Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

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Название Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary
Автор произведения Norbert Shadeg
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462910786

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      Norbert Shadeg


       Tokyo • Rutland, Vermont • Singapore

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      Copyright © 2007 Norbert Shadeg S.V.D., M.A. & Badan Serikat Sabda Allah / Societas Verbi Divini (S.V.D.)

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       Variant Spellings

       Grammatical Notes

       Levels of Language



       Balinese Writing


       Haksara Wayah

       Initial Vowels

       Initial Long Vowels

       Medial Vowel-signs

       Medial Long Vowels



       Conjunct r, w, and y




       Balinese-English Dictionary


      Besides new text by the author, this dictionary draws from various sources:

       Eerste Proeve van een Balineesch-Hollandsch Woordenboek (Utrecht, 1876) by R. van Eck.

       Kawi-Balineesch-Nederlandsch Woordenboek (1897–1912) by H.N. van der Tuuk.

       English-Balinese-Indonesian Vocabulary (Dénpasar, 1977) by the author.

       Kamus Bali Indonésia (Dénpasar, 1978), undertaken by a committee of Balinese scholars, in particular Dr Hi Wayan Warna.

       A Balinese-English Dictionary Vols.1&2 (Aberdeen, 1979) by C.C. Barber.

       Dr I.G.M. Tantra and Mr N. Putra, B.A., M.Sc. (Balinese-speaking research students at the University of Aberdeen).

       a number of small books in Balinese, including the 1928 edition of the Bible Society’s translation of the gospel of St Luke.

      Cross-references are provided to places where a fuller meaning is given. These cross-references are unavoidable, because of the uncertainty of Balinese spelling, and because of the alteration (in grammatical structure) of the initial consonant of verbs which have their basic form (S-form, the simple base) and their transitive form (N-form) in which the initial consonant is nasalized.

      A large number of N-forms are listed, together with the S-form. Verbs made with the prefixes ka- and ma- are omitted when their meaning is obvious; where the ka- verbs (with or without suffixes) are not simply the passive forms of the verbal base, they have been included. The ma- verbs are intransitive verbs made from nouns or adjectives (or other verbs), whose meaning is easily deduced from the meaning of the base.

      When a word has been formed from its base (by prefix or suffix or both, or by two prefixes), it is listed as it occurs, but separated from the prefixes or suffixes with hyphens (e.g. ka-tedun-an); the meaning is then given, and then its base with its meaning in its proper alphabetical order. If a phonetic change is involved, the separate parts are given in parentheses: (=tiru-an) for tiron. The hyphens are not part of the spelling or pronunciation, but they help to reduce the amount of repetition. When a ma- verb is an intransitive form, the hyphen is used; but when the ma- is the N-form of a word with the prefix pa-, the hyphen is omitted.

      The words are put in normal alphabetical order, except that ng and ny are treated as indivisible units, words with ng after all the words with n, and ny after the last word with ng (for ng and ny see Spelling, below). In this dictionary, e comes before é as in Balinese dictionaries: sedeng, sedéng, sédeng, sédéng.


      A mechanical transliteration of the Balinese script is used, not the modern Roman orthography often used in Bali, as the Balinese script is a more suitable medium for representing the language, since it makes the form of the bases and the structure of the grammatical forms philologically more intelligible. The most obvious difference