Название | Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives |
Автор произведения | Archie Henderson |
Жанр | Зарубежная публицистика |
Серия | |
Издательство | Зарубежная публицистика |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9783838266053 |
Matthias Schüth, Englands politische Universitätsjugend, 1931-1940: ein Beitrag zur Erforschung politischer Kollektivmentalitäten im Europa der dreissiger Jahre (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2001), p. 371; Amy Margaret Lilly, "'This way to the exhibition': Woolf, Joyce, Rhys and the 1930s fascist culture of exhibitions" (Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2002); Amy M. Lilly, "Three Guineas, Two Exhibits: Woolf's Politics of Display," Woolf Studies Annual 9 (2003), pp. 29-54; "F. L. Lucas," https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F._L._Lucas.
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[0462] Wofford Benjamin Camp Papers, 1919-1983, Mss 165
Location: Special Collections Library, Strom Thurmond Institute Building, Clemson University, 230 Kappa Street, Clemson, SC 29634-3001
Description: Wofford B. Camp (1894-1986) was a leader in agricultural innovation in California, government official in the United States Department of Agriculture, and supporter of a variety of conservative causes. He was a proponent of Right-to-Work issues. The Subject Correspondence Series, 1924-1983, includes files on Tom Anderson, anti-Communism, John Birch Society, Christian Anti-Communism, Lt. General Mark W. Clark, Communism, Connally Amendment, Dean Manion Forum, Dr. James W. Fifield, Jr., Henry Ford, Foundation for Constitutional Education, Freedoms Foundation-Valley Forge, Barry Goldwater, Alger Hiss, Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, the House Un-American Activities Committee, Human Events, James J. Kilpatrick, David Lawrence, Liberty Belles, Incorporated, Joseph McCarthy, Dean Manion, Operation Abolition, John H. Rousselot, Allan Shivers, Senator Robert Taft, and Strom Thurmond.
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Finding aids:
[0463] Campaign Collection, 1800-1972
Location: Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries, 222 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
Description: The Campaign Collection consists of ribbons, campaign literature, posters, photographs, clippings, and more relating to nearly two hundred years of American political campaigns. Contains candidate information, literature, memorabilia, photographs, bumper stickers, and speeches relating to the campaigns of Barry Goldwater/William Miller (1964), Everett M. Dirksen (1952), Eisenhower/Nixon (1952, 1956), Herbert Hoover (1928, 1932), Alf Landon/Frank Knox (1936), D. MacArthur (1948), Robert A. Taft (1948, 1952), Strom Thurmond/Fielding L. Wright (States Rights Party, 1948), and Wendell Willkie (1940, 1945). Literature from the Committee for Constitutional Government. Taft campaign song, 1948. Anti-Roosevelt literature, 1940. Literature on the Republican Party, Republican National Convention 1942-1948, and Taft-Hartley Law 1948.
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[0463a] Campaign for a Hate Free Oregon records, 1989-1993, Mss 2988-3
Location: Oregon Historical Society Research Library, 1200 SW Park Avenue, Portland, OR 97205
Description: Ballot Measure 9 on the 1992 general election ballot in Oregon was an attempt by the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) to amend the Oregon constitution to prohibit the enactment of laws by the state, counties, or cities that outlaw discrimination against homosexual or bisexual persons, and to require public schools in Oregon to teach students that homosexuality was "wrong," "unnatural," "perverse," and "abnormal." The Campaign for a Hate Free Oregon (CHFO) was a political organization formed to defeat Measure 9. The organization was also known as the Right To Privacy PAC and the "No On 9" campaign of 1992-1993. Records include correspondence, contribution lists, records and receipts of expenditures, bank statements, volunteer and employee logs, election reports to the Oregon Secretary of State, and organizing and strategy materials. Series A: Right to Privacy PAC - Campaign For A Hate Free Oregon: No On 9 Campaign Materials, 1989-1993, contains Analysis of Passage of Amendment 2 in Colorado and Defeat of Measure 9 in Oregon, circa 1992; a copy of the Springfield Charter Amendment (1992) (an anti-gay charter amendment written by the OCA and adopted by Springfield, Oregon, voters (56%-44%) on May 19, 1992); Text of Measure 9 & Background on OCA (circa 1992); a copy of Freedom Journal (OCA PAC, n.d.), which includes articles such as "Gay rights degrades Black Americans, other minorities"; "Homosexuality is not a minority"; and "Homosexuals are a rich class demanding special rights at the expense of true minorities"; a copy of The Oregon Witness (July 1992), which investigates the Oregon Citizens Alliance and the Christian Right; and miscellaneous information about the OCA, including a report from a private investigator (1992-1993).
Finding aid:
[0464] Campaign for an Independent Britain Collection, 1961-2008, Ref. No. CIB
Location: Archive and Special collections, British Library of Political and Economic Science, 10 Portugal Street, London WC2A 2HD, England
Description: The Common Market Safeguards Campaign was formed in 1969. After the post-entry referendum (1975), the name was changed to Safeguard Britain Campaign in 1976 and changed again in 1982 to the British Anti-Common Market Campaign. It changed its name to the Campaign for an Independent Britain in 1990. Papers of the Campaign for an Independent Britain (CIB), including minutes of meetings, financial records, press releases, newsletters, pamphlets, journals, correspondence, and publicity material. This collection includes the papers of related/predecessor organisations such as the Anti-Common Market League and the National Referendum Campaign.
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Finding aid:
[0465] Campaign For International Co-Operation And Disarmament (CICD) Collection, 1892-1988; 1991 (bulk 1953-1988), 79/152; 87/92; 87/93; 88/107; 88/121
Location: University of Melbourne Archives, Cultural Collections Reading Room, 3rd floor, Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne, Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010, Australia
Description: The Australian and New Zealand Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament, later known as the Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament (CICD) and after circa 1987 as the Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament, was established at an international Peace Congress staged in Melbourne in 1959. It was set up to support the ideals of the World Congress for Disarmament and International Co-operation, held in Stockholm in 1958. Includes the anti-Communist brochure "Unmasking the Moratorium" (May 1970), published by Citizens for Freedom (a right-wing organisation), and leaflets published by Jennifer McCallum, the leader of People Against Communism (a right-wing extremist group).
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