Distracted Thoughts. L.F. dos Santos

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Название Distracted Thoughts
Автор произведения L.F. dos Santos
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783962299507

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       Distracted Thoughts

       in Buch aus dem Romeon Verlag

      1. Auflage, erschienen 4-2018

      Umschlaggestaltung: Romeon Verlag

      Cover artwork: L.F. dos Santos

      Text: L.F. dos Santos

      Layout: Romeon Verlag

      ISBN: 978-3-96229-950-7


      Copyright © Romeon Verlag, Kaarst

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       Distracted Thoughts

      L.F. dos Santos


      My name is Luis Filipe dos Santos, In poetry, I found a way to release my thoughts into paper. Distracted Thoughts, is a well-flavoured book with bittersweet ingredients, well-disposed: Poetry and prose.

      The result is a kind of stew, which reveals the strong as well as the weak points of mankind. Fiction with a trace of reality, an ideal blend to rouse up the numbness of our distracted souls. You will taste the divine flavour of what is ordinary.

       [email protected]

       The Pine Tree

      Majestically honouring the creator

      in a quiet and secluded place

      a rocky castle was built by nature,

      elevated from the bowels of earth.

      Archaic in structure, solid and inflexible

      an architectural miracle

      transcending a surreal stupefaction.

      Rich in nourishment

      for some biological species.

      In the top of the cliff

      the stage of the great maestro

      succumbs to God is feet

      among clouds cloaked with haze

      refreshing its conspicuous roots.

      In its long and steady branches

      the nest of a golden eagle

      dwells amid the leaves.

      The wind whistled in its branches

      scattering messages from a recent past.

      Memories from fallen civilizations crucified by greed.

      The maestro and its apprentice convey this revelation

      by spreading waves of vibrant sounds

      to all the trees of the valley.

      Given to it by chance the divine faculty

      because it is blessed by shape and splendour.

      Glad to embrace its fate

      picturing in energy what it receives.

      Transferring for its fellows

      in their inflicted blindness.

      Memories from fallen civilizations crucified by greed.

       The Piano

      Black and white everyone in its vibrates.

      A score to follow right or left in progress.

      Notes of bliss in every piece.

      Madness and stress fade

      the spirit gains harmony.

      Music is the key

      a universal complex

      just like love and sex,

      two hands playing like ten

      every filament confined in the stream.

      Mozart worshipped the piano

      a God within keys

      glory personalised in ivory.

      Sounds of heaven

      pronounced for eternity.

      Grand piano In pure wood framed

      visual and purity not compared

      to a lover, an event social,

      there is no rival contra this body astral.

       The Descent

      A sublime ultimate descent

      an epilogue of the sunny cloudy day.

      Spreading light through its slender tentacles

      piercing clouds, droplets, dust and shades of grey.

      Cutting the breath off

      remarkably narcissistic.

      Serving the poet a delicious dish

      argumentative, deign to exist.

      Blue and yellow progressively

      scatter away vanishing.

      The red paints intensity

      while descending.

      Offering beauty and warmth

      graciously bowing to the sky.

      Lessening its contrasts of light

      foreboding a goodbye.

      Scattering the sound of the waves through the wind

      the day succumbs to the night is feet.

      Enchanting all the beings of earth

      escorting them into calm and peaceful sleep.

       The Ritual

      Consumed by the waves of time

      perpetually untouchable

      in the penumbra

      deeply inside the rocks is cave

      a fleshless corpse lies.

      Where the moonlight evanesce,

      where the salt water

      had no room to embrace.
