Peninsula Trails. Jean Rusmore

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Название Peninsula Trails
Автор произведения Jean Rusmore
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780899975658

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Springs Trail from Cañada Road

      Filoli was purchased by the Roth family in 1934, and Mrs. Roth gave the estate to the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 1975. The Filoli Center, a nonprofit organization, operates the center. The mansion is hardly visible from the trail, but its beautiful formal gardens and the mansion itself, as well as its nature trails, are open for tours by arrangement with the Filoli Center.

      From the Filoli gates your trail passes more oak-bordered meadows to reach the stone gates at the foot of Edgewood Road, the end of this trip. From there the Crystal Springs Trail continues on to Huddart Park.



      A short trip over a hill through the Watershed and down to West Union Creek in Huddart Park.

      Distance: 2.4 miles one way

      Time: 1¼ hours

      Elevation Change: 200’ gain

      As you pass the stone gates at the foot of Edgewood Road, fields extend on either side of Cañada Road. Come this way in April and May to see some of the Peninsula’s most dazzling displays of wildflowers. They thrive on the thin, magnesium-rich soil over serpentine rock outcroppings. Swatches of intense blue larkspur bloom against great drifts of cream cups, goldfields, poppies, lupines, and owl’s clover. Admire these flowers from the roadside paths, photograph or paint them, but do not cross the fence and walk among them. The fields have been set aside as a preserve in the Watershed, and these flowers, if left undisturbed, will continue to bloom year after year to amaze and delight your great-grandchildren.

      Where Cañada Road turns east to cross under the freeway, the trail continues south beside the freeway for nearly a mile between wire fences, the freeway on one side and the Watershed lands on the other. It’s not so attractive a stretch for walkers, but the cinderpath surface is popular with equestrians and joggers.

      The Crystal Springs Trail emerges from the cinderpath at Runnymede Road at the Woodside town boundary. From here another fenced trail goes about a mile across a corner of the Watershed and south on an easement to Raymundo Drive. From this point walk west on Raymundo Drive 0.2 mile to its cul-de-sac.

      The trail leaves the south side of the cul-de-sac, descending into oak woods on switchbacks for 0.3 mile to the redwood groves beside West Union Creek. Here a footbridge takes you across to forested Huddart Park. The Crystal Springs Trail continues upstream by the creek, then turns up through the park on the 3.5-mile trip to the Skyline described in An All-Day Hike Circling the Park, the first trip in the section on Huddart Park. Access to the Phleger Estate also is possible from this trail.

      For groups with a backpack excursion in mind, there is a trail camp (by reservation) about 1.25 miles up the trail on the park’s secluded north side. From there you can explore the miles of trail in the park, or climb up the mountainside to the Skyline Trail (and Bay Area Ridge Trail route) across to Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve.

      A wide, mile-long pedestrian, equestrian, and bicycle path and freeway overpass crosses high above 10-lane Junipero Serra Freeway, I-280, at its interchange with Highway 92. It connects the bike path on Ralston Avenue in Belmont to Cañada Road north of the Sheep Camp Trail junction.

      Jurisdiction: San Mateo County: 650-363-4020

      Facilities: Pedestrian, equestrian, and bicycle path

      Rules: Open sunrise to sunset

      Map: See map; USGS topo San Mateo

      How to Get There: From I-280: (1) East entrance—Take Hwy 92 exit east, then take Ralston Ave. exit. At first traffic signal, 1.13 miles east of Ralston/Polhemus/Hwy 92 interchange, park on south side of Ralston Ave. (2) West entrance: (a) Northbound—Take Hwy 92 west to Cañada Rd. Go south on it 0.2 mile to gate on east side. Parking is on either side of road. (b) Southbound— Take Half Moon Bay exit to Skyline Blvd. (Hwy 35) and continue south to Hwy 92, then turn east to Cañada Rd. Go south on it 0.2 mile to gate on east side.

      Distance: 2 miles round trip

      Time: 1 hour

      Elevation Change: 125’ loss

      This is no quiet country trail, but a paved, fenced path and concrete structure vaulting over the freeway. At this writing, the surface is a bit rough and cracked, but it is the only way to cross the freeway on foot, horse, or bicycle at this point. From Ralston Avenue the path goes through a gate to the Watershed lands and descends along chaparral-covered slopes. It curves south and then rises steeply to the arched structure over the freeway. A swift drop on the other side and a sharp right turn take you down to Cañada Road. On the west side you can pick up the roadside Crystal Springs Trail.

      An interesting 6.2-mile circle hike starting at the Ralston Avenue entrance combines the Overcrossing Trail, part of the Crystal Springs Trail, the Sheep Camp Trail, and the upper part of the Waterdog Lake Trail. When the Waterdog Lake Trail reaches Hallmark Drive, walk north on it to Ralston Avenue, then west on the Ralston bike path to where you started. These trails are described more fully in their separate chapters.


      Ralston Bike Trail/I-280 Overcrossing nearing Cañada Road

      A scenic downhill trip from the eastern crest of the Watershed winds downhill to cross under I-280. On the far side the trail meanders through sheltered oak groves and small meadows to join the Crystal Springs Trail at Cañada Road.

      Jurisdiction: San Mateo County: 650-363-4020

      Facilities: Trail for hikers and equestrians

      Rules: Open 8 A.M. to sunset; no dogs or bicycles

      Maps: See map; USGS topos San Mateo and Woodside

      How to Get There: From I-280 take Hwy 92 east to Ralston Ave., turn south on Hallmark Dr., west on Benson Way and south on St. James Rd. Gate to Watershed is on right.

      Distance: 2 miles round trip

      Time: 1 hour

      Elevation Change: 400’ loss

      Enter through the green gates to the Watershed. Walk straight ahead on the graveled road over the grassy slope to the sign SHEEP CAMP TRAIL,. CAÑADA ROAD 1.6 KM. No sheep are in sight, but around the bend is a view of eight or ten concrete lanes of the Junipero Serra Freeway, which would surprise its namesake, the Franciscan Father who trod a more modest path between his missions.

      Keep going downhill on the road and cross under the freeway. As the road starts up the hill to the vista point, go instead through a gate on the right. From here a dirt and gravel road takes you away from the freeway roar into the Watershed’s quiet oak woods and small meadows. About 0.5 mile from the gate you reach Cañada Road. On the far side is the Crystal Springs Trail, which goes south to Huddart Park and north to Highway 92. Just 0.4 mile south is the Pulgas Water Temple, a pleasant picnic destination.

      For an interesting 6.2-mile loop trip on the Sheep Camp Trail and other trails in this area, see the description of the Ralston Trail/I-280 Overcrossing. Someday it may be possible to make a 9-mile loop hike using the Sheep Camp, Crystal Springs, Edgewood, Pulgas Ridge, and Watershed boundary trails. Only a short connection from Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve to the eastern Watershed boundary trail is missing at this writing.

      Considered one of the best running courses in the Bay Area,