Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Название Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary
Автор произведения Phan Van Giuong
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462910939

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1 v. to concern, to involve, to be interested 2 v. to stop a quarrel or a fight

      can döï v. to be implicated, to have something to do with

      can ñaûm adj., n. courageous; courage

      can heä v. to be vital, to concern

      can ngaên v. to advise [against something], to stop doing something

      can thieäp v. to intervene, to interfere

      caùn 1 n. straight handle [of a tool] 2 v . to run over; to grind

      caùn boä n. cadre

      caùn caân n. balance

      caùn söï n. technician

      caøn 1 v. to rush through, to raid, to mop up 2 adj. to be inconsiderate; arbitrary; wanton

      caûn v. to hinder, to stop, to block, to prevent

      caûn trôû v. to hinder, to prevent, to obstruct

      caïn 1 adj. dried up 2 v. no more to say; finished

      caùng 1 n. stretcher, litter, palanquin 2 v. to carry on a stretcher or litter

      caùng ñaùng v. to take charge of; to assume the responsibility

      caøng adv. increasingly, all the more, the more

      caûng n. R port, harbor

      canh 1 n. soup, broth 2 v. to watch over, to guard

      canh caûi v. to change, to reform

      canh gaùc v. to guard, to watch

      canh giöõ v. to guard, to defend, to protect

      canh noâng n. agriculture

      canh phoøng v. to watch, to defend, to be vigilant

      canh taùc v. to cultivate, to do farming

      canh taân v. to modernize, to reform

      caùnh n. wing [bird’s], a leaf, a side

      caønh n. branch, bough, twig, limb

      caûnh n. landscape, view, scenery, sight, scene, site, spectacle; condition, state, plight

      caûnh caùo v. to warn; to arouse, to alarm

      caûnh bò v., n. to guard; guard, police, patrol

      caûnh binh n. military police

      caûnh caùo v. to warn

      caûnh huoáng n. situation, plight

      caûnh ngoä n. situation, plight

      caûnh saùt n. police, policeman

      caûnh saùt cuoäc n. police station

      caûnh trí n. landscape, sight, view, scenery

      caûnh töôïng n. spectacle, scene, view

      caûnh vaät n. nature; spectacle

      caïnh n., adv. side, edge, ridge; to be beside

      caïnh tranh v. to compete with

      cao adj. tall, high; to excel [in a game]; exalted, lofty, noble

      cao caû adj., adv. to be great, noble; greatly, nobly

      cao caáp adj. high-ranking, top-ranking, top level

      cao cöôøng adj. superior, excellent

      Cao Ñaøi n. Caodaist, Caodaism

      cao ñaúng adj. higher education

      cao ñoä n. pitch, height, altitude

      cao hoïc n. post-graduate studies

      cao höùng adj. inspired, elated

      cao laâu n. restaurant

      cao lôùn adj. tall, high

      cao löông myõ vò n. exquisite dishes, the best food

      Cao-Ly n. Korea; Korean

      Cao Meân n. Cambodia; Cambodian, Khmer

      cao minh adj. intelligent, farsighted, enlightened

      cao nguyeân n. uplands, highlands

      cao nieân adj. elderly, old

      cao quyù adj. noble

      cao raùo adj. high, tall; good-looking

      cao sang adj. noble

      cao su n. rubber

      cao taêng n. eminent monk

      cao taàn n. high frequency

      cao thöôïng adj. noble, magnanimous

      cao traøo n. movement, high tide

      cao voïng n. ambition

      cao xa adj. far-reaching, exalted; utopian, unrealistic

      cao xaï n. anti-aircraft

      caùo n. fox

      caùo baïch n. leaflet, handbill, announcement, advertisement

      caùo beänh v. to feign illness

      caùo bieät v. to take leave of; to say goodbye

      caùo chung v. to announce its own end

      caùo giaùc v. to denounce

      caùo giaø adj. foxy, clever, crafty

      caùo phoù n. death announcement

      caùo thò n. announcement, proclamation, notice

      caùo traïng n. charge, indictment

      caùo tri v. to inform, to notify

      caùo töø v. to take leave; to say goodbye

      caøo v. to scratch, to claw; to rake

      caøo caøo n. grasshopper, locust

      caûo n. draft.

      caïo v. to scrape, to scratch, to graze, to peel, to shave

      caïo giaáy n. clergy; bureaucrat clergy

      caùt n. sand

      caùt tuyeán n. secant

      cau 1 v. to frown 2 n. areca palm

      caùu adj. dirty

      caùu kænh adj. furious

      caùu tieát adj. furious

      caøu nhaøu v. to grumble

      cay adj. to be peppery hot; hot

      cay cuù v. to have a passion for [card game, etc.]

      cay ñaéng adj. bitter, miserable, painful

      cay ñoäc adj. cruel, malicious

      cay nghieät adj. stern; cruel

      caùy n. small crab

      caøy n., v. plow

      caïy v. to prise up

      caäy v. to rely on as an asset

      caéc n. dime

      caéc keø n. chameleon, gecko

      caêm v. to bear a grudge against

      caêm phaån v. to feel indignant

      caêm thuø v. to hate and resent; to feel a vindictive hatred for

      caém v. to plant, to thrust, to pitch

      caèm n. chin

      caëm cuïi v., adj. to be absorbed in a task; completely wrapped up in

      caên 1 n. R root; cause, origin, source 2 n. flat, apartment, compartment

      caên baûn n., adj. base, basis, fundamentals, background; to be basic, fundamental
