Название | Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives |
Автор произведения | Archie Henderson |
Жанр | Зарубежная публицистика |
Серия | |
Издательство | Зарубежная публицистика |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9783838266053 |
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0238a] Bob Barr papers, Office Files, 1964-2004, POL-0005-15
Location: Annie Belle Weaver Special Collections, Ingram Library, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA 30118
Description: Bob Barr (1948- ) represented the Seventh District of Georgia in the United States House of Representatives for four terms between January 1995 and January 2003. This portion of the Bob Barr papers contains correspondence from constituents, news clips, meetings and event information (including Town Hall Meetings), and files on many local constituent issues. Series II: Marietta, Boxes 408-496, contains files on Abortion; Assisted Suicide; Dan Burton; CATO Institute; CATS (Conservative Action Team); CPAC Conference January 21, 2000 Washington DC (Conservative Political Action Committee); Contract with America: Reforming Congress, Changing Washington, n.d.; CCC (Council of Conservative Citizens); Defense of Marriage Act (D.O.M.A.); Alan Dershowitz (refers to Dershowitz accusation that Bob Barr was associated with Council of Conservative Citizens and alleged racist policies); Eagle Forum; Farrakhan; Marriage Defense Act; Meese Article by Barr, 1996; Militias; National Rifle Association (NRA); Partial Birth Abortion; Ronald Reagan; Supreme Court: Church-State; Tax Reform Immediately (TRIM); and Bob Tyrrell Manuscript for "Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton." Series IV: Washington, Boxes 529-606, contains correspondence from Congressman Bill Archer, Haley Barbour, Congressman Dan Burton, President George W. Bush, Dr. James C. Dobson, Congressman Robert K. Dornan, Milton Friedman (to Senator Phil Gramm), House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senator Orrin Hatch, Senator Jesse Helms, David Horowitz (contains membership card for the Center for the Study of Popular Culture), Lester Maddox, Lyn Nofziger, Grover Norquist, Congressman Ron Paul, Senator Richard Russell, Phyllis Schlafly, and Washington Legal Foundation; and files on Abortion; Partial-Birth Abortion; assisted suicide; Abortion/Pro-Life; Austria, 2000 (Newsletter of Family Research Council referring to European Union's criticism of Joerg Haider and references to Holocaust); Balanced Budget (1993 article by Grover Norquist); Balanced Budget-Fiscal Responsibility Act; Balanced Budget (Senator Phil Gramm editorial); George W. Bush; C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute); China (copy of National Conservative Weekly, Patrick Buchanan op-ed "Is China war inevitable?"); CATS (Conservative Action Team) (copy of "GOP Republican Platform 2000"); CATS & COS (Conservative Opportunity Society); Conservative Caucus; CPAC Award and Conference, 1996 (Conservative Political Action Conference) (copy of "Human Events" weekly); Careers Act [Consolidated and Reformed Education, Employment and Rehabilitation Systems Act; H.R 1617, 2332, SB 143] (essay by Phyllis Schlafly "Education Reform, Ted Kennedy-Style"); Council of Conservative Citizens (refer to Trent Lott's membership); English First, English Language Unity Act, H.R. 1984 (107th Cong.) (To reaffirm English as the official language of the United States, to establish an uniform English language rule for naturalization, and to avoid misconstructions of the English language texts of the Laws of the United States, pursuant to Congress' powers to provide for the General Welfare of the United States and to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization under Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution.); Euthanasia; Louis Farrakhan; Flag Desecration; Flat Tax; Focus on the Family; Freemen-Montana; Newt Gingrich; Hillsdale College; Homosexual Rights; Homosexuals; McVeigh Execution; National Right to Life; NRA; Partial-Birth Abortion Ban; Reagan; The Religious Equality Amendment Hyde's H.J. Res. 121; Religious Freedom Amendment; Religious Liberties Amendment; Religious Liberty Protection Act; Right to Life; Right to Work; Ruby Ridge; Richard B. Russell; School Prayer; School Vouchers; Stem Cell Research; Voter I.D.; Waco; Washington Legal Foundation; and Young America's Foundation. Series V: Bob's Files, Boxes 607-662, contains files on ACU; The American Spectator; Anti-Terrorism; Campaign Barr 2002 Viguerie/ATA [American Target Advertising] Proposal, 2002; Gun Control; MEGIDDO Project (FBI), 1999 (regards FBI assessment of domestic terrorism; contains correspondence from John Birch Society); Military Tribunals (op-ed of Rush Limbaugh (Washington Post), Robert H. Bork article on terrorism); op-ed of Oliver North (Washington Times); correspondence from Ron Paul; NRA, Charlton Heston and Wayne LaPierre; Privacy-SPCH. Eagle Forum Friday, September 20, 2002 (correspondence from Phyllis Schlafly); Terrorism; U.N. Small Arms Conf., NY, July 2001 (Oliver North op-ed; Phyllis Schlafly Report); USA Patriot Act; correspondence from Attorney General John Ashcroft; and WTO [World Trade Organization], 2002 (Oliver North editorial). Series VI: Jonathan Blythe Files, Boxes 663-666, contains files on Americans for Tax Reform and Free Congress Foundation. Series VII: Personal Files, Boxes 667-677, contains files on Newt Gingrich; Human Events - Impeachment; National ID Card; ACU; ATA; Bill Archer; John Ashcroft; Haley Barbour; Bob Barr; Jonathan Blythe; Robert H. Bork; Patrick Buchanan; Dan Burton; George W. Bush; CPAC; CATO Institute; William Jefferson Clinton; D.O.M.A.; Alan Dershowitz; Dr. James C. Dobson; Robert K. Dornan; Eagle Forum; Equality Amendment; Euthanasia; Louis Farrakhan; Freemen-Montana; Milton Friedman; Gingrich; Phil Gramm; Joerg Haider; Orrin Hatch; Jesse Helms; Charlton Heston; Hillsdale College; David Horowitz; Hyde; John Birch Society; Ted Kennedy; Wayne LaPierre; Rush Limbaugh; Trent Lott; Lester Maddox; Marriage Defense Act; McVeigh Execution; Meese; MEGIDDO Project; Militias; Lyn Nofziger; Grover Norquist; Oliver North; NRA; Ron Paul; Ronald Reagan; Richard B. Russell; Phyllis Schlafly; Tyrrell; U.N.; USA Patriot Act; Viguerie; I.D. Voter; Waco; Washington Times; Annie Belle Weaver; and Young America's Foundation.
Finding aid:
[0239] Jesse William Barrett Papers, 1905-1953, C9
Location: The State Historical Society of Missouri, 1020 Lowry Street, Columbia, Missouri 65201
Description: Barrett (1884-1953) was a St. Louis lawyer and politician; attorney general of Missouri, 1921-1925; Republican candidate for governor in 1936. The Republican Party Series contains correspondence, clippings, campaign material, speeches, invitations, and reports on Barrett's activities in the Republican Party of Missouri. Correspondents include Herbert Hoover,