.

      I was told by this loving Master that loving one another is what souls need to do in order for peace and harmony to be the standard on Gaia. After telling me this, this Great Master left me with my angelic friend.

      He told me that there is a hierarchy in the cosmos that is dedicated to preserving the harmony of the universe. Humans are an integral part of this harmony and that the free will we have is the part of souls that allows humans to provide service to the universe.

      After he explained those things to me, I was able to see our whole solar system all at once in full color. The planets were in a line, and I could see them all from Pluto to the sun. I felt very blessed and very important. I was given this great gift, and I did not really understand why. There I floated, a person who had gone out of his way to inflict pain on other souls, yet I was never asked about what I had done. In fact, I was given the honor of being given answers to questions most people wonder about all of their lives.

      I thanked this loving spirit being for explaining and showing me what he did. He said that there was more for him to show me if I was ready to experience it. I told him I was. I did not know why I was chosen, but I was not about to question the reason. It just seemed small to me then.

      We started to head back toward Gaia. We went to a place in her shadow. It was a great city in the clouds. The city had these beautiful white buildings as far as I could see. I saw spirits living there, all of whom had vibration but no real physical body. These inhabitants came in and out of buildings as they went to work and play. I saw a place where spirits go to get what I thought was water. There were no vehicles there. Spirits seemed to get around the same way my being and I did—by flying.

      The city had no boundaries that I could see. This was a place full of life of all kinds. Nature was there with many plants, trees, and water just like on Gaia but more pure. This nature was absolutely perfect. It was untainted by human manipulation. It was a place just like Gaia, only without the problems and negativity. I felt that this was what is called heaven in Earth terms.

      I saw spirits going to and from Gaia and the city. I could tell the development of these spirits by the energy they emanated. I could see that animals traveled to and from Earth just as humans do. There were many spirits leaving Gaia with guides and others returning to Gaia without guides. The being told me that some of the spirits passing by were the ones who did work with the humans on Gaia. I could tell the difference between the spirits who were doing the work and the spirits who were coming to the great city to be replenished in order to eventually go back to Gaia to evolve further. I could feel the emotions of the ones coming back for replenishment. Some of them were sad, beaten, and scared, much the way I had felt before my spirit friend came to rescue me.

      My being (I’ll just call him Bob) took me into one of the larger buildings. Inside I saw that many spirits were working doing things similar to jobs on Earth. When we walked by the spirits, they looked at me. I think they were checking me out because of the being I was with.

      We went upstairs, and I saw spirits that knew me. They greeted me and asked how I was doing. I did not know them. They gave me advice which I do not remember. I thought I was going to be given a job there, but Bob knew what I thought and told me that there was something I needed to do first.

      I was ecstatic. I was in heaven despite everything I had done during my life on Gaia. I was experiencing what most people only dream about. The love I felt there was the same love I felt when I saw Jesus. I had been searching on Gaia for what was really the same place I was in then. I had been searching on Gaia for the feeling I was experiencing that very moment. I was truly happy. I was home, and I knew it. I was ready to stay and do whatever work I was given to do.

      Bob then took me to another building that was special. It was bigger than the rest, and growing on it was the greenest foliage I had ever