Boundary Waters Canoe Area: Western Region. Robert Beymer

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Название Boundary Waters Canoe Area: Western Region
Автор произведения Robert Beymer
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780899976105

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are not permitted to travel beyond Trout Lake itself.

      What does all this mean for you? On the one hand, you may encounter some noise and congestion, mostly in the form of motorboats, on Trout Lake. On the other hand, if you are seeking a quick escape to solitude, you can find it at the Trout Lake entry point if you don’t mind sharing the first two large lakes with boaters and if you don’t stop on Trout Lake itself. You can quickly pass through one of the busiest lakes in the Boundary Waters and into one of the least traveled and most pristine areas in the wilderness, offering as much peace and solitude as anywhere else in the BWCAW. If you can tolerate the first and last days of these two routes, you will surely find a wilderness trip from this entry point to be outstanding.

      Trout Lake is also one of the most available entry points in the entire BWCAW. The supply of overnight travel permits is usually much greater than the demand for them. If you are looking at the last minute for a good wilderness canoe trip, and most other entry points are filled up, consider Trout Lake as a fine alternative.

      The Trout Lake area was affected by the 1999 windstorm. In some places more than 50 percent of the trees were knocked flat.

      Route 1-1 THE PINE CREEK LOOP

       3 Days, 26 Miles, 4 Lakes, 2 Creeks, 4 Portages

      DIFFICULTY: Easier FISHER MAPS: F-1, F-8

      INTRODUCTION This short loop will give you an excellent taste of what the Boundary Waters can offer. You’ll leave the large lakes, where motorboats are permitted, and enter a more isolated and peaceful region restricted to paddlers—an area that receives relatively few human visitors and is home to much wildlife. From the boat landing on Vermilion Lake, the route first leads northeast to Trout and Little Trout lakes. It then follows tiny Pine Creek southeast to Pine Lake. Finally, it returns to the south end of Trout Lake and backtracks to Vermilion Lake.

      A longtime favorite of anglers, Trout Lake contains lake trout, walleyes, northern pike, and smallmouth bass, while Little Trout and Pine lakes are good sources of walleyes and northern pike. Stretching the loop over three full days should allow plenty of time to fish. Avid anglers may want to add a fourth day, however, to allow time to explore the more remote lakes just east of the loop. Strong paddlers with little or no interest in fishing could surely complete the loop in just two days. Beware the possibility of strong winds and high waves, however, on Trout and Vermilion lakes. That could slow travel considerably, or make it virtually impossible. When the winds are up, be conservative about your paddling skills. A windy day might be the perfect time to catch up on the book you’re reading.

      There are two portages connecting Vermilion and Trout lakes. The 40-rod trail starts at the north end of a small bay and climbs a small hill en route to Portage Bay of Trout Lake. About a quarter mile east of this portage is a half-mile-long portage used by trucks to haul motorboats between the lakes.

      The creek connecting Little Trout and Trout lakes can be very shallow, and there could be a beaver dam there to necessitate a quick lift-over. Don’t panic if you see a number of canoes on Little Trout Lake. It seems that anglers often use motorboats to access campsites at the north end of Trout Lake. Then they paddle canoes into Little Trout Lake to fish. The campsites on the sandy shore of Little Trout Lake are well used, but not as attractive as many of those on Trout Lake. The shallow water in front of the sites may also be choked with aquatic vegetation after mid-summer. If you don’t mind sharing “your” lake with boaters, you might prefer to camp at the more attractive sites on Trout Lake. Even if you camp on Little Trout Lake, you are likely to hear motors on nearby Trout Lake right up until dark (and maybe thereafter).

      Day 2 (7 miles): Little Trout Lake, Little Trout Creek, Trout Lake, p. 60 rods, Pine Creek, Pine Lake. Pine Creek is much deeper and wider than Little Trout Creek. The 60-rod portage at the mouth of the creek could be shortened to 40 rods when there is plenty of water in the creek. Try paddling up the creek past the first landing for 20 rods to the next landing on the right. The path is excellent—quite smooth and virtually level. The put-in at the other end, however, is awkward and muddy. Unless beavers are active, there may be no other obstructions along the course of the creek. When the water level is low, however, you may have to lift your canoe across a shallow, boulder-strewn section of the creek about a mile from the portage. You may also bottom out at the source of the creek, near Pine Lake. Of course, beavers may entirely alter the character of Pine Creek at any time.

      You’ll find a scenic overlook at the summit of a high rock slope adjacent to the Chad Lake portage trail. A short climb leads to a panoramic view across Pine Creek valley. In mid-July, you might also find a wealth of blueberries on the rocky slope.

      There are several good campsites on Pine Lake. The best are in the northwest part of the lake. The most private are in the southeast end. A couple small sand beaches along the east shoreline may be enticing to swimmers.

      Be alert for wildlife. One author reports seeing three deer, one moose, two mink, several great blue herons, two loons, a soaring bald eagle, and very few human beings—all on a “busy” Fourth of July weekend.

      After negotiating the final portage (this time mostly downhill), you may want to reward your efforts by soaking your body in the gentle, scenic rapids where Trout Lake drains into Vermilion Lake.


       5 Days, 53 Miles, 14 Lakes, 2 Rivers, 3 Creeks, 22 Portages

      DIFFICULTY: Most rugged FISHER MAPS: F-1, F-8, F-9

      INTRODUCTION This is a good route for seasoned canoeists who don’t mind hard work to achieve wilderness solitude. The route will take you from Vermilion Lake north through Trout and Little Trout lakes and then across a long portage to the Little Indian Sioux River. You will paddle east on this tiny, winding stream, through marshy terrain teeming with wildlife, to its headwaters at Otter and Cummings lakes. From the east end of Cummings Lake, you will turn south and then west, navigating the smaller lakes and streams that will return you to the busy motor route where you began.


      Little Trout Creek

      Your first and last days will probably be shared with many others, but solitude will be yours to cherish while following the rest of this interesting loop. Moose and deer are plentiful along the Little Indian Sioux River, and fishing is good in many of the lakes along the route. Try for bass in Otter, Cummings, Chad, and Trout Lake. Or try for a walleye breakfast in Pine, Buck, Little Trout, or Trout lakes. Northern pike are found in nearly all of the lakes on this route. Lake trout are found in the depths of big Trout Lake.

      Beware the possibility of low water in the Little Indian Sioux River, particularly during late summer or an unusually dry year. At times, the water could be too low to carry a loaded canoe. You might get through, but it could take much longer than expected. Consult with the Forest Service before starting out on this route.

      Day 1 (11 miles): Vermilion Lake, p. 40 rods, Trout Lake, Little Trout Creek, Little Trout Lake. (See comments for Day 1, Route #1-1.) If strong wind out of the north or west makes crossing Trout Lake very difficult or impossible, you could reverse this route. You would bypass the main part of Trout Lake, and a north or west wind would be no problem until you reached Cummings Lake and began your journey back to Trout Lake.

      Day 2 (13 miles):