Day Hikes in the Pacific Northwest. Don J. Scarmuzzi

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Название Day Hikes in the Pacific Northwest
Автор произведения Don J. Scarmuzzi
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781513261096

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under Hawkeye Point. The gorgeous lake partially to fully thaws for only a fraction of the year (if that) and thus sees most visitors in late September when the rampant mosquitoes of midsummer are mostly gone. Mountain goats love the rocky and snowy high basin and walls under Hawkeye Point as well as the lake itself for much of the year. Keep your distance from these endearing yet wild animals as you carefully cross the outlet creek coming from the lake and walk down the trail without any difficulty.

      Enjoy the views of the cascade coming from Goat Lake behind as you stroll S by more surprises, beautiful creeks, an immense blanket of purple lupine, Western pasqueflower, paintbrush, and others, with Old Snowy looming above to the left. Mount Adams and Mount St. Helens are much farther to the S and SW. In around 2½ mi from Goat Lake is the end of Lily Basin Trail past a stream crossing near part of the Snowgrass Flats camping area, with Snowgrass Trail 96 moving steeply up to the left (E) a mile to the PCT or straight down. Walk down ¾ mi steeper to the lower meadows with Bypass Trail 97 heading left (E) to the PCT or Cispus Pass.

      Hike steeply S down turns on Trail 96, then follow a flat traverse right (NW) turning SW past a pond or two with great reflections before you cross Goat Creek over the bridge. Finish the last couple of miles through the thickening forest up around 400 ft in elevation (gradual) and down to the Snowgrass Flats TH as you finish on Trail 96A just past Trail 96 moving right (W) to Berry Patch TH in ½ mi.


      ELEVATION: 7930 ft, with 3680 ft vertical gain

      DISTANCE: Almost 8 mi one way, 16 mi round-trip

      DURATION: 4 hours up, 7 hours round-trip

      DIFFICULTY: Very challenging. Only steep near top, very long, well-marked, brief rocky scramble near summit, lingering snow until late summer, mountain goat encounters possible

      TRIP REPORT: Rite-of-passage destination for Goat Rocks Wilderness hikers is this magnificent trek within an ancient stratovolcano. The entire wilderness was once a colossal volcano eroded by glaciers over time leaving behind beautiful ridges, peaks, valleys, and lakes that all hold snow until late July or August but then reveal one of the most colorful displays of wildflowers in the Pacific Northwest! Northwest Forest Pass required, and an outhouse is located more than ¼ mi away at Berry Patch TH.

      TRAILHEAD: Snowgrass Flats TH. See hike 19 for directions.

      ROUTE: Fill out a free self-issue Wilderness Permit at the kiosk and signage for Snowgrass Spur Trail 96A and walk by a small lake to Trail 96 proper. Head right (NE) on Trail 96 almost 2 mi easily up 400 ft, then down just as much with a very mild grade, to cross Goat Creek over the bridge. Continue without much of a pitch for a couple miles as you start N up a little rise in the thinning trees to the juncture with Bypass Trail 97 on the right near the bottom of Snowgrass Flats (a few camp spots at 5600 ft).

      As a slightly easier and longer brief loop option, you could traverse Trail 97 a mile E to its end at the PCT, then turn left (N) a mile on the PCT to the junction with the end of Trail 96. Hike more directly left instead, a bit steeper ¾ mi N on the Snowgrass Trail to Snowgrass Flats, which is actually quite hilly between flat areas. Leave what seems like the main trail but is really Lily Basin Trail 86 continuing N to Goat Lake and beyond for the fork right (ENE) on Snowgrass Trail 96, steeper almost a mile winding up the clearing to the PCT.

      Turn left on PCT 2000 to traverse 1½ mi N up under Old Snowy Mountain by wildflowers and big cairns into the high alpine environment, then across a lingering snowfield without trouble en route to another intersection. Follow the wood sign right (E) toward Old Snowy on the PCT Alternate Trail up steeper rocky turns ½ mi to the high ridge. Climb right (SSE) more than ¼ mi to the summit over scree and boulders on the thinning ridgeline between the Packwood and McCall Glaciers where it becomes steeper, but not too difficult, to the very top finishing over larger rock.


      A hiker revels adjacent to the glaciers under Goat Rock’s rugged rim from Old Snowy south to nearby Mount Adams.

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