Kansai Japanese. Peter Tse

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Название Kansai Japanese
Автор произведения Peter Tse
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462918072

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      MARTIN’S POCKET DICTIONARY by Samuel E. Martin

      “This is a boon for those of us who may speak Japanese but never properly learned to read or write kanji.”

      —Donald Richie, The Japan Times


      “This new compilation offers many advantages: a larger number of characters ..., more readings still in current use ..., and a greatly expanded listing of compounds ...”

      —Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies


      “This grammar ...is by far the most comprehensive reference grammar of Japanese in the English language (and perhaps in any language).”

      —Journal of Linguistics

      SPEAK JAPANESE TODAY by Takeo Kamiya

      “An ideal text for busy people who want to learn Japanese quickly.”

      —Hiroo Japanese Center

      Kansai Japanese

      Learn the language as it is really spoken in Western Japan!

      Curses and the macho style of male speech

      Lover’s language

      Gangster, samurai, and other rough ways of speaking

      Osaka, Hiroshima, and Kyoto Japanese

      The polite haru style of Western Japanese speech

      Men’s and women’s speech



      The Language of Osaka, Kyoto,

       and Western Japan




       Boston • Rutland, Vermont •Tokyo

      Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.

      © 1993 by Charles E. Tuttle Publishing Co., Inc.

       All rights reserved

      LCC Card No. 92-061820

       ISBN 0-8048-1868-1

       ISBN 978-1-4629-1807-2 (ebook)

      First printing, 1993

       Sixth printing, 2002

      Printed in Singapore

      Distributed by:

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      I studied Western Japanese for several years without the help of a decent book in English on how people actually speak in Western Japan. If this book succeeds in filling that gap, it is only because many friends took the time to explain and speak Western Japanese to me. The ones who deserve most thanks are the ones who thought up and then checked the example sentences in this book. Special thanks go to Yae Kunida, Seigo Nakazawa, Yoshio Kurokawa, Shizuko Nakazawa, Noriko Marshall, Junko Omura, and my teacher Sakiko Ogo.


1An Introduction to Kansai Japanese
A Word About Regional Names
Western Japanese: A Short Background
About the Format
Men’s and Women’s Kansai Talk
Men’s Pronouns
Women’s Pronouns
A Little Advice
Seven Major Differences Between Western and Eastern Japanese
2Standard Kansai Language
How Much?
How Are You?
Food and Drink
That’s Wrong!
Feeling Sick
Not Aware
Family Talk
Kansai Love
Two Teenage Girls in Kōbe
Two High School Boys in Ōsaka
3Kyōto Style
Polite Kyōtō Language
Two Office Women in Kyōto
Haru Review
4Hiroshima Style
Two Old Aunties in Hiroshima
5Ōsaka Style
Two Old Men in Ōsaka
6Tough Talk and Kansai Curses
Two Men Fighting over a Woman
7Kansai Descriptions
Not So Super
Irritating People
Teasers and Sex Fiends
Beautiful People and Nerds
This Stinks!
Dunces and Space Cadets
How Droll
Old and Young
8Kansai Grammar and Special Expressions
Kansai Grammar
Special Kansai Expressions


      Are you living somewhere in the western half of Honshu? Like maybe Ōsaka, Kyōto, Kōbe, Okayama, Hiroshima, or just about anywhere west of Nagoya? Are you planning a visit to either the Kinki (Ōsaka-Kyōto-Nara-Kōbe) or Chūgoku (Okayama-Hiroshima-Shimonoseki) region? Do you want to understand the gangsters, geisha, and samurai who always appear in Japanese movies? You’ll find, if it hasn’t confused or maddened you already, that the everyday Japanese spoken in Western Japan is totally unlike the Japanese you have been studying. They understand your textbook Japanese just fine but you can’t comprehend a word of what they say back to you; “they” meaning just about everybody speaking informally. They might be old people with all their stories to tell, your girlfriend or boyfriend, children, students in school uniforms, truck drivers, or just the regular people you meet at pubs, parties, or on the street. Think of all the listening practice you’re missing by not understanding the real language spoken around you all the time.

      If you really want to get to know Western Japan’s people, you’ll have to supplement your study of standard Japanese with Western Japanese. And with this book, you’ll have all you need to understand what you’re hearing in Western Japan and to communicate with friends, lovers, and foes in the language they really use.