Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

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Название Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives
Автор произведения Archie Henderson
Жанр Зарубежная публицистика
Издательство Зарубежная публицистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783838266053

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Councils of Mississippi, undated) [online at­object/collection/manu/id/1948]; Assembly of Captive European Nations; Associates for Americanism; Association of Citizen's Councils, Greenwood, Mississippi; Australian League of Rights; Karl Baarslag; Harry Elmer Barnes; Barry Goldwater for President Committee; Fanchon Battelle; Bay Area Conservatives; Hilaire Belloc; Ezra Taft Benson; Bible News Flashes ("The Seven Judgments," by W. D. Herrstrom (1934)); E. M. Biggers; Bilderberg conferences; Bill Knowland for Governor Committee; Aldrich Blake; Bookmailer, Inc.; Anthony T. Bouscaren; Spruille Braden; John W. Bricker; Bricker Amendment; British Israel Association; The Buckman Press; "How the Communists Use Religion," by Edgar C. Bundy (undated); Eric D. Butler; California Free Enterprise Association; California Freedom Forum II; California League of Christian Parents; Californians' Committee to Combat Communism; Campaign for the 48 States; Canadian Intelligence Publications; Canadian League of Rights; Candour Publishing Company ("B.B.C.: A National Menace," by A. K. Chesterton (1972)); Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, St. Louis, Missouri; The Catholic Challenger (W. L. King); Catholic Race Preservation Committee; Caxton Printers Limited; Caxton Printers ("Ex America," by Garet Garrett (undated)); "Persecution--Jewish and Christian," by Charles E. Coughlin; Chedney Press ("Wake Up America!" by Emanuel Josephson (1958)); A. K. Chesterton; Christian Alliance Against Illuminism; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade--Fred Schwarz; Christian Beacon Press; Christian Crusade Publications; Christian Crusade, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Christian Crusader; Christian Educational Association, Union, New Jersey; Christian Freedom Foundation--Howard E. Kershner; Christian Nationalist Crusade, Los Angeles, California; Christian Nationalist Party, Los Angeles, California; Christian Patriotic Rally; Christian Patriots, Chester, Pennsylvania; Christian resistance; Christian Scientists to Combat Communism in the Christian Science Movement; Christian Youth against Communism, Los Angeles, California; Church League of America, Wheaton, Illinois; Church infiltration by communists; Cinema Educational Guild, Hollywood, California; Circuit Riders, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio; Circuit Riders, Inc. ("Recognize Red China?" (1958)); Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba; Citizens Committee for Constitutional Liberties; Citizens Committee on Fluoridation; Citizens Committee to Restore U.S. Constitutional Sovereignty, Dallas, Texas; Citizens Council, Jackson, Mississippi; Citizens for Educational Freedom; Citizens Foreign Aid Committee, Washington, D.C.; Citizens Foreign Aid Committee ("Foreign Aid and You" (1959)); Citizens Protective Association, St. Louis, Missouri; Citizens' Council of Greater New Orleans; Citizens' Councils of America; Upton Close; Closer Ups ("The Anti-Defamation League and its Use in the World Communist Offensive," by Robert H. Williams (1947)); Committee for Survival of a Free Congress, Washington, D.C.; Committee on Anti-Communist Action, Centerville, Ohio; Committee of the States ("Save the Republic," by Robert C. Olney (1967)); Committee for 48 States, Washington D.C.; Committee of One Million ("Red China and the United Nations," by Peter H. Dominick (undated)); Committee on State Sovereignty ("The Citizen in Politics" (1958)); Committee of Russian Slaves of Jewish Communism, Union, New Jersey; Committee against Summit Entanglements, Belmont, Massachusetts; Committee on New Alternatives in the Middle East; Committee on Un-American Activities; Committee for the Hollywood Ten, Hollywood, California; Committee for McCarthyism ("The Red-addled 'brain' behind the Scripps-Howard smear of Senator Joe McCarthy," by Joseph P. Kamp (1954)); Committee on Pan-American Policy ("The Panama Canal: it must remain American," by Dr. Charles Callan Tansill (1963); Committee of Christian Laymen; Committee for Constitutional Government, Inc., New York; Committee for Pillion Resolution; Committee of Endorsers; Committee of One Million against the Admission of Communist China; Committee to Defend the Rights of the Arab Students and Workers, San Francisco, California; Committee to Save the McCarran Act; Committee for the Preservation of the Constitution ("What Is Metropolitan Government?" (1958); Common Sense, Union, New Jersey; Communism; "Israel's Fingerprints: Biblical Identification of the True Israel," by Bertrand L. Comparet (1949); Congress of Freedom ("The Secret Government of the United States," by Mary M. Davison (undated)); Congress of Freedom, Inc., Omaha, Nebraska; Connally Amendment; Conservative Book Club, New Rochelle, New York; Constitution Party U.S.A. ("To Restore and Preserve ..."); Constitution Party; Constitutional Educational League; "Communist Psychological Warfare (Brainwashing)," consultation with Edward Hunter (1958); Council for Statehood--Mary M. Davison (The Robbers' Roost (1964), The Second Rebellion (1971), and The Tale of the Guinea Pigs "greeting girls" (1960s)); Counterattack, New York; Kent Courtney; Kent and Phoebe Courtney; John G. Crommelin; Cathrine Curtis; Dan Smoot Report; Daughters of the American Revolution; Mary Davison; Defenders of the Christian Faith--Gerald B. Winrod ("The Great Christian Pledge" (1954) and "The United Nations, a tower of Babel" (1953)); Defenders of American Education; Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties, Arlington Chapter, Virginia; Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties; Defenders of the American Constitution, Washington, D.C.; Defenders of the Christian Faith; Defenders, Inc.; "Blueprint for Victory," by Robert DePugh (1966) [online at]; Devin-Adair Company ("The Constitution Be Damned," by Orson Kilborn (1952)); Martin Dies; Elizabeth Dilling; Hilaire du Berrier; Eagle Forum ("The Real World of Working ..." (undated)); James Oliver Eastland (The Supreme Court's Modern Scientific Authorities in the Segregation Cases. Speech of Hon. James O. Eastland of Mississippi in the Senate of the United States Thursday, May 26, 1955) [online at­collection/integ/item/234]; Edmondson Economic Service; Education Information, Inc.; Educational Fund of the Citizen's Councils--"The Ugly Truth about the NAACP," by Eugene Cook (circa 1955)); Educational News Service; "The American Eagle Weapons for Freedom," by Edwin A. Walker (1961); Elmore County White Citizens Council, Wetumpka, Alabama; Harry T. Everingham; Facts Forum ("The Communist Party of the United States of America: What it Is, How it Works: A Handbook for Americans" (1955); Myron C. Fagan; Fascism; Federation for Constitutional Government; Bonner Fellers; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Florida Minuteman; Florida Coalition of Patriotic Societies, Tampa, Florida; Fluoridation; John T. Flynn; For All Comprehensive Truth Committee; For America; For America of Arizona; For America of California; For America, Washington, D.C.; Foreign Policy Association; Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York; Foundation for Re-education (Samuel Evans Hayes); Foundations; Free Enterprise Institute; Free Gold Market; Free Men Speak; The Free Society; Free Trade Union Committee of the American Federation of Labor [publisher of "Gulag"-Slavery, Inc. The Documented Map of Forced Labor Camps in Soviet Russia (1951)]; Flick-Reedy Corporation; Benjamin H. Freedman; Freedom Builders of America; Freedom Center (Portland, OR); Freedom Club of Downtown Chicago (Harry T. Everingham); Freedom Fighters; The Freedom School (The Pine Tree Press, Colorado Springs, Colorado); Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania; Freeman, New York; Friends of General Walker, Dallas, Texas; Friends of Louis F. Budenz; Friends of Rhodesian Independence; Fundamental American Freedoms, Washington, D.C.; Garet Garrett; Goldwater for 1964; Greater Phoenix School of Anti-Communism; Greater Nebraskan; Elmore D. Greaves; Guardians of our American Heritage; Billy James Hargis; Headlines; Heads-Up; W. D. Herrstrom; Highlander Folk School, Knoxville, Tennessee; Alger Hiss; Adolf Hitler; Frank E. Holman; J. Edgar Hoover; Housewives Organized for Better Living; Bela Hubbard, Tucson, Arizona; Human Events; Humanitarian Society--R. Swinburne Clymer; Independent American, New Orleans, Louisiana; Industrial Defense Association, Inc.; Institute for American Democracy, Inc.; Institute for Special Research; Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, Inc.; Interim Committee for a New Party; International Alliance Against Communism; International Youth Federation for Freedom, Inc.; "Let's Try Freedom Again," by Jack B. Tenney (1954); "Mind-washing in America; a conspiracy against liberty," by Jack B. Tenney (undated); "Zion's Trojan Horse," by Jack B. Tenney (1954); Joint Council for Repatriation (Willis Carto); John Birch Society, Belmont, Massachusetts; George Racey Jordan; Justice for Pelley Committee; Joseph P. Kamp; Verne P. Kaub; Keep America Committee, Los Angeles, California; Kingdom Tract Society; Granville F. Knight; William F. Knowland; Fred C. Koch; Ku Klux Klan; Bracken Lee; Fulton Lewis, Jr.; League for Peace with Justice in Palestine (Benjamin H. Freedman); Liberation, New York; Liberation News Service; Liberty Amendment Committee of the U.S.A.; Liberty and property; Liberty Bell Press, Florissant, Missouri; Liberty Line, Bellingham, Washington; Liberty Lobby, Washington, D.C.; Life Line, Dallas, Texas; Charles Lindbergh; Lutheran Research Society, Detroit, Michigan; Douglas MacArthur; Joseph R. McCarthy; W. Henry MacFarland; Carl McIntire; MacArthur Freedom Association; George Malone; Clarence Manion; Manion Forum, South Bend, Indiana; MARAH, Inc., Florida; Vito Marcantonio; Maricopa County Co-ordinating Council of Federated Women's Republican Clubs; Victor