Converging Paths. Susan Santucci

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Название Converging Paths
Автор произведения Susan Santucci
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462901074

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Hanh said, "To me religious life is life. I do not see any reason to spend one's whole life tasting just one kind of fruit. We can be nourished by the best values from many traditions."

      Converging Paths is an inspirational collection of parallel sayings from great Eastern and Western teachers. From Jesus and Buddha to Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama, these words can inspire, inform, and nourish your spirit. Each page offers a pair of dynamic quotes, followed by a practical piece of advice, written to offer comfort, guidance, hope, and encouragement.

      This little book is thought provoking but fun. It will challenge you to expand your outlook. Whatever your faith, these timeless thoughts can recharge your being. Lose yourself in these pages—they will offer your spirit the greatest wisdom of the ages. Even a few moments of practice, done fully, can alter the rest of your day.

      —Susan Santucci

       Cambridge, Massachusetts

      The Law of Abundance

      What goes out from you

       comes back to you again.


       4th c. B.C. Chinese philosopher

      Give and it will be given to you.

      —Luke 6: 3 8, NRSV

      Goodness and happiness exist in

      abundance. You can create them

      through your generosity.

      Know the Divine Value of Your Life

      I wish I could be like Asita and Simeon,

       the holy men who came to see the Buddha and Jesus,

       and tell you how important your birth is.

      —Thich Nhat Hanh

      That is why I say unto you,

       "For your sakes I came down."

       You are the beloved.

      —Epistle of John 4: 16, KJV

      Jesus said that in the great

      scheme of things, you will find that

      your life is one single day and your

      sufferings one single hour. So awake

      to how brief and precious your life

      really is. Cherish each day.


      Since our thoughts and words are the seeds that will bring forth

       our harvest of the future, I will begin today

       to fill my consciousness with the ideas of abundance.

      —Paramahansa Yogananda

      In the center of your own soul

       choose what you want to become, to accomplish...

       Every day in the silence of absolute conviction know that

       it is now done.... Imagine yourself to be what you want to be.

       See only that which you desire, refuse even to think of the other.

       Stick to it, never doubt.

       Say many times a day, "I am that thing."

      —Ernest Holmes

      Replace negative thoughts

      with positive ones.

      Act as if you believe,

      and in time your belief

      will take root.

      Know That You Are Never Alone

      I am always with all beings;

       I abandon no one.

       And however great your inner darkness,

       you are never separate from me.

      —The Bhagavad Gita

      Lo, I am with you always,

       even unto the end of the world.

      —Matthew 28:20, KJV

      Just as the wave is never separate

      from the mighty ocean,

      so our soul is never separate

      from God.

      Go on a Spiritual Retreat

      Every person needs a retreat, a "dynamo" of silence,

       where he may go for the exclusive purpose of being newly