Kamakura: Fact & Legend. Iso Mutsu

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Название Kamakura: Fact & Legend
Автор произведения Iso Mutsu
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462908714

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       Fact and Legend

      Incorporates "On the Road to Enoshima."

       Woodprint block by Hiroshige.


       Fact and Legend

      Iso Mutsu

      With a Foreword by Lady Bouchier


       Boston • Rutland, Vermont • Tokyo

      Cover: Statue of Nichiren at Ryuko-ji.

       Photo by Fumio Sekiguchi.

      The symbols used on pages 8, 54, etc., are signatures of Minamoto no Yoritomo

      Published by Tuttle Publishing,

       an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.

      First published by Tokyo News Service, Ltd., 1918

       © 1995 by Charles E. Tuttle Publishing Co., Inc.

      LCC Card No. 94-61007

       ISBN: 978-1-4629-0871-4 (ebook)

      First Tuttle edition, 1995

       Second printing, 2002

       Printed in Singapore

      Distributed by:

      Japan & Korea

       Tuttle Publishing

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Foreword by Lady Bouchier 11
Preface by Ian Mutsu 15
Historical Sketch 19
1 Egara Tenjin 43
2 Sugimoto-dera 48
3 Hōkoku-ji 55
4 Jōmyō-ji 60
5 Kōsoku-ji (Jūniso) 66
6 Zuisen-ji 72
7 Kamakura Shrine 78
8 Kakuon-ji 82
9 The Tomb of Yoritomo 91
10 Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine 94
11 Kenchō-ji 107
12 Arai no Enmadō (Ennō-ji) 123
13 Tōkei-ji 127
14 Engaku-ji 131
15 Meigetsu-in 163
16 Jōchi-ji 168
17 The Fudo Temple and Lake of Imaizumi 169
18 Jufuku-ji 172
19 Eishō-ji 179
20 The Tomb of Tamesuke 181
21 Kuzuharagaoka Jinja 187
22 Kaizō-ji 190