One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 2. John Williamson Nevin

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Название One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 2
Автор произведения John Williamson Nevin
Жанр Религия: прочее
Серия Mercersburg Theology Study Series
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781498246026

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The whole man for instance is not simply all the elements and powers that enter empirically into his constitution, but this living constitution itself rather as something more general than all such elements and powers, in virtue of which only they come to be thus what they are in fact. In the same way the whole of nature is by no means of one sense simply with the numerical aggregate, the actual all, of the objects and things that go to make up what we call the system of nature at any given time; and humanity or the human race as a whole may never be taken as identical with all men, whether this be understood of all the men of the present generation only or be so extended as to include all generations in the like outward view. Even where the thing in view may appear by its nature to exclude the general distinction here made, it will be found on close consideration that where the terms before us are used at all appropriately they never have just the same sense, but that the whole of a thing implies always of right something more than is expressed merely by its all. The whole house is not of one signification with all the house, the whole watch with all its parts, or the whole library with all the certain books that are found upon its shelves. Two different ways of looking at the object, whatever it may be, are indicated by the two terms, and also two materially different conceptions, the force of which it is not difficult to feel even where there may be no power to make it clear for thought.

      But the idea of wholeness is variously determined of course by the nature of the object to which it may be applied. We can speak of a whole forest, a whole continent, or a whole planet; of a whole species, or of animated nature as a whole; of a whole man, a whole nation, a whole generation, or a whole human world. What now is the whole, in reference to which attribute of the Church here under consideration is affirmed, as a necessary article of christian faith?

      The only proper answer to this question is that the attribute refers to the idea of universal humanity, or of this world as a whole. When christianity is declared to be catholic, the declaration must be taken in its full sense to affirm, that the last idea of this world as brought to its completion in man is made perfectly possible in the form of christianity, and in this form alone, and that this power therefore can never cease to work until it shall have actually taken possession of the world as a whole, and shall thus stand openly and clearly revealed as the true consummation of its nature and history in every other view.

      There are two ways of looking at the human world, under the conception its totality. The view may regard simply the area of the world’s life outwardly considered, humanity in its numerical extent, as made up of a certain number of nations, tribes and individual men; or it may be directed more particularly to the world’s life inwardly considered, humanity in its intensive character, the being of man as a living fact or constitution made up of certain elements, laws, forces and relations, which enter necessarily into its conception aside from the particular millions of living men as such by which it may be represented at any given time. These two conceptions are plainly different; while it is equally plain, at the same time, that neither of them may be allowed with any propriety to exclude the other, but that the true and real wholeness of humanity is to be found only in the union of both. Christianity or the Kingdom of God is catholic, as it carries in itself the power to take possession of the world both extensively and intensively, and can never rest short of this end. It is formed for such two-fold victory over the reign of sin, and has a mission from heaven accordingly to conquer the universe of man’s life in this whole and entire way.

      Here precisely lies the missionary nature and character of the Church. It has a call to possess the world, and it is urged continually by its own constitution to fulfil this call. The spirit of missions, wherever it prevails, bears testimony to the catholicity of christianity, and rests on the assumption that it is the only absolutely true and normal form of man’s life, and so of right should, and of necessity also at last must, come to be universally acknowledged and obeyed.

      But it is not always so clearly seen, that the intensive mastery of the world’s life belongs just as truly as this extensive work to the idea of the kingdom of God, and that it ought to be therefore just as much also an object of