Kings and Consuls. James Richardson

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Название Kings and Consuls
Автор произведения James Richardson
Жанр Документальная литература
Издательство Документальная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781789974164

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also speaks of Caeles’ army, and it may be that the term sodales is applicable here too, to the soldiers in that army, or at least to some of them, those who were closest to their leader. The army, in any case, was Caeles’ army (Caelianus exercitus, says Claudius), and what was left of it following a setback of some kind and the death of Caeles – both of which are usually inferred from Claudius’ account – appears to have been passed on to Mastarna. This is quite clearly not the army of the city-state of Vulci, the ‘hometown’ of Caeles Vibenna; it is Caeles Vibenna’s own personal army. These are his men, and subsequently they become Mastarna’s.38

      The gentes were powerful groups who appear to have long been able to pursue their own ambitions, and even behave in ways that may have been contrary to the idea of the state. The best example is found in the story of the private war that was said to have been waged by the gens Fabia with the Etruscan city of Veii (or, it may be, just with a rival group based in that city). The evidence for this war is, however, deeply problematic, and it has long been recognised that the story of the Fabii’s expedition has been modelled on the famous, and essentially contemporary, exploits of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae; like the Spartans, the Fabii were 300 or so in number and, like the Spartans, they were all killed, and the parallels do not stop there.

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      From this necessarily brief and patchy overview, it is possible to see that, alongside the developing city-state of Rome, there appears to have existed various other social groups, and it seems that these groups could, for some time, act entirely independently of the state, if they so chose, even when they were based at Rome. The most obvious conclusions to draw from this are that the Roman state was at first under-developed and comparatively weak, and also that not everyone subscribed to the idea of it.

      The difficulty then is working out why, how and when the state and the idea of being a part of it and belonging to it – so, essentially, citizenship – became firmly established and more influential than, say, adherence to a man like Poplios Valesios or Attus Clausus, and also why, how and when those men themselves came to commit to the idea of the state, and to the idea that they too were citizens of it.

      These questions are, not surprisingly, unanswerable in any precise way, not just because the city and state of Rome were not founded at some particular moment in time, but also because the evidence is simply insufficient to answer questions of this kind in anything other than the most general of terms. The only contemporary evidence is the archaeological evidence, and archaeological evidence can only very rarely be used to answer questions about political ideas and practices. This is part of the reason why Carandini has ended up having to draw increasingly on the literary evidence for Romulus’ foundation of Rome, although he thinks that that evidence is reliable, or at least that some of it is. Not only do Carandini’s selective handling of the literary evidence and his need to reconcile it with the archaeological evidence (which points in a different direction) undermine his approach, but the basic assumption that the literary evidence for Romulus and the foundation of Rome sheds light on the origins of Rome is simply untenable.